MadGraph generation page


MadGraph/MadEvent 4
By Fabio Maltoni, Tim Stelzer and the CP3 development team

To set up a new process:
1) Run "make" to compile MadGraph (and pythia-pgs and analysis packages, 
if downloaded and untarred)

2) Copy the Template directory to some other name, e.g. MyProcDir, in
order to always keep a clean copy of the Template.

3) Edit the file proc_card.dat in the MyProcDir/Cards directory to set
up one or more processes to be run simultaneously. Don't forget to
specify choice of model.

4) Go to the MyProcDir directory and run bin/newprocess to set up the
specified process. Please notice that this will replace the file
Cards/param_card.dat by the default param_card.dat for the model.

5) Check that the generation worked, using your web browser, by
looking at index.html in the MyProcDir directory.

To generate events with the process already set up:
Please see the README file in the MyProcDir directory.

To set up a new process using MadGraph "stand alone" (i.e. without MadEvent)
Follow the above instructions but execute ./bin/standalone before ./bin/newprocess

To use the DECAY package (DECAY directory)
To compile it: make
To use it:
./decay and follow the instructions

Edit proc_card.dat

  • cd madgraph/MG_ME_V4.2.11
  • make
  • compiled successfully
  • cp -R Template/ WJets/
  • cd WJets
  • edit Cards/proc_card.dat
  • Changed electrons to muons

#                        MadGraph/MadEvent                           *
#                              *
#                                                                    *
#                          proc_card.dat                             *
#                                                                    *
# This file is used to generate the code for a specific process.     *
# Some notation/conventions:                                         *
#                                                                    *
# 0. Do not modify the TAGS and their order.                         *
# 1. hash/pound is a comment.                                        *
# 2. The number after the @ is used as an identifier for the class   *
#    of processes. It can be any positive integer.                   *
# 3. The number of lines for the max couplings depends on how many   *
#    different classes of couplings are present in the model         *
#    In the SM these are just two: QED (which include EW) and QCD    *
# 4. Write "end_coup" after  the couplings list,                     *
#    to tell MG that the couplings input is over.                    *
# 5. Write "done" after the proc list to                             *
#    to tell MG that the proc input is over.                         *
# 6. Some model names available at present are:                      *
#    sm     =  Standard Model                                        *
#    sm_ckm =  Standard Model with Cabibbo matrix                    *
#    mssm   =  Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model                 *
#    2hdm   =  Generic Two Higgs Doublet model                       *
#    heft   =  Higgs EFT (+Standard Model)                           *
#    usrmod =  User Model                                            *
# 7. Don't leave spaces between the particles name in the            *
#    definition of the multiparticles.                               *
# Process(es) requested : mg2 input                                  *
# Begin PROCESS # This is TAG. Do not modify this line

pp>mu-vm~bb~  @0       # First Process
QCD=2                   # Max QCD couplings
QED=2                   # Max QED couplings
end_coup                # End the couplings input

pp>mu+vm b b~  @1      # Second Process
QCD=2                   # Max QCD couplings
QED=2                   # Max QED couplings
end_coup                # End the couplings input

pp>mu-vm~ b b~ j @2      # Third Process
QCD=3                   # Max QCD couplings
QED=2                   # Max QED couplings
end_coup                # End the couplings input

pp>mu+vm b b~ j @3       # Fourth Process
QCD=3                   # Max QCD couplings
QED=2                   # Max QED couplings
end_coup                # End the couplings input

pp>mu-vm~ b b~ j j @4   # Fifth Process
QCD=4                   # Max QCD couplings
QED=2                   # Max QED couplings
end_coup                # End the couplings input

pp>mu+vm b b~ j j @5    # Sixth Process
QCD=4                   # Max QCD couplings
QED=2                   # Max QED couplings
end_coup                # End the couplings input

done               # this tells MG there are no more procs

# End PROCESS  # This is TAG. Do not modify this line
# Model information                                                  *
# Begin MODEL  # This is TAG. Do not modify this line
# End   MODEL  # This is TAG. Do not modify this line
# Start multiparticle definitions                                    *
# Begin MULTIPARTICLES # This is TAG. Do not modify this line
P uu~dd~ss~cc~g
J uu~dd~ss~cc~g
L+ e+mu+
L- e-mu-
vl vevm
vl~ ve~vm~
# End  MULTIPARTICLES # This is TAG. Do not modify this line

  • Go to main page again to see Feynman diagrams for these:

    • Wbb0j:
    • Wbb1j:
    • Wbb2j:

  • No g77 installed on my machine (or I can't find it) so I need to do this on cmslpc

Running "newprocess"

  • bin/newprocess

cmslpc06:> bin/newprocess  >& ~/nobackup/wbb_newprocess.txt &

Generating events

  • Says to look at WJets/README

cmslpc06:> more README 
MadGraph/MadEvent 4.0
By Fabio Maltoni, Tim Stelzer and the CP3 development team

Information on the process to be generated is found in the file
index.html in this directory, which should be viewed using your web
browser. If the file index.html is missing, you need to generate a
process. Please refer to the README file one directory above this
(MG_ME_V?.?.?/) for instructions on how to generate a process.

To generate events:

1) Specify the model parameters. The model parameters include masses
and widths for the particles and coupling constants. They are given by
the file param_card.dat in the Cards directory. Although it is
possible to edit this file manually, this is not recommended since
there are dependencies among the parameters which need to be taken
into account. Instead the param_card.dat should be generated using one
of the Calculators found on the MG/ME homepages (stated above).  Click
Calculators, choose model and follow the instructions. Place the
resulting param_card.dat in the Cards directory.

