First look at ID noise in reprocessed data (work in progress....)

Data looked at so far

  • looking at the RNDM stream for good run 91900 (with both magents on)
  • ran over the reprocessed ESD files:
  • Not all RNDM stream for that run
  • 19960 RNMD triggers in my sample
  • 49 LBs
  • Events_91900.gif

First results...

  • No SCT or Pxel Spacepoints or any offline tracks in these 20k RNDM events
  • SPs_tracks.gif
  • Look at SCT and pixel, RDO and cluster multiplicities per event
  • sct+pix_91900.gif
  • Plots look nicely Gaussian - no very high multiplicity events
  • Look at this as function of eventtime.
  • pixelProfiles_91900.gif
  • sctProfiles_91900.gif
  • Again these plots look nice and flat with time - no obvious noisy times (but maybe noisy modules too small to see for the whole plot???)
  • Look at eta/phi of hits/clusters as function of layer
  • pixHitEtaPhibyLayer__91900.gif sctHitEtaPhibyLayer_91900.gif
  • looking at similar plot in x,y for barrel and A,C endcaps separately.
  • pixClus_BarECs_hitMaps_91900.gif sctClus_BarECs_hitMaps_91900.gif
  • No obvious hot spots (noise spots).

  • Looking at the multiplicities for EC-A,C and Barrel separately (again for pixel hit, cluster and sct rdo, cluster)
  • pix_hit_multiplicity_ECsBarr.gif
  • pix_clus_multiplicity_ECsBarr.gif
  • sct_rdo_multiplicity_ECsBarr_log.gif
  • sct_clus_multiplicity_ECsBarr_log.gif
  • Now time profiles of the mutliplicities with ECs and Barrel separately
  • pix_hit_BarrEC_TimeProfiles.gif
  • pix_clust_BarrEC_TimeProfiles.gif
  • sct_rdo_BarrEC_TimeProfiles.gif
  • sct_clust_BarrEC_TimeProfiles.gif
  • Some questions from this:
  • is it expected that SCT EC A expected to be noisier than EC C (for rdo's)
  • SCT EC C is slightly noisier than EC A for clusters??
  • Is ratio if EC noise to barrel noise same as number of channels ratio
  • from detector paper it seems SCT has 3200000 Barrel channels and 3000000 EC channels. so i would expect Barrel noise to be ~2x1-EC noise. see approximately this except for EC-A for RDO where EC-A is clearly noiser than expected. (but need to know how many modules are in readout for each in this run 91900 - some cooling loops missing i suspect)
  • Time profiles look impressively flat. except maybe the pixel EC C pixel hit noise??
  • Is noise supression from clustering as expected? (~x10 reduction in pixel barrel noise after clusterization)
  • Pixel the noise is impressively low. but the barrel is much more noisy than ECs (is that expected?)
  • All of these plots are pretty Gaussian and show no group of outliers which i would expect from a nosiy module etc...

  • Conclusions - masking of noisy modules seems to be working OK (from this very limited look). noise levels very constant across the run...
  • Note from Pippa:
You ask the question about how the noise would scale between barrel and end cap. Here's some numerology:

4088 modules total

2112 barrel

988 per end cap

end cap C has 13+23 modules off because of cooling problems. All other problem modules are scattered randomly.

"short middle" (40 modules on each disk 8) and "inner" (40 modules on each disk 2,3,4,5,6) are half the length of an outer or middle module, with much lower noise occupancy (typical 10-7 instead of 10-5). So in terms of number of noise hits, it would be better to say that endcaps have 988-6*40 = 748 modules to compare to the barrel's 4088.

There will also be a bias (depending on the trigger you use) to have real hits in the barrel much more often than in the end cap.

Last comment - we were iterating on the calibration as the run went on, so if you were to look at something from the ID combined run at the end, you should see less noise.

On the other hand, good to see that there's some indication the noise suppression is working. Martin white has been looking at monitoring plots on original and reprocessed data. There were still some noisy modules coming through that we needed to understand.
  • Note2 from Pippa
Solenoid on/off shouldn't affect the noise. There is the bias that solenoid off data was predominantly at the end, when the detector was better tuned up.

