-- YanpingHuang - 08 Jun 2014




mkdir pythia8

cd pythia8

cp /afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/p/pengc/xxl/codesbackup/generators/pythia8/pythia8176.tar ./

tar -xvf pythia8176

cd pythia8176


cd examples ;

make main01;


cp /workfs/atlas/pengc/workarea/HGG/Dataskim/pythia8/pythia8176/examples/Pythia8_FastJet_original ./ -r

cd Pythia8_FastJet_original

change the PYTHIA8=/workfs/atlas/pengc/workarea/HGG/Dataskim/generators/pythia8/

pythia8176 to your own directory in sourceenv.sh


Link: https://herwig.hepforge.org/trac/wiki/HerwigInstallation

Setup of PEG package:

tar xjvf ThePEG-1.8.3.tar.bz2

cd ThePEG-1.8.3

./configure --prefix=/publicfs/atlas/codesbackup/pengc/generators/ThePEG/1.8.3/ --with-LHAPDF=/publicfs/atlas/codesbackup/huangyp/HGG/generator/lhapdf/5.8.9/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt

source sourceenv.sh (this file is in the attachment)


make check

make install

Setup the Herwig:

tar -xjvf Herwig++-2.6.3.tar.bz2 cd Herwig++-2.6.3

./configure --prefix=/publicfs/atlas/codesbackup/pengc/generators/Herwig/2.6.3 --with-thepeg=/publicfs/atlas/codesbackup/pengc/generators/ThePEG/1.8.3


make check

make install

Simple run:

Create a temporary directory to try out Herwig++, and copy all files ending in .in from the Herwig installation:

$ mkdir herwigtest
$ cd herwigtest
$ cp $HERWIGPATH/share/Herwig++/*.in .

Run the following command to set up a generator file. This command will be explained further on.

$ Herwig++ read LEP.in

This should have generated a file LEP.run. It contains a full example setup of a LEP event generator. To run it, try

$ Herwig++ run LEP.run -N50 -d1

The flag -N specifies the number of events to generate. The flag -d1 enables a more detailed output inLEP.log.

After the run, there should be two new files: LEP.out, which contains an overall cross section, and LEP.log, containing the detailed record of the requested 50 events. The log format is described in detail in EventRecordFormat.

Re-running the above command will give the same 50 events again unless the seed of the random number generator is changed by specifying the flag -seed NNNNN.

If you want to modify generator parameters, you'll need to modify LEP.in and regenerate LEP.run. The next section shows that in detail.

rootsimple2 :

The Simple ROOT analysis code -- Version 2

In brief here's how the code works:

The AnalysisHandler "rootsimple2" fills the four-momenta and IDs of the final-state particles into ROOT branches (an array called "objects").

The number of particles is also put into a ROOT branch.

This is then written in a .root file which can be read and analysed via the given analysis code.

An example called ratt.cpp is provided. An example output file is provided (LHC-ttbar-rs.in).


Download the latest version, 2 (041013), here: ​http://www.itp.uzh.ch/~andreasp/rootsimple2-beta3.tar.gz

You will also need ROOT and Hw++ (> version 2.6.0 recommended) installed.

Extract the tarball in the Herwig++-2.x.x/Contrib subdirectory.

This creates a "rootsimple2" directory which contains the library files and a subdirectory with the analysis code to be used on the root files (in AnalysisCode).

in the "rootsimple2" directory edit the Makefile.in and modify "ROOT according to the location of your ROOT installation. E.g. if root is installed in /home/user/root, then enter: ROOT=/home/user/root.

In the Herwig++-2.x.x/Contrib directory, type:

sh make_makefiles.sh"

then, in the rootsimple2 directory:


and copy the resulting rootsimple2.so file into "<your Herwig++ installation directory>/lib/Herwig++"

Remember to change the Makefile in rootsimple2 directory to the same one in the attachment!!!

Attention: just use the lhapdf and fastjet in /publicfs/atlas/codesbackup/huangyp/HGG/generator/ directory


mkdir PYTHIA;


cp /afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/p/pengc/xxl/codesbackup/generators/pythia6/pythia.tgz ./

tar -xvf pythia.tgz


cp /afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/p/pengc/xxl/codesbackup/generators/pythia6/PYTHIA/Install ./


cp /afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/p/pengc/xxl/codesbackup/generators/pythia6/PYTHIA/source.sh ./

change the PYTHIA8=/besfs2/atlas/ntupacc/HGS/gam2/huangyp/generator/pythia8176 to your own path in source.sh

cp /afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/p/pengc/xxl/codesbackup/generators/pythia6/PYTHIA/compile ./

change INCDIR="/besfs2/atlas/ntupacc/HGS/gam2/huangyp/generator/PYTHIA(6)/src" to our own path in compile

cp /afs/ihep.ac.cn/users/p/pengc/xxl/codesbackup/generators/pythia6/PYTHIA/src* ./ -r

And also do some change in the Makefile in src* directory

source source.sh


Attention: just use the HEPMC in /publicfs/atlas/codesbackup/huangyp/HGG/generator/HEPMC




export AtlasSetup=/afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/dist/AtlasSetup

alias asetup='source $AtlasSetup/scripts/asetup.sh'


rm -f event.pool.root

rm -f DAOD_TRUTH1.truth.pool.root

Generate_tf.py --ecmEnergy=13000 --runNumber=342560 --firstEvent=1 --maxEvents=10 --randomSeed=5678 --jobConfig=./MC15.342560. PowhegPythia8EvtGen_CT10_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_MPIOFF_ggH125_gamgam.py --outputEVNTFile=event.pool.root --inputGeneratorFile="PowhegOTF._1. events.tar.gz" --postExec='del testSeq.TestHepMC'

now=$(date +"%T")

echo "Current time : $now"


Reco_tf.py --inputEVNTFile event.pool.root --outputDAODFile truth.pool.root --reductionConf TRUTH1

save all truth particles for truth isolation calculation:

get_files -jo TRUTH1.py

mkdir DerivationFrameworkMCTruth

mv TRUTH1.py DerivationFrameworkMCTruth and in TRUTH1.py, replace

WriteEverything = False,


WriteEverything = True,

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatext Makefile r1 manage 1.7 K 2014-06-09 - 23:30 UnknownUser  
Unix shell scriptsh sourceevn.sh r1 manage 1.3 K 2014-06-09 - 23:30 UnknownUser  
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