2) Specify the run parameters. The run parameters includes collider
type and energy, choice of parton distribution functions and scales.
They are given by the file run_card.dat in the Cards directory. This
file should be edited manually, following the syntax given in the
example file.
**Warning!** For several reasons, avoid running more than 100,000
events per run. Instead perform several runs to reach the luminosity
you need. Subsequent runs automatically update the random seed, so the
results from different runs are statistically independent.

3) Run bin/generate_events to generate the events and calculate the

4) Follow the generation and look at the results in the file
HTML/crossx.html, using your web browser.

Editing run_card.dat

  • Changed some defaults (mbb, 10 TeV running):

#                       MadGraph/MadEvent                            *
#                              *
#                                                                    *
#                        run_card.dat                                *
#                                                                    *
#  This file is used to set the parameters of the run.               *
#                                                                    *
#  Some notation/conventions:                                        *
#                                                                    *
#   Lines starting with a '# ' are info or comments                  *
#                                                                    *
#   mind the format:   value    = variable     ! comment             *
# Running parameters
# Tag name for the run (one word)                                    *
  'lhc'      = run_tag ! name of the run 
# Number of events and rnd seed                                      *
  10000       = nevents ! Number of unweighted events requested 
      0       = iseed   ! rnd seed (0=assigned automatically=default))
# Collider type and energy                                           *
        1     = lpp1  ! beam 1 type (0=NO PDF)
        1     = lpp2  ! beam 2 type (0=NO PDF)
     5000     = ebeam1  ! beam 1 energy in GeV
     5000     = ebeam2  ! beam 2 energy in GeV
# Beam polarization from -100 (left-handed) to 100 (right-handed)    *
        0     = polbeam1 ! beam polarization for beam 1
        0     = polbeam2 ! beam polarization for beam 2
# PDF CHOICE: this automatically fixes also alpha_s and its evol.    *
 'cteq6l1'    = pdlabel     ! PDF set                                     
# Renormalization and factorization scales                           *
 T        = fixed_ren_scale  ! if .true. use fixed ren scale
 T        = fixed_fac_scale  ! if .true. use fixed fac scale
 91.1880  = scale            ! fixed ren scale
 91.1880  = dsqrt_q2fact1    ! fixed fact scale for pdf1
 91.1880  = dsqrt_q2fact2    ! fixed fact scale for pdf2
 1        = scalefact        ! scale factor for event-by-event scales
# Matching - Warning! ickkw > 0 is still beta
 0        = ickkw            ! 0 no matching, 1 MLM, 2 CKKW matching
# Standard Cuts
# Minimum pt's                                                       *
 20  = ptj ! minimum pt for the jets 
  0  = ptb ! minimum pt for the b 
 10  = pta ! minimum pt for the photons 
 10  = ptl ! minimum pt for the charged leptons 
# Minimum energy (in the lab frame)                                  *
  0  = ej ! minimum E for the jets 
  0  = eb ! minimum E for the b 
  0  = ea ! minimum E for the photons 
  0  = el ! minimum E for the charged leptons 
# Maximum rapidity                                                   *
 2.5  = etaj ! max rap for the jets 
 1d2  = etab ! max rap for the b 
 2.5  = etaa ! max rap for the photons 
 2.5  = etal ! max rap for the charged leptons 
# Minimum DeltaR distance                                            *
 0.4 = drjj ! distance between jets 
 0   = drbb ! distance between b's 
 0.4 = drll ! distance between leptons 
 0.4 = draa ! distance between gammas 
 0   = drbj ! distance between b and jet 
 0.4 = draj ! distance between gamma and jet 
 0.4 = drjl ! distance between jet and lepton 
 0   = drab ! distance between gamma and b 
 0   = drbl ! distance between b and lepton 
 0.4 = dral ! distance between gamma and lepton 
# Minimum invariant mass for pairs                                   *
 0  = mmjj ! min invariant mass of a jet pair 
 5.0= mmbb ! min invariant mass of a b pair 
 0  = mmaa ! min invariant mass of gamma gamma pair
 0  = mmll ! min invariant mass of l+l- (same flavour) lepton pair
# Inclusive cuts                                                     *
 0  = xptj ! minimum pt for at least one jet  
 0  = xptb ! minimum pt for at least one b 
 0  = xpta ! minimum pt for at least one photon 
 0  = xptl ! minimum pt for at least one charged lepton 
# WBF cuts                                                           *
 0  = xetamin ! minimum rapidity for two jets in the WBF case  
 0  = deltaeta ! minimum rapidity for two jets in the WBF case 
# Jet measure cuts                                                   *
 0  = xqcut   ! minimum kt jet measure between partons

Executing bin/generate_events

Was able to run without a problem. Begin and end:

cmslpc09:> more wbb_generate_events_output.txt 
Enter 1 for parallel 0 for serial run
Enter run name
Sun Jul 20 01:07:32 CDT 2008
Generating 10000 events
Cleaning  SubProcesses..........................................................................................................
Cleaning Source:
Cleaning lib:
Cleaning bin:
Compiling libraries
Working on subprocess:


Sun Jul 20 20:09:39 CDT 2008

Output files:

cmslpc09:> pwd
cmslpc09:> ls -trl $PWD/Events/
total 6496
-rw-r--r--  1 rappocc us_cms    1968 Jul  2 15:01 banner_header.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rappocc us_cms   17427 Jul  2 21:26 wbbnj_banner.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 rappocc us_cms    3904 Jul 20 20:08 wbb_unweighted_events.lhe.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 rappocc us_cms 6505880 Jul 20 20:08 wbb_events.lhe.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 rappocc us_cms   17615 Jul 20 20:09 wbb_banner.txt
cmslpc09:> du -ch Events/wbb_events.lhe.gz 
6.3M   Events/wbb_events.lhe.gz
6.3M   total