The BCID errors which drastically affected the efficiency might also have an effect here, so beware. Since a module with a BCID error is out of sequence, it will continue to give noise hits at the usual rate, but will have zero efficiency. If the code has been improved to recognise that a module with BCID error can't give good hits, then this will also suppress all the noise hits from that module. (There was some discussion as to quite how far this fix had come through...). So if you look at a long run with a gradually increasing fraction of BCID errors, you might also find that the number of clusters goes down. Let me know if you spot behaviour like this.... it would be a nice cross check that the clustering is properly accountin for BCID errors.

To do....

  • migrate to use TrackValidation ntuple rather than CBNT
  • Look at more stats
  • Look at runs from different dates during combined running (modules being tuned during combined run, effect of BCID bug for long runs)
  • Any difference between solenoid on/off
  • Look at TRT noise (both normal hits and high threshold hits) as well - need ValidationNtuple for that
  • Try to figure out noise rate for different layers from data - need to take into account, whats in the readout, how many BCs read out on trigger, ...
  • do we ever see any tracks in randomly triggered events?? what is the rate? what to the tracks look like?

Strange location of SCT clusters in EC

  • One strange thing i see is some (17) sct clusters in EC with bec==-2 (is that A or C side??) which seem to be in wrong place (see red circle below).
  • weirdSCTclusLoc.gif
  • Zooming in on these clusters - they seems to be very correlated in x,y - see zoomed in plot: StrangeClusters.gif
  • and a dump of the cluster properties for these clusters (all at ~same z, in layer 7, side 1) is this a DetDescrVersion / Cabling problem??
root [15] CollectionTree->Scan("sct_clus_x:sct_clus_y:sct_clus_z:sct_clus_groupsize:sct_clus_layer:sct_clus_side",cut)
*    Row   * Instance * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ *
*       41 *      139 * 35.214908 * 426.69274 * -2520.580 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2466 *      159 * 44.070968 * 425.99438 * -2520.575 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2534 *      162 * 35.037826 * 426.70672 * -2520.580 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2558 *      143 * 38.048355 * 426.46929 * -2520.578 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2631 *      143 * 42.210723 * 426.14108 * -2520.576 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2805 *      177 * 35.037826 * 426.70672 * -2520.580 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     4632 *      180 * 35.214908 * 426.69274 * -2520.580 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     5188 *      158 * 36.277423 * 426.60897 * -2520.579 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     5860 *      167 * 36.100338 * 426.62292 * -2520.579 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     6147 *      165 * 44.868331 * 425.93148 * -2520.575 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     6396 *      192 * 38.048355 * 426.46929 * -2520.578 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     6403 *      185 * 40.350791 * 426.28775 * -2520.577 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     8178 *      165 * 40.882175 * 426.24585 * -2520.577 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     9941 *      156 * 37.339969 * 426.52517 * -2520.579 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    19153 *      165 * 42.919345 * 426.08520 * -2520.576 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    19389 *      172 * 36.808692 * 426.56707 * -2520.579 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    19389 *      173 * 35.391994 * 426.67880 * -2520.580 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
==> 17 selected entries

