-- DanieleLaugier - 2021-09-29

How to install Felixcore (and the basic for the setup) (here: installation@EMF identical to P1)

Copy LTDB specifics files from pc-lar-felix-ltdb-02 @P1 to pcemf-felix-01 @EMF

In pc-lar-felix-ltdb-02 at P1

mkdir /atlas-home/0/$USER/transfert
cd /det/lar/project/LTDB
rm -rf ~/transfert
cp -r Felix ~/tranfert
cp -r setup.sh ~/tranfert
cp -r lib ~/tranfert
cp -r dependencies ~/tranfert
cp -r tools ~/tranfert

In pcemf-felix-01, in directory /det/lar/project/LTDB :

cd /det/lar/project/LTDB

scp -r pc-lar-felix-ltdb-02:/atlas-home/0/$USER/transfert/* ./

vim setup.sh ==> Modify the path to the software felix (/det/tdaq/felix/felix-04-01-01-stand-alone/ at emf)

cd Felix
vim configurationFelixScript_productionServer.sh
==> Add a switch to the if condition to the chose of the host (line 22)
elif [ $(hostname) = pcemf-felix-01 ];then SETUP="EMF FELIX 01"

Then modify start.sh
vim configurationFelixScript_productionServer.sh
===> Add switch for host choice (line 73)
if [ $(hostname) = pcemf-felix-01 ];then LOG="/data/logs/$SERVICE"
OPTIONS="--data-interface default -m 1 -p 12345 -d 0 -d 1 -d 2 -d 3"

Then start felixcore : ./start.sh

How to install OpcUaScaServer @EMF

Copy LTDB specifics files from pc-lar-felix-ltdb-02 @P1 to pcemf-felix-01 @EMF

In pc-lar-felix-ltdb-02 at P1

mkdir /atlas-home/0/$USER/transfert
cd /det/lar/project/LTDB/OpcUaScaServer
cp -r start.sh ~/transfert
cp -r setup.sh ~/transfert
cp -r Configuration.xsd ~/transfert
cp -r ScaOpcUa ~/transfert

In pcemf-felix-01, in directory /det/lar/project/LTDB/OpcUaScaServer :

cd /det/lar/project/LTDB/OpcUaScaServer

scp -r pc-lar-felix-ltdb-02:/atlas-home/0/$USER/transfert/* ./
vim start.sh

After variable definition the the line (at line 10) :

if [ $(hostname) = pcemf-felix-01 ];then
PROGRAM_NAME=" ./ScaOpcUa/bin/OpcUaScaServer"

After, it must create the configs file in a sub repertory with the hostname name


You can start the server with :


How to install OpcUaLarLtdbServer @EMF

Copy LTDB specifics files from pc-lar-felix-ltdb-02 @P1 to pcemf-felix-01 @EMF

On pc-lar-felix-ltdb-02 :

mkdir /atlas-home/0/$USER/transfert
cd /det/lar/project/LTDB/OpcUaLarLtdbServer
rm -rf ~/transfert
cp -r generalConfigFile.xml ~/transfert
cp -r Configuration.xsd ~/transfert
cp -r mapping ~/transfert
cp -r latome ~/transfert
cp -r ConfigDocumentation.html ~/transfert
cp -r AddressSpaceDoc.html ~/transfert
cp -r status.sh ~/transfert
cp -r specificLtdbConfigFile.xml ~/transfert
cp -r ServerConfig.xml ~/transfert
cp -r PKI ~/transfert
cp -r setup.sh ~/transfert
cp -r configs ~/transfert
cp -r OpcUaLarLtdbServer ~/transfert
cp -r start.sh ~/transfert

In our computer, in directory /det/lar/project/LTDB/OpcUaLarLtdbServer :

cd /det/lar/project/LTDB/OpcUaLarLtdbServer
scp -r pc-lar-felix-ltdb-02:/atlas-home/0/$USER/transfert/* ./

vim start.sh

Add, a if case for this host

if [ $(hostname) = pcemf-felix-01 ];then

Open the port 48030 for the LAR server (centOS7 machine):

sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 48030 -j ACCEPT

Open the port 48030 for the LAR server (ALMA9 machine):