Run Simulation + Reconstruction

  • Using prescriptions:

  • Python file from:



scramv1 p -s CMSSW CMSSW_2_1_0_pre8
cd CMSSW_2_1_0_pre8/src/
addpkg Configuration/Examples
addpkg GeneratorInterface/MadGraphInterface
cp Configuration/Examples/python/ ./


import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

source = cms.Source("MadGraphSource", ## DEFAULT SETTINGS

    # parameters related to ME-PS matching
    produceEventTreeFile = cms.untracked.bool(False),
    pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
    # turn to standard sources way of inputting filename
    fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring('file:wbb_events.lhe'),
    MEMAIN_qcut = cms.untracked.double(30.0),
    pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),
    # values for the MEMAIN routine (matching). if set to 0. default values will be chosen from the interface
    MEMAIN_etaclmax = cms.untracked.double(5.0),
    # for reading non-MG LHE files
    minimalLH = cms.untracked.bool(False),
    # general parameters
    firstEvent = cms.untracked.uint32(0),
    MEMAIN_iexcfile = cms.untracked.uint32(1), ## only set to 1 if need to perform exclusive matching

    maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(5),
    # for reading from castor
    getInputFromMCDB = cms.untracked.bool(False),
    MCDBArticleID = cms.int32(0),
    # PYTHIA
    PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
        pythiaCMSDefaults = cms.vstring('PMAS(5,1)=4.4   ! b quarks mass', 
            'PMAS(6,1)=172  ! t quarks mass', 
            'MSTJ(1)=1      !...Fragmentation/hadronization on or off', 
            'MSTJ(11)=3     ! Choice of the fragmentation function', 
            'MSTJ(22)=2     ! Decay those unstable particles', 
            'PARJ(71)=10.   ! for which ctau  10 mm', 
            'MSTP(2)=1      ! which order running alphaS', 
            'MSTP(33)=0     ! no K factors in hard cross sections', 
            'MSTP(51)=7     ! structure function chosen', 
            'MSTP(61)=1     ! Parton showering on or off', 
            'MSTP(71)=1     !', 
            'MSTP(81)=1     ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default', 
            'MSTP(82)=4     ! Defines the multi-parton model', 
            'MSTP(143)=1    ! MUST BE 1 FOR THE MATCHING ROUTINE TO RUN!!!!', 
            'MSTU(21)=1     ! Check on possible errors during program execution', 
            'PARP(82)=1.9   ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions', 
            'PARP(89)=1000. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set', 
            'PARP(83)=0.5   ! Multiple interactions: matter distrbn parameter', 
            'PARP(84)=0.4   ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter', 
            'PARP(90)=0.16  ! Multiple interactions: rescaling power', 
            'PARP(67)=1.    ! amount of initial-state radiation', 
            'PARP(85)=0.33  ! gluon prod. mechanism in MI', 
            'PARP(86)=0.66  ! gluon prod. mechanism in MI', 
            'PARP(87)=0.7   ! ', 
            'PARP(88)=0.5   ! ', 
            'PARP(91)=1.0   ! kt distribution', 
            'MSEL=0         ! User defined processes/Full user control'),
        # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order
        # The first is general default pythia parameters, the second are own additions
        parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaCMSDefaults')

FullChain python file

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

process = cms.Process("Rec")
# this example configuration offers some minimum 
# annotation, to help users get through; please
# don't hesitate to read through the comments
# use MessageLogger to redirect/suppress multiple
# service messages coming from the system
# in this config below, we use the replace option to make
# the logger let out messages of severity ERROR (INFO level
# will be suppressed), and we want to limit the number to 10





# this config frament brings you the generator information

# this config frament brings you 3 steps of the detector simulation:
# -- vertex smearing (IR modeling)
# -- G4-based hit level detector simulation
# -- digitization (electronics readout modeling)
# it returns 2 sequences : 
# -- psim (vtx smearing + G4 sim)
# -- pdigi (digitization in all subsystems, i.e. tracker=pix+sistrips,
#           cal=ecal+ecal-0-suppression+hcal), muon=csc+dt+rpc)

# please note the IMPORTANT: 
# in order to operate Digis, one needs to include Mixing module 
# (pileup modeling), at least in the 0-pileup mode
# There're 3 possible configurations of the Mixing module :
# no-pileup, low luminosity pileup, and high luminosity pileup
# they come, respectively, through the 3 config fragments below
# *each* config returns label "mix"; thus you canNOT have them
# all together in the same configuration, but only one !!!

#include "Configuration/StandardSequences/data/MixingLowLumiPileUp.cff" 
#include "Configuration/StandardSequences/data/MixingHighLumiPileUp.cff" 





# madgraph input

# Event output

process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
    input = cms.untracked.int32(1)

process.FEVT = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule",
    fileName = cms.untracked.string('wbb_10TeV.root')

process.p0 = cms.Path(process.pgen)
process.p1 = cms.Path(process.psim)
process.p2 = cms.Path(process.pdigi)
process.p3 = cms.Path(process.L1Emulator)
process.p4 = cms.Path(process.DigiToRaw)
process.p5= cms.Path(process.RawToDigi)
process.p6= cms.Path(process.reconstruction)
process.outpath = cms.EndPath(process.FEVT)
process.schedule = cms.Schedule(process.p0,process.p1,process.p2,process.p3,process.p4,process.p5,process.p6,process.outpath)

