-- ZinonasZinonos - 15-Feb-2010

Pisa How To


How to install Athena software in my test area outside CERN?

Since we are working on an AFS system outside CERN, we need to execute the following commands

1. access the AFS volume at CERN by doing $klog username@CERNSPAMNOTNOSPAMPLEASE.CH and insert your AFS password. Notice that CERN.CH is all capital letters.

2. get a valid kerberos ticket as follows $ kinit -5 -4 <cern-user>@CERN.CH. To access AFS and get a valid kerberos ticket in one command, you can do $klog.krb username@CERNSPAMNOTNOSPAMPLEASE.CH

3. in a freshly opened shell do: $ export SVNROOT=svn+ssh://<cern-user>@svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasoff

4. Ready to check out Athena packages, eg. $ cmt show versions Database/CoolRunQuery

How to find which are the available ATLAS releases?

From your shell: ls /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/releases/

Athena and Jets

How to heal problems related to AtlasTrackingGeometry when I rerun jets on ESD/AOD files?

Athena exits with a bunch of erros as following

ToolSvc.TileVolumeBuilder                  INFO Retrieved tool  CaloSurfaceBuilder = PublicToolHandle('CaloSurfaceBuilder') 
ToolSvc.TileVolumeBuilder                  INFO  intialize() successful 
DetectorStore                           WARNING retrieve(const): No  valid proxy for object AtlasTrackingGeometry  of type  Trk::TrackingGeometry(CLID 167645219) 
ToolSvc.AtlasNavigator                    FATAL Could not retrieve  TrackingGeometry 'AtlasTrackingGeometry' from DetectorStore. 
ToolSvc.AtlasNavigator                    FATAL   - probably the  chosen layout is not supported / no cool tag exists. 
AntiKt4H1TopoJets.sysExecute()            FATAL  Standard  std::exception is caught

This is because the JVF that is attached to the jets as a moment requires tracking knowledge, and that's not always easy to configure.
If you are not particularly concerned about the JVF, you can simply turn it off by putting this in your jobOptions:

from JetRec.JetRecFlags import jetFlags
jetFlags.doJVF = False

How to add BAD_CELLS_* and BCH_CORR_* Jet Moments to my jets?

First of all, check-out and install the following packages

  • Reconstruction/Jet/JetUtils > JetUtils-01-01-20
  • Reconstruction/Jet/JetRecTools/ > JetRecTools-00-01-37
  • Calorimeter/CaloEvent/ > CaloEvent-01-07-17
  • Calorimeter/CaloRec/ > CaloRec-02-11-59
  • Control/CxxUtils if needed

Then in your j-o you need to rerun jet makers

# load the definition of jet helper functions
from JetRec.JetGetters import *

# load the definition of python JetTools
from JetRec.JetRecConf import * 

#define jet algo
JetFinder = 'AntiKt'        # AntiKt, 
JetInput = 'H1Topo'         # H1Topo, H1Tower, H1TopoTower
JetConeDR = 0.6            #0.4, 0.6
JetSize = "6"
algo_jet = make_StandardJetGetter( JetFinder, JetConeDR, JetInput).jetAlgorithmHandle()

and then

from JetRec.JetMomentGetter import make_JetMomentGetter

from JetRecTools.JetRecToolsConf import JetBadChanCorrTool
badchanTool = JetBadChanCorrTool("JetBadChanCorrTool", UpdateEvery=False, ConeDr=JetConeDR, UseCalibScale=False)
# here ConeDr variable is just for jet level estimation
print badchanTool

from JetRecTools.JetRecToolsConf import JetBadCellCorrTool
tname = JetFinder+JetSize+JetInput
badcellTool = JetBadCellCorrTool("JetBadCellCorrTool_%s" % tname)
print badcellTool

make_JetMomentGetter(JetContainerName, [badchanTool, badcellTool] )

The ENG_BAD_CELLS, N_BAD_CELL, N_BAD_CELLS_CORR, and BAD_CELLS_CORR_E are only filled if the their values are non-zero.

How to rerun TopoTower and Tower jets if LArRawChannelContainer is not in the DESD/ESD file?

I don't know

How to disable CaloTopoCluster making when Athena can't retrieve LArRawChannelContainer: LArRawChannels form the ESD file?

Before your jet getters say

from CaloRec.CaloRecFlags import jobproperties

because the default value is True.

Athena and Database

How to change localy the DB version?