  • Also see something odd in the other EC see plot:
  • WeirdClusters2.gif
  • Actually looks like this is 3 individual clusters (in x/y) one is:
root [31] CollectionTree->Scan("sct_clus_x:sct_clus_y:sct_clus_z:sct_clus_groupsize:sct_clus_layer:sct_clus_side",cut);
*    Row   * Instance * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ *
*    10842 *      753 * -207.3507 * -375.7984 * 2521.7148 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
==> 1 selected entry
root [43] CollectionTree->Scan("sct_clus_x:sct_clus_y:sct_clus_z:sct_clus_groupsize:sct_clus_layer:sct_clus_side",cut);
*    Row   * Instance * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ * sct_clus_ *
*      314 *      722 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*      314 *      723 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*      333 *      708 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*      333 *      709 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*      510 *      715 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*      510 *      716 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*      566 *      722 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*      657 *      703 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*      657 *      704 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*      740 *      733 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*      870 *      774 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     1155 *      631 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     1655 *      773 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     1717 *      751 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     1783 *      735 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     1873 *      707 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     1986 *      713 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2039 *      734 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2211 *      719 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2220 *      690 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2220 *      691 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2224 *      730 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2687 *      722 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     2687 *      723 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     3173 *      708 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     3173 *      709 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     3345 *      738 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     3345 *      739 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*     3668 *      692 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10388 *      728 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10452 *      767 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10452 *      768 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10548 *      735 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10638 *      707 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10750 *      705 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10792 *      779 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10818 *      759 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10818 *      760 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10953 *      718 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10953 *      719 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10955 *      728 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    10985 *      698 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    11118 *      726 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    11165 *      734 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    11179 *      722 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    11291 *      758 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    11328 *      744 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    11539 *      727 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    11542 *      730 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    11576 *      684 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    11576 *      685 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    14935 *      742 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    14935 *      743 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    15008 *      732 * 406.57937 * 138.88145 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
*    16862 *      718 * 406.51116 * 139.04628 * 2521.1391 *         1 *         7 *         1 *
==> 55 selected entries
  • Comments from Pippa
(The famous short middles on disk 8 ought to make a ring at different radius to all other clusters, I would have thought. A short middle only has one of the usual two wafers of a middle module, which should give a ring of hits at larger radius than a normal middle. However, these short middles are also the quietest modules. So I was wondering if what you had was just one wrongly mapped short middle, or maybe an exceptionally noisy short middle.)

OK, the picture starts to seem consistent, and I think what you are looking at is a very small number of hits in hardware disk 8, which you would call layer 7. The short middles have a noise value of about 10-7, so if you are only looking at 20k events there will be very few hits in those modules. If there is one marginal module giving 7 hits in EC-C, and a few other isolated hits in the other end-cap, that would be reasonable.

What would absolutely clinch it would be to remake the plots cutting on z to ONLY plot layer 7. Then I would expect you to see a uniformly populated ring of outer modules, and very, very few hits at the radial position of short middles. Given your set up, would  you be able to do that quickly?

Looking at ECs in more detail

ECC (BEC==-2)

  • Look at layer occupancy for this EC
  • BEC-2_Layers.gif
  • Looks like much more noise in layer 6. is this expected??
  • Actually looking in more detail it looks like there is a non-masked noisy module (or region) in layer 6 of EC-C looks like its at ~ sct_clus_phi=10:sct_clus_1.5
  • NoisyRegion.gif
  • Look at r-z for EC clusters
  • BEC-2_rVsZ.gif
  • Now look at the cluster x-y per layer (0-8) for this EC
  • BEC-2_Layer0.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer1.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer2.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer3.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer4.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer5.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer6.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer7.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer8.gif:
  • Interesting many missing modules. are these expected from whats in readout for this run 91900? missing cooling loops?
  • Also can see some hot spots (eg... in the low noise modules in layers 2,3,4,5)
  • I guess because these are still low noise they are not caught by noise masking - but still probably useful to know that these area are noisier than expected?

ECA (BEC==2)

  • Look at layer occupancy for this EC
  • BEC2_Layers.gif
  • Slightly higher noise in layers 1,3,4 - lower noise in layer 7
  • Look at r-z for EC clusters
  • BEC2_rVsZ.gif
  • Now look at the cluster x-y per layer (0-8) for this EC
  • BEC-2_Layer0.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer1.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer2.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer3.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer4.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer5.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer6.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer7.gif:

  • BEC-2_Layer8.gif:
  • Interesting many missing modules. are these expected from whats in readout for this run 91900? missing cooling loops?
  • Also can see some hot spots (eg... in the low noise mdules of layers 2,3,4,5)