Running interactively

Looks like this is working just fine:

cmslpc03:> cmsRun
 **                                                                          **
 **                                                                          **
 **              *......*                  Welcome to the Lund Monte Carlo!  **
 **         *:::!!:::::::::::*                                               **
 **      *::::::!!::::::::::::::*          PPP  Y   Y TTTTT H   H III   A    **
 **    *::::::::!!::::::::::::::::*        P  P  Y Y    T   H   H  I   A A   **
 **   *:::::::::!!:::::::::::::::::*       PPP    Y     T   HHHHH  I  AAAAA  **
 **   *:::::::::!!:::::::::::::::::*       P      Y     T   H   H  I  A   A  **
 **    *::::::::!!::::::::::::::::*!       P      Y     T   H   H III A   A  **
 **      *::::::!!::::::::::::::* !!                                         **
 **      !! *:::!!:::::::::::*    !!       This is PYTHIA version 6.416      **
 **      !!     !* -><- *         !!       Last date of change:  7 Mar 2008  **
 **      !!     !!                !!                                         **
 **      !!     !!                !!       Now is  0 Jan 2000 at  0:00:00    **
 **      !!                       !!                                         **
 **      !!        lh             !!       Disclaimer: this program comes    **
 **      !!                       !!       without any guarantees. Beware    **
 **      !!                 hh    !!       of errors and use common sense    **
 **      !!    ll                 !!       when interpreting results.        **
 **      !!                       !!                                         **
 **      !!                                Copyright T. Sjostrand (2008)     **
 **                                                                          **
 ** An archive of program versions and documentation is found on the web:    **
 **                              **
 **                                                                          **
 ** When you cite this program, the official reference is to the 6.4 manual: **
 ** T. Sjostrand, S. Mrenna and P. Skands, JHEP05 (2006) 026                 **
 ** (LU TP 06-13, FERMILAB-PUB-06-052-CD-T) [hep-ph/0603175].                **
 **                                                                          **
 ** Also remember that the program, to a large extent, represents original   **
 ** physics research. Other publications of special relevance to your        **
 ** studies may therefore deserve separate mention.                          **
 **                                                                          **
 ** Main author: Torbjorn Sjostrand; CERN/PH, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland,   **
 **   and Department of Theoretical Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden;  **
 **   phone: + 41 - 22 - 767 82 27; e-mail:              **
 ** Author: Stephen Mrenna; Computing Division, GDS Group,                   **
 **   Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, MS 234, Batavia, IL 60510, USA; **
 **   phone: + 1 - 630 - 840 - 2556; e-mail:                 **
 ** Author: Peter Skands; Theoretical Physics Department,                    **
 **   Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, MS 106, Batavia, IL 60510, USA; **
 **   and CERN/PH, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland;                              **
 **   phone: + 41 - 22 - 767 24 59; e-mail:                  **
 **                                                                          **
 **                                                                          **
     PMAS(5,1)      changed from        4.80000 to        4.40000
     PMAS(6,1)      changed from      175.00000 to      172.00000
     MSTJ(1)        changed from              1 to              1
     MSTJ(11)       changed from              4 to              3
     MSTJ(22)       changed from              1 to              2
     PARJ(71)       changed from       10.00000 to       10.00000
     MSTP(2)        changed from              1 to              1
     MSTP(33)       changed from              0 to              0
     MSTP(51)       changed from              7 to              7
     MSTP(61)       changed from              2 to              1
     MSTP(71)       changed from              1 to              1
     MSTP(81)       changed from              1 to              1
     MSTP(82)       changed from              4 to              4
     MSTP(143)      changed from              0 to              1
     MSTU(21)       changed from              2 to              1
     PARP(82)       changed from        2.00000 to        1.90000
     PARP(89)       changed from     1800.00000 to     1000.00000
     PARP(83)       changed from        0.50000 to        0.50000
     PARP(84)       changed from        0.40000 to        0.40000
     PARP(90)       changed from        0.16000 to        0.16000
     PARP(67)       changed from        4.00000 to        1.00000
     PARP(85)       changed from        0.90000 to        0.33000
     PARP(86)       changed from        0.95000 to        0.66000
     PARP(87)       changed from        0.70000 to        0.70000
     PARP(88)       changed from        0.50000 to        0.50000
     PARP(91)       changed from        2.00000 to        1.00000
     MSEL           changed from              1 to              0
     MRPY(1)        changed from       19780503 to      123456789
1****************** PYINIT: initialization of PYTHIA routines *****************
 Reading model: sm      
     IMSS(21)       changed from              0 to             24
 * (PYSLHA:) No valid unit given in IMSS
 Initializing PYR with random seed  517
 Initializing PYR with random seed  517
 Multiplying cross section by   1.
 Found parameter  ickkw  0
     MSTP(98)       changed from              0 to              1

 I                                                                            I
 I         PYTHIA will be initialized for p+ on p+ user configuration         I
 I            with   5000.000 GeV on   5000.000 GeV beam energies             I
 I                                                                            I
 I           corresponding to  10000.000 GeV center-of-mass energy            I
 I                                                                            I

 ******** PYMAXI: summary of differential cross-section maximum search ********

           I                                      I                 I
           I  ISUB  Subprocess name               I  Maximum value  I
           I                                      I                 I
           I                                      I                 I
           I    4   User process 0                I    7.7189E-10   I
           I    6   User process 1                I    1.2196E-09   I
           I    7   User process 2                I    1.1708E-09   I
           I    9   User process 3                I    1.8999E-09   I
           I   17   User process 4                I    9.7125E-10   I
           I   21   User process 5                I    1.5970E-09   I
           I   96   Semihard QCD 2 -> 2           I    1.4597E+04   I
           I                                      I                 I

