• Mail Contact: cms-dpg-conveners-rpc@cernSPAMNOTNOSPAMPLEASE.ch. (forwarded to RPC DPG Coordinators in office)
    • Junghwan (John) Goh (Kyunghee University, KR)
    • Andres Cabrera (Universidad de los Andes, CO)
  • Meeting Meetings
    • Wednesday 10:00 RPC DPG working meeting (on demand/altered with RPC trigger meeting)
    • Thursday 14:00 RPC weekly meeting
    • Check indico, click then "Sort by Date (Newest)" and click "Result Type Indico Event" on the left side
    • Old meetings for 2012-13 meetings archived by Camilo

RPC DPG Approved plots

RPC DPG Tasks List (+ESP)


  • CMS Online Workbook provides essential information for online data-taking activities including shift instructions, responsible contacts, data access and event monitoring information.
  • Students containing tasks for RPC Summer students. This information useful also for other RPC new comers.
  • RPC Nomenclature explaining the way we name the RPC detector elements in CMS and how we name sets of such detector elements

RPC Offline Detector Analysis 2017

RPC chamber efficiency measurement from the tracker muons

  • A detailed twiki page about RPC chamber efficiency measurement from the tracker muons using Tag&Probe method. The page contains the description of the method, plots, instructions how to run the code, comparison with the segments extrapolation method and links to the given presentations.

RPC Integrated Charge Analysis

  • RPC Integrated Charge Page contains an information for the integrated charge study related to the present RPC system and also some useful details about the explored SQL queries.

HV Scan Analysis

  • Detailed results from the last HV scan might be found on the official HV scan 2016 page.
  • Old instruction how to run HV scan tool instructions might be found here.
  • The updated instructions will be added soon.

RPC Trigger

Analyze RPC TwinMux Data

  • Instruction how to run the RPC TwinMux data Analyzer might be found on the dedicated twiki page
  • Instruction how to run the DQM code to analyze the reconstructed RPC TwinMux data might be found on the dedicated twiki page

Analyze RPC CPPF Data

  • Instruction how to run the CPPF unpacking and validation: twiki page

iRPC with one roll and new clusterisation instructions


Instructions for running analysis tools

RPC Muon Reconstruction sub-group

Hot Topics

Investigation of the leaky chambers

  • Investigation of the leaky chambers page Twiki

RPC Prompt Analysis

  • RPC Prompt Analysis instructions
  • RPC Efficiency Investigations Cosmics 2015 Twiki
  • RPC Prompt Analysis 2014 and Preparation for Run 2 Twiki

Data vs MC comparison workshops

  • 1st workshop 26-27/11/2013 Indico :: 284545
  • actions taken: started common background treatment for DT,CSC and RPC detectors, based on time-extended (1ms instead of 250ns) GEANT simulation of neutrons with dedicated GEANT physics lists
  • 2nd workshop 25-26/08/2014 Indico :: 334129
  • actions to be taken:

Summer Global Runs (2014)

RPC DPG Website and EOS

  • Website available outside CERN domain: https://cms-dpgrpc.web.cern.ch/cms-dpgrpc
  • It links AFS space to the website: : /afs/cern.ch/cms/DPG
  • We also have space on EOS: /eos/cms/store/group/dpg_rpc/comm_rpc
  • A twiki detailing access, commands, tools and purpose: RPC EOS Twiki

RPC Currents and noise Task Force

Release Planning and deadlines for Software Development

RPC Upgrade Simulations

RPC Crusade (2008-2012) from Camilo

Change to Multi Threaded CMSSW

RPC Synchronization (Trigger Responsability, not DPG)

RPC Documents

CMS Quadrant Figure

Plot Legend
Error: (1) can't find cms_upg_o_g_b_ni_grid_160229_small.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki CMS Quadrant Figure: DT orange, CSC green, RPC blue, steel darkest grey - for startup scenario (included in MUO-11-001). Figure made by Tim Cox, pdf version available here, figures for post LS1 and Phase-2 upgrades available at the CSC DPG Figures Twiki page. --- Tim.Cox@cernSPAMNOTNOSPAMPLEASE.ch

What distinguishes this figure from the old and faulty previous figures?

  • i) RB1in starting at R ~413 cm (and not ~400 cm as in old pictures).
  • ii) eta coverage in the endcap (RE1/2, RE2/2 and RE3/2) up to |eta| < 1.6 (note that RE2/2 only touches the |eta| = 1.6 line, as the 1.6 value is only reached by the strip boundary).
  • iii) RE 1/2 correctly drawn at 2 different z values (odd and even sectors are staggered). --- Silvia.Costantini@cernSPAMNOTNOSPAMPLEASE.ch

Other nice 3D pictures can be found here.