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=48030/tcp --permanent

sudo firewall-cmd --reload

You can start the server with :


Some debuging

Fiber's probleme

To know if it is :

cd /det/lar/project/LTDB/tools/scanSca

source setup.sh

./scan.sh -l 1 -d

This tool gives details on the fiber connection

You can also use

flx-info POD

If a fiber isn't ok, you can use auxiliary elink, the corresponding are given by the scan.sh

How to modify OpcUaLarLtdbServer

Piotr tutorial:




Import the project from git: on Eclipse => Fichier/import/ import from Git (with smart import) / clone URl / https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-dcs-opcua-servers/opcualarltdbserver.git

You need :
url = https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-dcs-opcua-servers/opcualarltdbserver.git
[submodule "UaoClientForOpcUaSca"]
url = https://gitlab.cern.ch/etfortin/UaoClientForOpcUaSca.git
[submodule "UaoForQuasar"]
url = https://github.com/quasar-team/UaoForQuasar.git

ECLIPSE and git:

all git commands can be done with: rigth click on the project / Team

Continuous integration (CI):

The compilation result is made by a Continuous Integration ==> the result of the compilation is in the git CI pipeline : https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-dcs-opcua-servers/opcualarltdbserver/-/pipelines

How to modify the configuration files

On pc-lar-felix-ltdb-02 :

cd /det/lar/project/LTDB/
rm -rf ~/transfert
cp -r mapping ~/transfert

In pcemf-felix-01, in directory /det/lar/project/LTDB/

scp -r pc-lar-felix-ltdb-02:/atlas-home/0/$USER/transfert/mapping ./
cd OpcUaLarLtdbServer /
ln -s ../common/ltdb_calibration_files ./
cp ltdb091 ltdb090
cd ../../tools/SCAConfigGenerator/
cp -r output/* ../../../OpcUaScaServer/
cd /det/lar/project/LTDB/tools/configGenerator
generateFromLtdbNum.sh 90
cp ./output ../../ ../../OpcUaLarLtdbServer/configs/OpcUaLarLtdb-default/
ssh -X pcemf-pm-0
cd /det/lar/project/firmware/LATOME/LATOME_FW-v4.0.1/LATOME/firmware_control
check_application_factory.latome.sh 16
get_version.latome.sh 16

Check pcemf-felix-01 installation

edit your .bashrc and add this (don't forget to tap "bash" after modifying your bashrc) :

alias status='/det/lar/project/LTDB/tools/misc/status.sh'

then you can check if servers are running, what is theirs PID and theirs logs


You can stop the server with a kill -9 <pid>, or check the log with a tail -f <log>

How to install WinCCOA project

WinCCOA project creation on pcatllarltdbemf @EMF

  • Project creation

From lxplus, connect to pcatllarltdbemf under the lardcs user

ssh -X lardcs@pcatllarltdbemf

For the password, ask to Florent Bernon


Create a new distributed project called ATLLARLTDB, with a system name ATLLARLTDB





  • JCOP framework

cp -r /winccoa/fwInstallation/* /localdisk/winccoa/ATLLARLTDB/

start your projet, and install the jcop framework as described in this document (page 7, start to step 6) https://edms.cern.ch/ui/file/1085148/1/fwInstallationTool_UGDG.pdf. Use /winccoa/fwComponents_ATLLARLTDB as source directory

  • Copy data from original project
On pcatllar05

cd /localdisk/winccoa/gitWin

git clone https://gitlab.cern.ch/etfortin/atllarltdb.git

cd atllarltdb

cp -r ../../ATLLARLTDB/dplist/* ./dplist

cp -r ../../ATLLARLTDB/colorDB/* ./colorDB

cp -r ../../ATLLARLTDB/panels/* ./panels

cp -r ../../ATLLARLTDB/scripts/* ./scripts

cp -r ../../ATLLARLTDB/pictures/* ./pictures

git add --all

git commit -m "update the mm/dd/aa"

git push

On pcatllarltdbemf (with lardcs user)