 ****** PYMULT: initialization of multiple interactions for MSTP(82) = 4 ******
        pT0 = 2.75 GeV gives sigma(parton-parton) = 7.18E+02 mb: accepted

 ****** PYMIGN: initialization of multiple interactions for MSTP(82) = 4 ******
        pT0 = 2.75 GeV gives sigma(parton-parton) = 2.85E+02 mb: accepted

 ********************** PYINIT: initialization completed **********************
found 539 particles
%MSG-w MeasurementTracker:  AfterModuleConstruction 21-Jul-2008 13:45:32 CDT  pre-events
qualityFlags = 7
%MSG-i FwkReport:  main_input:source 21-Jul-2008 13:45:41 CDT BeforeEvents
Begin processing the 1st record. Run 2, Event 1, LumiSection 1
%MSG-w ValueInvalid:  CSCTFPacker:csctfpacker 21-Jul-2008 13:48:08 CDT  Run: 2 Event: 1
L1MuRegionalCand::phiValue requested physical value is invalid
%MSG-w ValueInvalid:  CSCTFPacker:csctfpacker 21-Jul-2008 13:48:08 CDT  Run: 2 Event: 1
L1MuRegionalCand::phiValue requested physical value is invalid
%MSG-w MeasurementTracker:  CkfTrackCandidateMaker:secTrackCandidates  21-Jul-2008 13:48:37 CDT  Run: 2 Event: 1
qualityFlags = 7
%MSG-w MeasurementTracker:  CkfTrackCandidateMaker:thTrackCandidates  21-Jul-2008 13:48:37 CDT  Run: 2 Event: 1
qualityFlags = 7