Switch to GIT


Approved Plots and ongoing Plot Approvals

  • The summary of all approved RPC DPG plots from 2011 up to know might be found on the dedicated twiki page.
  • Details on the plot approval procedure within CMS: DPS Note Preparation Twiki
  • Plots approved to be shown to the outside community, but not published in papers (so called Preliminary Public Results) can be found at DPS Notes Plots.
  • Plots approved and published in a paper (so called Published Public Results) can be found at ...
  • Plots currently under approval can be found at RPCDPGResultsForApproval Twiki
  • The Twiki page of the RPC Conference Committee can be found here

RPC DPS notes

Work ongoing in moving all plots to DPS Notes Plots


RPC Efficiency and Synchronisation:

Plots Legends
Error: (1) can't find 2010EffDist.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki RPC Barrel Efficiency Distribution Each RPC chamber is divided in 2 or 3 partitions called Rolls. Efficiency Distribution is given per roll. Anna.Colaleo@cernSPAMNOTNOSPAMPLEASE.ch
Error: (1) can't find 2010RPCSynch.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki RPC synchronisation The RPC trigger logic electronics receives data via optical fibers from 1232 Link Boards. Each Link Board transmits hits from up to 96 chamber strips. The plot shows how well chambers hits are synchronized w.r.t. the Level-1 Global Trigger decision (BX=0). Only chamber hits matched to good muon candidates are considered in order to reduce effects of cosmic background, signal afterpulses, etc. The central bin contains 99.8% of all hits. rybinska@cernSPAMNOTNOSPAMPLEASE.ch
Error: (1) can't find 2010RPCSynch2.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki RPC synchronisation The plot shows how many Link Boards of the RPC trigger system are well synchronized w.r.t. the Level-1 Global Trigger decision. For each Link Board the average hits arrival time and its spread are calculated from all input strips and from the time windows of 7 consecutive LHC bunch crossings. 28 out of 1232 Link Boards (2%) have hits time spread above 0.15 BX. Further improvement of the synchronization is possible after collecting more collisions data. rybinska@cernSPAMNOTNOSPAMPLEASE.ch
Error: (1) can't find 2010RPCSynch3.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki RPC synchronisation The RPC trigger delay w.r.t. the Level-1 Global Trigger. The RPC triggers are matched (η, Φ) to a muon trajectory propagated to the reference muon station. The upper limit on RPC pre-triggering probability is about 4·10-5 for the analyzed data sample containing 67k good muon candidates. In this data sample muon triggers were disabled in the Level-1 Global Trigger to avoid possible biases due to early muon triggers. rybinska@cernSPAMNOTNOSPAMPLEASE.ch

RPC Trigger:

This is the link to the L1TriggerDPG Results


HV Scan:

Plots Legends
Error: (1) can't find BarrelScan2009.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Efficiency and Background Example of one barrel chamber HV scan for noise and efficiency at two different thresholds.
Error: (1) can't find Eff2009.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Efficiency distribution Efficiency distributions at 9.3 kV for two different thresholds.
Error: (1) can't find Muography2009.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Muography Efficiency distributions at 9.3 kV for two different thresholds.

RPC Trigger:

Plots Legends
Error: (1) can't find RPCTriggerEff2009.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki RPC Trigger Efficiency with respect to the DT trigger
Error: (1) can't find RPCTriggerEffPt2009.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Efficiency vs Pt by taking out the cracks Green plot: obtained taking into account only the central region of the wheels: 200 < ΙZΙ < 300 and 450 < ΙZΙ < 550 and ΙZΙ < 100, And the center of sectors 2 - 6: 25 < Ι Ø Ι < 45 and 55 < Ι ØΙ < 75 and 85 < ΙØΙ <105 and 115 < ΙØ Ι< 135 and 145 < ΙØΙ < 165
Error: (1) can't find RPCTriggerEffResiduals2009.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Residuals Difference between the muons reconstructed by the muon system and muons measured by the RPC trigger algorithm (for cosmic rays patterns and LHC collisions patterns)



Plots Legends
Error: (1) can't find Noise2008.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Distribution of the number of rolls as a function of the roll average noise at 9.2 kV. Channels exceeding 100 Hz/cm2 are masked and do not contribute to the average noise.

RPC Variables:

