-- RamanKhurana - 18-Nov-2010

To list root files in a directory :

ls -1 /cmshome/khurana/TES/NewTags-25-June/CMSSW_4_2_5/src/TauAnalysis/TauIdEfficiency/test/commissioning/Ecal-upScale/patTuple_ecalupscale | gawk 'BEGIN {ORS = " " } {print "inputFiles=rfio:/cmshome/khurana/TES/NewTags-25-June/CMSSW_4_2_5/src/TauAnalysis/TauIdEfficiency/test/commissioning/Ecal-upScale/patTuple_ecalupscale/"$1 }'

ls -1 /lustre/cms/store/user/khurana/HZZAnalysis/PatTuples/ZZtoAnything_TuneZ2_7TeV-pythia6-tauola/ | gawk '{print"\"rfio:/lustre/cms/store/user/khurana/HZZAnalysis/PatTuples/ZZtoAnything_TuneZ2_7TeV-pythia6-tauola/"$1"\"," }'

To list Merged root files in a directory :

ls -1 | grep Merged.* | gawk '{print "FleName[] = \"'$PWD'/''"$1 "\"; "}'

Instructions for copying Merged rootfiles from castor to tmp

rm -rf tmpCopyMergedFiles0
rm -rf tmpCopyMergedFiles1
rm -rf tmpCopyMergedFiles2


rfdir ${path} | gawk '{print $9}' >>tmpCopyMergedFiles0


cat tmpCopyMergedFiles0 | gawk 'BEGIN {ORS=" ";}{print $1}' >> tmpCopyMergedFiles1
rm -rf tmpCopyMergedFiles0


rfdir \${path1}  | gawk '{print"rfcp  '\${path1}'"\$9"  /tmp/khurana/input/"  }' | grep "Merged" >>tmpCopyMergedFiles2

chmod 777 tmpCopyMergedFiles1

chmod 777 tmpCopyMergedFiles2

rm -rf tmpCopyMergedFiles1
rm -rf tmpCopyMergedFiles2


Scripts With Explanation are at bottom of this page.

RunPostanalyzer.zip -- This zip has three files 1. ListDirectory, 2. ListFiles , 3. GetCompiledPostAnalyzer.

ListDirectory list all directory in the lustre dir and make use of ListFile script and make same kind of Dir in PostAnalyzer directory in lustre.

ListFiles will list all file in each file and then compile the PostAnalyzer for each file and Run it using the GetCompiledPostAnalyzer and saves root file in PostAnalyzer directory in Lustre.

* copy: Script to copy files from castor and then merge them into a single file and then copy merged file to castor path

  • Plot_H150.C: Script to plot H150 var and background var in same histogram

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
C source code filec Plot_H150.C r1 manage 6.4 K 2010-11-19 - 19:52 RamanKhurana Script to plot H150 var and background var in same histogram
Compressed Zip archivezip RunPostAnalyzer.zip r1 manage 1.8 K 2011-04-21 - 18:23 RamanKhurana Three files which compile postanalyzer, Run over Analyzer O/P file in lustre, Save O/P of PostAnalyzer in Lustre.
Unknown file formatext copy r2 r1 manage 1.0 K 2010-11-18 - 04:14 RamanKhurana Script to copy files from castor and then merge them into a single file and then copy merged file to castor path
Unknown file formatext copy_castor_mergedfile r1 manage 3.1 K 2011-01-27 - 12:04 RamanKhurana copy those files from castor to tmp which have name "Merged* " in a specific subdir
C source code filec myCutsMacroAll.C r1 manage 29.8 K 2011-03-27 - 20:57 RamanKhurana This is the main post Analyzer script
Unknown file formatext script_stagefilesfromdir r1 manage 0.8 K 2011-02-23 - 07:54 BhawnaGomber  
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Topic revision: r13 - 2011-07-28 - RamanKhurana
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