MessageLogger Summary

 type     category        sev    module        subroutine        count    total
 ---- -------------------- -- ---------------- ----------------  -----    -----
    1                      -i GsfElectronProdu                       1*       1
    2 Alignments           -i                  FakeAlignmentPro      1*       1
    3 Alignments           -i                  FakeAlignmentSou      1*       1
    4 BscSim               -i AfterModuleConst                       5*       5
    5 CSCGasCollisions     -i CSCDigiProducer:                       8*       8
    6 CaloGeometryBuilder  -i AfterModuleConst                       6*       6
    7 CaloSim              -i AfterModuleConst                      19*      19
    8 CaloSim              -i OscarProducer:g4                       4*       4
    9 CompositeTrajectoryF -i                                        1*       1
   10 ConversionTrackCandi -i AfterModuleConst                       5*       5
   11 ConversionTrackCandi -i ConversionTrackC                       3*       3
   12 ConvertedPhotonProdu -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
   13 ConvertedPhotonProdu -i PostSource                             1*       1
   14 DDLParser            -i                                        2*       2
   15 DigiInfo             -i EcalDigiProducer                       1*       1
   16 ESRecHitInfo         -i ESRecHitProducer                       1*       1
   17 EcalDigi             -i EcalDigiProducer                       3*       3
   18 EcalElectronicsMappe -i EcalRawToDigiDev                       2*       2
   19 EcalGeom             -i                                        1*       1
   20 EcalGeom             -i AfterModuleConst                       9*       9
   21 EcalNoise            -i EcalDigiProducer                       1*       1
   22 EcalRawToDigiDev     -i EcalRawToDigiDev                       2*       2
   23 EcalRecHitInfo       -i EcalRecHitProduc                       2*       2
   24 EcalSelectiveReadout -i EcalSelectiveRea                       1*       1
   25 EcalSim              -i AfterModuleConst                       9*       9
   26 EcalTPG              -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
   27 EcalTrivialCondition -i                                        8*       8
   28 EcalUncalibRecHitInf -i EcalWeightUncali                       2*       2
   29 EtaPhiRegionSeedFact -i ElectronPixelSee                       1*       1
   30 EventSetupDependency -i AfterModuleConst                       8*       8
   31 FedCabling           -i                                        1*       1
   32 FedCabling           -i PostSource                             1*       1
   33 FwkReport            -i main_input:sourc                       1        1
   34 G4cout               -i AfterModuleConst                      10*      10
   35 Generator            -i MadGraphSource:s                      17*      17
   36 Geometry             -i                  CSCGeometryESMod      2*       2
   37 Geometry             -i                  DTGeometryESModu      2*       2
   38 Geometry             -i                  TrackerDigiGeome      2*       2
   39 Geometry             -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
   40 GlobalMuonTrajectory -i GlobalMuonProduc                       6*       6
   41 GoodSeedProducer     -i GoodSeedProducer                       1*       1
   42 GsfBetheHeitlerUpdat -i GoodSeedProducer                       2*       2
   43 GsfBetheHeitlerUpdat -i GsfTrackProducer                       2*       2
   44 GsfTrackProducer     -i GsfTrackProducer                       1*       1
   45 GsfTrackProducer     -i GsfTrackProducer                       1*       1
   46 GsfTrajectorySmoothe -i GsfTrackProducer                       1*       1
   47 HCAL                 -i                                        1*       1
   48 HCAL                 -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
   49 HCAL                 -i HcalRawToDigi:hc                       1*       1
   50 HCalGeom             -i AfterModuleConst                       2*       2
   51 HFShower             -i AfterModuleConst                     201*     201
   52 HcalDigiProducer     -i HcalDigiProducer                       4*       4
   53 HcalHardcodeGeometry -i AfterModuleConst                       4*       4
   54 HcalSim              -i AfterModuleConst                      16*      16
   55 HcalZeroSuppression  -i HcalSimpleAmplit                       3*       3
   56 L1GtConfigProducers  -i                                        1*       1
   57 Level1               -i HcalTrigPrimDigi                       1*       1
   58 MadGraph             -i MadGraphSource:s                      17*      17
   59 MixingModule         -i MixingModule:mix                      35*      35
   60 Multi5x5SuperCluster -i PostSource                             1*       1
   61 Muon                 -i GlobalMuonProduc                       6*       6
   62 NavigationSetter     -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
   63 NavigationSetter     -i CkfTrackCandidat                       1*       1
   64 NavigationSetter     -i CkfTrackCandidat                       1*       1
   65 NavigationSetter     -i CkfTrackCandidat                       1*       1
   66 NavigationSetter     -i CkfTrackCandidat                       1*       1
   67 NavigationSetter     -i CkfTrackCandidat                       1*       1
   68 NavigationSetter     -i ConversionTrackC                       1*       1
   69 NavigationSetter     -i ElectronPixelSee                       2*       2
   70 NavigationSetter     -i GlobalMuonProduc                       1*       1
   71 NavigationSetter     -i MuonSeedProducer                       1*       1
   72 NavigationSetter     -i StandAloneMuonPr                       2*       2
   73 NavigationSetter     -i TevMuonProducer:                       1*       1
   74 PFElecTkProducer     -i PFElecTkProducer                       1*       1
   75 PFTrackTransformer   -i AfterModuleConst                       2*       2
   76 PhotonProducer       -i PhotonProducer:p                       4*       4
   77 PhysicsList          -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
   78 PixelDigitizer       -i SiPixelDigitizer                       2*       2