Plots Legends
Error: (1) can't find ClusterSize2008.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Cluster size distributions at 9.2 kV for tracks with an angle between ± 20 degrees with respect to the normal to the RPC surface in the plane perpendicular to the strip direction. Left plot: normalized distribution of the cluster size for the RB1in layer. Right plot: relative population of reconstructed clusters with size equal to 1, 2, 3 and more than 3 strips, for each RPC layer. Different layers correspond to different strip pitch as indicated in the x axis label.
Error: (1) can't find EffDist2008.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Efficiency distribution for the barrel rolls, at 9.2 kV. The tail at lower efficiency values is due to now fixed swapped cables, chambers working in single gap mode and chambers with synchronization problems.
Error: (1) can't find Current2008.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Distribution of the current drawn by the RPCs at 9.2 kV. Left plot: average over one full day of data taking at the end of the CRAFT period, Right plot: average current s a function of time. Each point is the average current over 4 hours and over all barrel stations.
Error: (1) can't find Efficiency2008.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Efficiency of an RB1in roll as a function of the x and y coordinates (as defined In the figure) of the extrapolated track impact point. The lower efficiency spots are due to the dead regions induced by spacers on a 10 x 10 cm2 grid. An efficiency reduction is also visible for the y coordinate at about 55 cm, where only a single gap is present.
Error: (1) can't find Residuals2008.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Residuals distributions at 9.2 kV for tracks with an angle between ± 20 degrees with respect to the normal to the RPC surface in the plane perpendicular to the strip direction. Left plot: normalized distribution of the residuals for the RB1in layer. Right plot: RMS of the distribution of the residuals, for different RPC layers (corresponding to different strip pitches) and for different cluster sizes.
Error: (1) can't find timing2008.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Typical time distribution (in bunch crossing units of 25 ns) of the data coming from individual RPCs with respect to the CMS global trigger time. The dashed line shows the background caused by the 10 over 1020 Link Boards connect to the most noisy channels.
Error: (1) can't find AverageClusterSize.png at /Main.OldRpcDpgtwiki Average cluster size as a function of the absolute value of the tangent of angle alpha defined as the angle between the track direction and the normal to the RPC surface in the plane perpendicular to the strip direction. RB1in at 9.2 kV.
old Plot Twiki (Davide / Camilo)

RPC Background studies

Useful RPC Links

RE4 upscope documentation and drawings:

Known HW problems:

RPC Pull Requests to CMSSW:


Noise Tool web page

RPC Simulation


RPC Muon Reconstruction studies

RPC Monitor Stream and HLT AlCa contact

Accessing data

Misc. CMSSW notes / howto

RPC root Tree Old

Old RPC Twiki Page

  • not everything has moved yet, so if you cannot find the information you are looking for on this page, please try:
  • the old RPC DPG page

Oman Students Twiki - L1Rate vs HV

the documentation of the students work dedicated to the dependence of the L1 rate on the applied RPC HV might be found here: Oman Students Twiki Page

RPC Theses

Simple steps how to submit your already defended thesis to the CERN theses might be found here.

An (unfortunately) non-complete list of RPC related theses can be found on this CDS link:

  • Performance of the CMS RPC system – from LS1 upgrade to RUN2 at LHC --- 2018 --- Ph.D. Thesis --- M. Shopova --- CDS record 2626243
  • Commissioning, operation and performance of the CMS resistive plate chamber system --- 2014 --- Ph.D Thesis --- F. Thyssen --- Ghent University Publication
  • Data-driven determination of Z(vv) background to new-physics searches with jets and missing transverse momentum at CMS --- 2012 --- Ph.D. Thesis --- P. Verwilligen --- CDS record 1489195 --- Upgrade Trigger Sim
  • Search for Supersymmetry Production Signals in Events with Two Leptons with the Same Sign using the CMS Detector --- 2011 --- Ph.D. Thesis --- A. Ocampo --- CDS record 1361039 --- Noise Studies, Commissioning
  • Data quality monitoring and performance studies of the resistive plate chamber detector at the CMS experiment at LHC --- 2010 --- Ph.D. Thesis --- A. Cimmino --- CDS record 1538397
  • Search for Heavy Stable Charged Particles in the CMS Experiment using the RPC Detectors --- 2010 --- Ph.D. Thesis --- C. Carrillo --- CDS record 1360197
  • Optimization, Synchronization, Calibration and Diagnostic of the RPC PAC Muon Trigger System for the CMS detector --- 2009 --- Ph.D. Thesis --- K. Bunkowski --- CDS record 1308715
  • Testing of CMS Endcap RPC and Determination of the Top Quark Mass From High Pt Jets at LHC --- 2007 --- Ph.D. Thesis --- I. Ahmed --- CDS record 1311223
  • Development of the RPC control and monitoring system in CMS; first muon trigger results with 2006 cosmic ray runs --- 2006 --- Master Thesis --- A. Cimmino --- CDS record 1537917
  • Progettazione e sviluppo di un sistema d’acquisizione dati per il controllo e il monitoring dell’apparato sperimentale per il trigger dei muoni di CMS --- 2005 --- Master Thesis --- G. Polese --- CDS record 1537906
  • The RPC Detectors and the muon system for the CMS experiment at the LHC --- 2001 --- Ph.D. Thesis --- G. Bruno --- pdf file



  • Here is the indico link for all the RPC DPG meetings. [click then "Sort by Date (Newest)" and click "Result Type Indico Event" on the left side]
  • Here is Camilo's link for 2012-13 meetings

Old RPC Twiki:

Plot Styles:

  • Please use the approved style. The relevant macro might be found here.
  • Some useful iinformation might be found also on the page with approved tdrStyle.

To use this script you have to load it like this:



* You may crosscheck also the New CMS standards for plot decorations.

Organization Chart:

*To be updated after the CMS Week

%RESPONSIBLE% RoumyanaHadjiiska

-- AndresCabrera - 2021-07-12

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