Trigger Vertex Study Recipe - by Steve Sekula

Instructions for running the Vertex/Pile-Up Study

Basic Information - Quickstart


  • tested with this release; likely works in later releases but tags of packages below may vary.


cmt co -r TrigCostAthena-00-00-01 Trigger/TrigCost/TrigCostAthena
cmt co Trigger/TrigCost/TrigCostAlgs
cmt co Trigger/TrigCost/TrigCostData
cmt co Trigger/TrigCost/TrigCostBase
cmt co Trigger/TrigCost/TrigCostRate


To generate a small ntuple containing vertex information:

cd /tmp/<USERNAME>/
dq2-get -f RDO.139442._000690.pool.root.1 mc09_7TeV.105001.pythia_minbias.digit.RDO.e517_s764_s767_d307_tid139442_00

athena -c 'PoolRDOInput=["/tmp/sekula/mc09_7TeV.105001.pythia_minbias.digit.RDO.e517_s764_s767_d307_tid139442_00/RDO.139442._000690.pool.root.1"];setGEO="ATLAS-GEO-10-00-00";setMenu="MC_pp_v1";setDebug="true";eventMax=100' ./ >& ./RunTrigCost.log

To analyze the vertex information in the ROOT files resulting from the previous step:

./ . -k TrigCost -r cost_debug.root  --test="algs vtx"

Setting up the Release

Create a location where your cmthome/ and test area directories will live. I have chosen to make the subdirectory structure of that location as follows:


code/ is my "testarea".

My requirements file is as follows:

set   SITEROOT /afs/
macro ATLAS_DIST_AREA ${SITEROOT}/atlas/software/dist                               

apply_tag  runtime 
apply_tag  opt

#simple workarea directories
apply_tag  oneTest 
apply_tag  setup
apply_tag  32

      betaSettings          "$(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)/beta"

use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_SETTINGS_AREA)
set CMTCONFIG i686-slc5-gcc43-opt

Setup the release as usual, with the "requirements" file in the cmthome/ subdirectory.

cd cmthome/
source /afs/
cmt config
source ./ -tag=,AtlasProduction

Packages for the Test Area

You need to checkout the following to your test area (code/, in my case):

cd code/

svn co svn+ssh:// PhysicsNtuple/PhysicsBase
svn co svn+ssh:// PhysicsNtuple/TrigMonCosts
svn co svn+ssh:// PhysicsNtuple/TriggerAlgs
svn co svn+ssh:// PhysicsNtuple/TriggerAthena
svn co svn+ssh:// PhysicsNtuple/TriggerData

cmt co -r TrigMonitoringEvent-00-00-10 Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigMonitoringEvent
cmt co -r TrigCostMonitor-00-00-59 Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigCostMonitor

(these last two are based on information from and Rustem, who created TrigCostMonitor-00-00-59 to incorporate the vertex study algorithm setup and fix bugs that prevented the Trig::Vertex object from being written to the TrigRate*.root files.)

Then execute:

to get a WorkArea directory in code/, which is a handy place from which to build. Then build:

cd WorkArea/cmt/
cmt broadcast cmt config
cmt broadcast source
cmt broadcast make -j2

If that works, you're ready to run.

Key Classes and Configuration Files

a class, capable of being stores in a .root file, which contains information about a vertex (number of tracks, chi2, etc.). Defined in the "Trig" namespace.

defines the Vertex class in the ROOT dictionary.

puts the Trig::Vertex class, and the std::vector<Trig::Vertex> classes in the lcgdict.

processes an event, retrieves vertex lists, and prepares a std::vector object for storage in a ROOT file. This algorithm is executed when the or jobOptions are executed in Athena.

contains python code (for Athena) that loads a python object pointing to the TrigNtVertexTool. Allows it to be configured when Athena runs.

top-level jobOptions for running TrigNtVertexTool in Athena (with offline reconstruction).

processes the "vertices" folder, in which std::vector objects are stored in the ROOT files produced by or Produces histograms, TTrees, and tables containing information about vertices.

defines the structure of the histograms filled by StudyVertex.h.

creates the implementations of the StudyVertex algorithm run by Athena. There are 2 instances defined: one for L2 vertices, one for offline vertices. Also loads the StudyVertex.xml file into run run_module.

the script you execute to process the TrigRate.root file(s) produced after running "".

Processing Samples to Incorporate Vertexing

This step processed ESD or AOD files and produces lightweight TrigRate.root files, which can then be analyzed using

First locate the data containers you need. The MC containers are listed on the Trigger Rates Twiki:

For instance:

mc09_7TeV.105001.pythia_minbias.digit.RDO.e517_s764_s767_d307 is the pile-up MinBias MC
mc09_7TeV.105001.pythia_minbias.digit.RDO.e517_s764_s767_d300 is the non pile-up MinBias MC

To process this MC on the GRID, first grab one of the files in the container off the GRID:

cd /tmp/${USER}/
source /afs/
dq2-ls -f mc09_7TeV.105001.pythia_minbias.digit.RDO.e517_s764_s767_d307
dq2-get -f RDO.139442._000690.pool.root.1 mc09_7TeV.105001.pythia_minbias.digit.RDO.e517_s764_s767_d307

Then run the following from something under your test area:

get_files -jo
pathena -c 'PoolRDOInput=["/tmp/USERNAME/mc09_7TeV.105001.pythia_minbias.digit.RDO.e517_s764_s767_d307/RDO.139442._000690.pool.root.1"];setMenu="InitialBeam_v3"' ./ --inDS 'mc09_7TeV.105001.pythia_minbias.digit.RDO.e517_s764_s767_d307/' --outDS user10.YourUserName.AStringThatCharacterizesTheContainer --supStream=GLOBAL --nGBPerJob=1 --notSkipMissing

Or to run interactively over a few events:

athena -c 'PoolRDOInput=["/tmp/USERNAME/mc09_7TeV.105001.pythia_minbias.digit.RDO.e517_s764_s767_d307/RDO.139442._000690.pool.root.1"];setMenu="InitialBeam_v3";eventMax=100' ./

Look for the files called TrigRate*.root in the output container (or in the current directory, depending on how you ran).

Running the StudyVertex Algorithm on TrigRate ROOT Files

Once you have TrigRate*.root files, you are ready to run the StudyVertex algorithm on them. To do this, execute the following:

<PATH TO TESTAREA>/PhysicsNtuple/TrigMonCosts/macros/ <PATH TO TrigRate*.root FILES> -k TrigRate -r cost_debug.root  --test=study

The above tells to process TrigRate files, output the results to cost_debug.root (which will then contain histograms, TTrees, etc.), and execute the study algorithms (e.g. StudyVertex).

-- StephenSekula - 24-Jul-2010

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