   79 PixelTrackProducer   -i PixelTrackProduc                       1*       1
   80 PixelTrackProducer   -i PixelTrackProduc                       1*       1
   81 RPCFakeCalibration:: -i                                        1*       1
   82 RPCPackingModule     -i RPCPackingModule                       1*       1
   83 RPCUnpacker          -i RPCUnpackingModu                       2*       2
   84 RecoMuon             -i GlobalMuonProduc                       6*       6
   85 RecoVertex/BeamSpotP -i BeamSpotProducer                       1*       1
   86 RecoVertex/BeamSpotP -i BeamSpotProducer                       1*       1
   87 RecoVertex/PrimaryVe -i PrimaryVertexPro                       4*       4
   88 RecoVertex/PrimaryVe -i PrimaryVertexPro                       4*       4
   89 RecoVertex/PrimaryVe -i PrimaryVertexPro                       1*       1
   90 RecoVertex/PrimaryVe -i PrimaryVertexPro                       1*       1
   91 RecoVertex/PrimaryVe -i PrimaryVertexPro                       9*       9
   92 RecoVertex/PrimaryVe -i PrimaryVertexPro                       9*       9
   93 Root_Information     -i PoolOutputModule TClass::TClass        2*       2
   94 Root_Information     -i PostSource       TClass::TClass        8*       8
   95 SiPixelClusterizer   -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
   96 SiPixelDetInfoFileRe -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
   97 SiPixelDetInfoFileRe -i SiPixelClusterPr                       1*       1
   98 SiPixelDetInfoFileRe -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
   99 SiPixelDetInfoFileRe -i SiPixelClusterPr                       1*       1
  100 SiPixelDigiToRaw     -i SiPixelDigiToRaw                       1*       1
  101 SiPixelFakeGainOffli -i                                        1*       1
  102 SiPixelFakeLorentzAn -i                                        1*       1
  103 SiPixelGainCalibrati -i SiPixelClusterPr                       1*       1
  104 SiPixelRawToDigi     -i SiPixelRawToDigi                       1*       1
  105 SiPixelTemplate      -i TrackProducer:pr                       2*       2
  106 SiStripClusterizer   -i SiStripClusteriz                       1*       1
  107 SiStripClusterizer   -i SiStripClusteriz                       3*       3
  108 SiStripDetInfoFileRe -i AfterModuleConst                       2*       2
  109 SiStripDetInfoFileRe -i PostSource                             1*       1
  110 SiStripDetInfoFileRe -i SiStripClusteriz                       1*       1
  111 SiStripDetInfoFileRe -i SiStripDigitizer                       3*       3
  112 SiStripDetInfoFileRe -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
  113 SiStripDetInfoFileRe -i PostSource                             1*       1
  114 SiStripDetInfoFileRe -i SiStripDigitizer                       3*       3
  115 SiStripGainFakeESSou -i                                        1*       1
  116 SiStripLAFakeESSourc -i                                        1*       1
  117 SiStripNoiseFakeESSo -i                                        1*       1
  118 SiStripPedestalsFake -i                                        1*       1
  119 SiStripRecHitConvert -i SiStripRecHitCon                       2*       2
  120 SiStripRecHitConvert -i SiStripRecHitCon                       2*       2
  121 SiStripRecHitConvert -i SiStripRecHitCon                       2*       2
  122 SiStripThresholdFake -i                                        1*       1
  123 SiStripZeroSuppressi -i SiStripZeroSuppr                       2*       2
  124 SimG4CoreApplication -i AfterModuleConst                       5*       5
  125 SimG4CoreApplication -i OscarProducer:g4                       2*       2
  126 SimG4CoreGenerator   -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
  127 SimG4CoreGeometry    -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
  128 SimG4CoreSensitiveDe -i AfterModuleConst                      15*      15
  129 TkDetLayers          -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
  130 TrackAssociator      -i MuonIdProducer:m                       5*       5
  131 TrackProducer        -i GsfTrackProducer                       2*       2
  132 TrackProducer        -i GsfTrackProducer                       2*       2
  133 TrackProducer        -i TrackProducer:pr                       3*       3
  134 TrackProducer        -i TrackProducer:se                       3*       3
  135 TrackProducer        -i TrackProducer:th                       3*       3
  136 TrackProducerWithSCA -i TrackProducerWit                       2*       2
  137 TrackProducerWithSCA -i TrackProducerWit                       2*       2
  138 TrackerMapDDDtoID    -i OscarProducer:g4                       3*       3
  139 TrackerSimInfo       -i AfterModuleConst                      53*      53
  140 TrackerSimInfoNumber -i OscarProducer:g4                       2*       2
  141 TrackingTruthProduce -i TrackingTruthPro                       4*       4
  142 TrackingTruthProduce -i TrackingTruthPro                       6*       6
  143 TrajectoryFilterESPr -i                                        6*       6
  144 TrajectoryFilterESPr -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
  145 TrajectoryFilterESPr -i CkfTrackCandidat                       1*       1
  146 TrajectoryFilterESPr -i CkfTrackCandidat                       1*       1
  147 TrajectoryFilterESPr -i CkfTrackCandidat                       1*       1
  148 TrajectoryFilterESPr -i CkfTrackCandidat                       1*       1
  149 Unknown              -i PostSource                             2*       2
  150 ZdcHardcodeGeometry  -i AfterModuleConst                       3*       3
  151 path                 -i AfterModuleConst                       1*       1
  152 produce              -i EcalTrigPrimProd                       1*       1
  153 setEvent             -i GlobalMuonProduc                       2*       2
  154 trajectories         -i GlobalMuonProduc                       4*       4
  155 MeasurementTracker   -w AfterModuleConst                       1        1
  156 MeasurementTracker   -w CkfTrackCandidat                       1        1
  157 MeasurementTracker   -w CkfTrackCandidat                       1        1
  158 MixingModule         -w MixingModule:mix                      11*      11
  159 ValueInvalid         -w CSCTFPacker:csct                       2        2