-- JamieBoyd - 19 Jan 2009

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif BEC-2_Layer0.gif r1 manage 8.4 K 2009-01-26 - 10:55 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC-2_Layer1.gif r1 manage 8.9 K 2009-01-26 - 10:56 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC-2_Layer2.gif r1 manage 9.0 K 2009-01-26 - 10:56 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC-2_Layer3.gif r1 manage 8.9 K 2009-01-26 - 10:56 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC-2_Layer4.gif r1 manage 9.0 K 2009-01-26 - 10:56 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC-2_Layer5.gif r1 manage 9.0 K 2009-01-26 - 10:56 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC-2_Layer6.gif r1 manage 8.9 K 2009-01-26 - 10:57 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC-2_Layer7.gif r1 manage 8.1 K 2009-01-26 - 10:58 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC-2_Layer8.gif r1 manage 7.7 K 2009-01-26 - 10:58 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC-2_Layers.gif r1 manage 8.7 K 2009-01-26 - 11:01 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC-2_rVsZ.gif r1 manage 8.3 K 2009-01-26 - 11:01 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC0_Layer1.gif r1 manage 9.0 K 2009-01-26 - 10:58 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC2_Layer0.gif r1 manage 8.7 K 2009-01-26 - 10:58 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC2_Layer1.gif r1 manage 8.8 K 2009-01-26 - 10:59 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC2_Layer2.gif r1 manage 8.9 K 2009-01-26 - 10:59 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC2_Layer3.gif r1 manage 8.9 K 2009-01-26 - 10:59 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC2_Layer4.gif r1 manage 9.0 K 2009-01-26 - 11:00 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC2_Layer5.gif r1 manage 8.9 K 2009-01-26 - 11:00 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC2_Layer6.gif r1 manage 8.9 K 2009-01-26 - 11:00 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC2_Layer7.gif r1 manage 8.1 K 2009-01-26 - 11:01 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC2_Layer8.gif r1 manage 8.1 K 2009-01-26 - 11:01 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC2_Layers.gif r1 manage 8.9 K 2009-01-26 - 11:02 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif BEC2_rVsZ.gif r1 manage 8.2 K 2009-01-26 - 11:02 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif Events_91900.gif r1 manage 15.6 K 2009-01-19 - 11:25 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif NoisyRegion.gif r1 manage 11.7 K 2009-01-26 - 14:37 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif SPs_tracks.gif r1 manage 12.1 K 2009-01-23 - 15:06 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif StrangeClusters.gif r1 manage 6.9 K 2009-01-20 - 14:42 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif WeirdClusters2.gif r1 manage 9.6 K 2009-01-23 - 14:18 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif pixClus_BarECs_hitMaps_91900.gif r1 manage 10.2 K 2009-01-20 - 12:17 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif pixHitEtaPhibyLayer_91900.gif r2 r1 manage 9.7 K 2009-01-21 - 16:00 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif pixHitEtaPhibyLayer__91900.gif r1 manage 10.1 K 2009-01-22 - 12:38 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif pix_clus_multiplicity_ECsBarr.gif r1 manage 9.7 K 2009-01-21 - 16:05 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif pix_clust_BarrEC_TimeProfiles.gif r1 manage 13.1 K 2009-01-22 - 11:13 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif pix_hit_BarrEC_TimeProfiles.gif r1 manage 13.9 K 2009-01-22 - 11:13 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif pix_hit_multiplicity_ECsBarr.gif r1 manage 9.7 K 2009-01-21 - 16:03 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif pixelProfiles_91900.gif r1 manage 11.8 K 2009-01-19 - 11:26 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif sct+pix_91900.gif r1 manage 13.8 K 2009-01-19 - 11:26 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif sctClus_BarECs_hitMaps_91900.gif r1 manage 14.1 K 2009-01-20 - 12:17 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif sctHitEtaPhibyLayer_91900.gif r1 manage 19.1 K 2009-01-19 - 11:27 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif sctProfiles_91900.gif r1 manage 8.3 K 2009-01-19 - 11:27 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif sct_clus_multiplicity_ECsBarr_log.gif r1 manage 11.0 K 2009-01-21 - 16:06 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif sct_clust_BarrEC_TimeProfiles.gif r1 manage 10.6 K 2009-01-22 - 11:15 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif sct_rdo_BarrEC_TimeProfiles.gif r1 manage 10.5 K 2009-01-22 - 11:14 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif sct_rdo_multiplicity_ECsBarr_log.gif r1 manage 10.9 K 2009-01-21 - 16:06 JamieBoyd  
GIFgif weirdSCTclusLoc.gif r1 manage 9.6 K 2009-01-20 - 14:41 JamieBoyd  
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Topic revision: r13 - 2009-01-26 - JamieBoyd
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