cd /localdisk/winccoa

git clone https://gitlab.cern.ch/etfortin/atllarltdb.git


cp -r ../atllarltdb/dplist/* ./dplist

cp -r ../atllarltdb/colorDB/* ./colorDB

cp -r ../atllarltdb/panels/* ./panels

cp -r ../atllarltdb/scripts/* ./scripts

cp -r ../atllarltdb/pictures/* ./pictures

vim ./config/progs

Delete all and write :

version 1

auth "" ""
#Manager | Start | SecKill | Restart# | ResetMin | Options
WCCILpmon | manual | 30 | 3 | 1 |
WCCILdata | always | 30 | 3 | 1 |
WCCILevent | always | 30 | 3 | 1 |
WCCILproxy | manual | 30 | 2 | 2 |
WCCOArdb | always | 30 | 2 | 2 |-num 99
WCCILsim | always | 30 | 2 | 2 |
WCCILdist | manual | 30 | 2 | 2 |
WCCOAopcua | always | 30 | 2 | 2 |-num 8
WCCILsim | manual | 30 | 2 | 2 |-num 8
WCCOActrl | always | 30 | 3 | 1 |-f pvss_scripts.lst
WCCOActrl | manual | 30 | 3 | 3 |-f fwInstallationAgent.lst
WCCOActrl | once | 30 | 1 | 1 |-f fwScripts.lst
WCCOActrl | always | 30 | 2 | 2 |-f LarLtdb.lst
WCCOActrl | manual | 30 | 3 | 5 |fwFSM/fwFsmSrvr.ctl
WCCOActrl | always | 30 | 3 | 2 |unDistributedControl.ctl
WCCOActrl | manual | 30 | 3 | 5 |never touch me -num 10
WCCOAsmi | manual | 30 | 3 | 5 |never touch me -num 10
WCCOAsmi | manual | 30 | 3 | 5 |never touch me -num 10
WCCOAui | manual | 5 | 3 | 5 |-p fwDeviceEditorNavigator/fwDeviceEditorNavigator.pnl -iconBar -menuBar
WCCOAui | manual | 5 | 3 | 5 |-p fwTrending/fwTrending.pnl -iconBar -menuBar
WCCOActrl | manual | 30 | 3 | 5 |never touch me -num 50
WCCOAui | once | 30 | 3 | 1 |-m gedi +config config.gedi

  • OPCUA client configuration
Add an OPCUA client :
  1. system_management.png
  2. driver_opc.png
  3. opcua_client.png
  4. create a serveur and configure as it : serveur.png
  5. then click on manage : manage.png
  6. create a subscription and configure as it :subscription.png
If serveur is connected, you will seen the state "connected" at the panel num 5

  • Create DPtype and DP
Open the pannel Create_LTDB_DPE.pnl and launch it launch_panel.png

then : create_DP.png

  1. disable acces control (used only at Pit)



Now you can start the project by opening the main.pnl launch_panel.png

How to modify GUI winccoa

For P1: pcatllar05

source /det/dcs/linuxScripts/set_env_316.sh

WCCOAui -proj ATLLARLTDB -m gedi

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng AC_Setup.png r1 manage 123.1 K 2022-04-15 - 09:52 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng create_DP.png r1 manage 109.0 K 2021-10-11 - 17:04 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng create_new_project.png r1 manage 0.7 K 2021-10-12 - 11:14 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng disable_AC.png r1 manage 130.5 K 2022-04-15 - 09:54 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng distributed_project.png r1 manage 39.3 K 2021-10-12 - 11:14 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng driver_opc.png r1 manage 2.0 K 2021-10-11 - 16:44 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng launch_panel.png r1 manage 1.0 K 2021-10-11 - 17:04 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng manage.png r1 manage 3.4 K 2021-10-11 - 16:50 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng opcua_client.png r1 manage 3.3 K 2021-10-11 - 16:47 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng project_name.png r1 manage 48.5 K 2021-10-12 - 11:15 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng serveur.png r1 manage 73.4 K 2021-10-11 - 16:49 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng subscription.png r1 manage 83.2 K 2021-10-11 - 16:51 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng system_management.png r1 manage 1.1 K 2021-10-11 - 16:43 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng system_name.png r1 manage 34.9 K 2021-10-12 - 11:15 MathieuBiaut  
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Topic revision: r16 - 2024-01-24 - MathieuBiaut
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