The DB version can be changed by following the instructions decribed below. To download the release X.Y.Z of the database, at /home/username for instance, we do

kinit -5 -4 username@CERN.CH
source /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/pacman/pacman-latest/setup.sh
pacman  -get http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/DATABASE/pacman4/DBRelease:DBRelease-X.Y.Z

where X.Y.Z can be 8.2.1. In this way the complete Database directory is downloaded at /home/username/DBRelease. Then in .bashrc we must include

export ATLAS_DB_AREA=/home/username

Pacman and db releases' tarballs can be found at http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/DATABASE/pacman4/DBRelease/

How can I use a non-default DBRelease when running realtime Athena?

Quick solution 1:

In order to use another DBRelease simply add this line to your requirements file


and in a fresh session retry to setup Athena environment. To check if indeed the new release has been correctly set do


Quick solution 2:

Tag your favourite release in the path /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/releases/ and in your shell make for instance

export ATLAS_DB_AREA=/afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/releases/15.6.4

and setup Athena. The list of DB release Vs SW release can be found here.

How to find information about Atlas DB releases?


How to setup a special DB release?

To see how to setup a special database release click here.

How to specify a non-default database release?

To see how to setup a non-default database release click here.

How to switch to local SQLite files?

To use a local SQLite file in a context where CERN AFS is accessible follow the instructions here.

Quick solution: in your session do source setupLocalDBReplica_CERN.sh

How to solve run time problems related to "exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit"?

Athena job ends-up with

Persistency/RelationalPlugins/oracle    Error ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit (authenticating)
Persistency/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Failure while attempting to start a session on connection oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD/ATLAS_COOL_LAR: Failed to authenticate with the server ( CORAL : "ISession::startUserSession" from "Persistency/RelationalPlugins/oracle" )
Persistency/Services/ConnectionService  Warning Connection oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD/ATLAS_COOL_LAR is currently unavailable, and will be temporarely excluded from replicas.

The default conddb server is overloaded, one can switch to a mirror just doing in one's run directory (available as soon as run time environment is setup):


Athena and ATLAS Geometry

How to find the ATLAS geometry of a data pool?

The Atlas Geometry and Condition tags can be detected by using the commanddumpVersionTags.py <pool> after setting the Athena environment, e.g.

dumpVersionTags.py /nasatlas1/DESD_COLLCAND/data09_900GeV.00142383.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62_tid102217_00/DESD_COLLCAND.102217._000001.root.1

Picking up these tags we eventually set up correctly the job option's geometry according to the input pools.

Athena and GRL

How to find updated good run lists?

Good Run List Generator

Athena and Trigger

How to solve the error message I get related to InputFilePeeker?

FilesInput property of athenaCommonFlags is needed for the InputFilePeeker in case you read from a pool file. Accordingly, inputFilePeeker is needed to find the rare cases where no Trigger configuration is stored in the ESD/AOD/DPD. Therefore, in your python script, beyond

ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = InputPool

it's necessary to say

from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags


How to request different DB release at the submission time of a Ganga Job?

Details here:


Quick solution:

  • Find on AMI the DBRelease used to produce your pool, eg DBReleae 8.2.1
  • Find on grid the appropriate directory name by checking: dq2-ls ddo.*tar.gz
  • You may also chek localy at CERN if the tarball exists: ls /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/DBreleases/dev/ or /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/releases/$AtlasVersion/DBRelease/current for your current Athena version. Otherwise, you may check in other Athena version directory, such as /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/releases/15.6.1/DBRelease/
  • You can browse all available numbered DB Releases tarballs on CERN AFS directory /afs/cern.ch/atlas/www/GROUPS/DATABASE/pacman4/DBRelease or pointing your web browser to <a target="_top" href="http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/DATABASE/pacman4/DBRelease">http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/DATABASE/pacman4/DBRelease</a>. For each DB Release version you can find there a pair of files: a pacman file (useless) and a DB Release tarball.

In your Ganga python script define then the desirable db release

myAtlasDBrelease = 'ddo.000001.Atlas.Ideal.DBRelease.v080201:DBRelease-8.2.1.tar.gz'
myAtlasDBenvironment = ['DBRELEASE_OVERRIDE=8.2.1']

and after

j.application = Athena() 


j.application.atlas_dbrelease = myAtlasDBrelease
j.application.atlas_environment= myAtlasDBenvironment

Ready to run Ganga.

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