* Some occurrences of this message were suppressed in all logs, due to limits.

 type    category    Examples: run/evt        run/evt          run/evt
 ---- -------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
    1                      2/1                               
    2 Alignments           pre-events                        
    3 Alignments           pre-events                        
    4 BscSim               pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
    5 CSCGasCollisions     pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
    6 CaloGeometryBuilder  pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
    7 CaloSim              pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
    8 CaloSim              2/1              2/1              2/1
    9 CompositeTrajectoryFilterESProducer pre-events                        
   10 ConversionTrackCandidateProducer pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   11 ConversionTrackCandidateProducer 2/1              2/1              2/1
   12 ConvertedPhotonProducer pre-events                        
   13 ConvertedPhotonProducer 2/1                               
   14 DDLParser            pre-events       pre-events       
   15 DigiInfo             2/1                               
   16 ESRecHitInfo         2/1                               
   17 EcalDigi             2/1              2/1              2/1
   18 EcalElectronicsMapper pre-events       pre-events       
   19 EcalGeom             pre-events                        
   20 EcalGeom             pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   21 EcalNoise            pre-events                        
   22 EcalRawToDigiDev     pre-events       pre-events       
   23 EcalRecHitInfo       2/1              2/1              
   24 EcalSelectiveReadout 2/1                               
   25 EcalSim              pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   26 EcalTPG              pre-events                        
   27 EcalTrivialConditionRetriever pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   28 EcalUncalibRecHitInfo 2/1              2/1              
   29 EtaPhiRegionSeedFactory pre-events                        
   30 EventSetupDependency pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   31 FedCabling           pre-events                        
   32 FedCabling           BeforeEvents                      
   33 FwkReport            BeforeEvents                      
   34 G4cout               pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   35 Generator            pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   36 Geometry             pre-events       pre-events       
   37 Geometry             pre-events       pre-events       
   38 Geometry             pre-events       pre-events       
   39 Geometry             pre-events                        
   40 GlobalMuonTrajectoryBuilder 2/1              2/1              2/1
   41 GoodSeedProducer     pre-events                        
   42 GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator 2/1              2/1              
   43 GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator 2/1              2/1              
   44 GsfTrackProducer     2/1                               
   45 GsfTrackProducer     2/1                               
   46 GsfTrajectorySmoother 2/1                               
   47 HCAL                 pre-events                        
   48 HCAL                 pre-events                        
   49 HCAL                 pre-events                        
   50 HCalGeom             pre-events       pre-events       
   51 HFShower             pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   52 HcalDigiProducer     2/1              2/1              2/1
   53 HcalHardcodeGeometry pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   54 HcalSim              pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   55 HcalZeroSuppression  2/1              2/1              2/1
   56 L1GtConfigProducers  pre-events                        
   57 Level1               2/1                               
   58 MadGraph             pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   59 MixingModule         pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   60 Multi5x5SuperClusterProducerInfo 2/1                               
   61 Muon                 2/1              2/1              2/1
   62 NavigationSetter     pre-events                        
   63 NavigationSetter     2/1                               
   64 NavigationSetter     2/1                               
   65 NavigationSetter     2/1                               
   66 NavigationSetter     2/1                               
   67 NavigationSetter     2/1                               
   68 NavigationSetter     2/1                               
   69 NavigationSetter     2/1              2/1              
   70 NavigationSetter     2/1                               
   71 NavigationSetter     2/1                               
   72 NavigationSetter     2/1              2/1              
   73 NavigationSetter     2/1                               
   74 PFElecTkProducer     pre-events                        
   75 PFTrackTransformer   pre-events       pre-events       
   76 PhotonProducer       2/1              2/1              2/1
   77 PhysicsList          pre-events                        
   78 PixelDigitizer       pre-events       pre-events       
   79 PixelTrackProducer   2/1                               
   80 PixelTrackProducer   pre-events                        
   81 RPCFakeCalibration::RPCFakeCalibration pre-events                        
   82 RPCPackingModule     2/1                               
   83 RPCUnpacker          2/1              2/1              
   84 RecoMuon             2/1              2/1              2/1
   85 RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer 2/1                               
   86 RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer pre-events                        
   87 RecoVertex/PrimaryVertexProducer 2/1              2/1              2/1
   88 RecoVertex/PrimaryVertexProducer 2/1              2/1              2/1
   89 RecoVertex/PrimaryVertexProducer pre-events                        
   90 RecoVertex/PrimaryVertexProducer pre-events                        
   91 RecoVertex/PrimaryVertexProducerAlgorithm pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   92 RecoVertex/PrimaryVertexProducerAlgorithm pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
   93 Root_Information     2/1              2/1              
   94 Root_Information     BeforeEvents     BeforeEvents     BeforeEvents
   95 SiPixelClusterizer   pre-events                        
   96 SiPixelDetInfoFileReader::SiPixelDetInfoFileReader - END of file reached pre-events                        
   97 SiPixelDetInfoFileReader::SiPixelDetInfoFileReader - END of file reached 2/1                               
   98 SiPixelDetInfoFileReader::~SiPixelDetInfoFileReader pre-events                        
   99 SiPixelDetInfoFileReader::~SiPixelDetInfoFileReader 2/1                               
  100 SiPixelDigiToRaw     2/1                               
  101 SiPixelFakeGainOfflineESSource::SiPixelFakeGainOfflineESSource pre-events                        
  102 SiPixelFakeLorentzAngleESSource::SiPixelFakeLorentzAngleESSource pre-events                        
  103 SiPixelGainCalibrationServicePayloadGetter pre-events                        
  104 SiPixelRawToDigi     pre-events                        
  105 SiPixelTemplate      2/1              2/1              
  106 SiStripClusterizer   2/1                               
  107 SiStripClusterizer   pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
  108 SiStripDetInfoFileReader::SiStripDetInfoFileReader - END of file reached pre-events       pre-events       
  109 SiStripDetInfoFileReader::SiStripDetInfoFileReader - END of file reached BeforeEvents                      
  110 SiStripDetInfoFileReader::SiStripDetInfoFileReader - END of file reached pre-events                        
  111 SiStripDetInfoFileReader::SiStripDetInfoFileReader - END of file reached 2/1              2/1              2/1
  112 SiStripDetInfoFileReader::~SiStripDetInfoFileReader pre-events                        
  113 SiStripDetInfoFileReader::~SiStripDetInfoFileReader BeforeEvents                      
  114 SiStripDetInfoFileReader::~SiStripDetInfoFileReader 2/1              2/1              2/1
  115 SiStripGainFakeESSource::SiStripGainFakeESSource pre-events                        
  116 SiStripLAFakeESSource::SiStripLAFakeESSource pre-events                        
  117 SiStripNoiseFakeESSource::SiStripNoiseFakeESSource pre-events                        
  118 SiStripPedestalsFakeESSource::SiStripPedestalsFakeESSource pre-events                        
  119 SiStripRecHitConverter 2/1              2/1              
  120 SiStripRecHitConverter 2/1              2/1              
  121 SiStripRecHitConverter 2/1              2/1              
  122 SiStripThresholdFakeESSource::SiStripThresholdFakeESSource pre-events                        
  123 SiStripZeroSuppression pre-events       pre-events       
  124 SimG4CoreApplication pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
  125 SimG4CoreApplication 2/1              2/1              
  126 SimG4CoreGenerator   pre-events                        
  127 SimG4CoreGeometry    pre-events                        
  128 SimG4CoreSensitiveDetector pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
  129 TkDetLayers          pre-events                        
  130 TrackAssociator      2/1              2/1              2/1
  131 TrackProducer        2/1              2/1              
  132 TrackProducer        2/1              2/1              
  133 TrackProducer        2/1              2/1              2/1
  134 TrackProducer        2/1              2/1              2/1
  135 TrackProducer        2/1              2/1              2/1
  136 TrackProducerWithSCAssociation 2/1              2/1              
  137 TrackProducerWithSCAssociation 2/1              2/1              
  138 TrackerMapDDDtoID    2/1              2/1              2/1
  139 TrackerSimInfo       pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
  140 TrackerSimInfoNumbering 2/1              2/1              
  141 TrackingTruthProducer 2/1              2/1              2/1
  142 TrackingTruthProducer pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
  143 TrajectoryFilterESProducer pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
  144 TrajectoryFilterESProducer pre-events                        
  145 TrajectoryFilterESProducer 2/1                               
  146 TrajectoryFilterESProducer 2/1                               
  147 TrajectoryFilterESProducer 2/1                               
  148 TrajectoryFilterESProducer 2/1                               
  149 Unknown              BeforeEvents     BeforeEvents     
  150 ZdcHardcodeGeometry  pre-events       pre-events       pre-events
  151 path                 pre-events                        
  152 produce              2/1                               
  153 setEvent             2/1              2/1              
  154 trajectories         2/1              2/1              2/1
  155 MeasurementTracker   pre-events                        
  156 MeasurementTracker   2/1                               
  157 MeasurementTracker   2/1                               
  158 MixingModule         2/1              2/1              2/1
  159 ValueInvalid         2/1              2/1              

Severity    # Occurrences   Total Occurrences
--------    -------------   -----------------
Info                  711                 711
Warning                16                  16

Running on CRAB

  • This is getting to be a pain.
  • Can copy files over directly using additional_input_files, but the problem is that I don't know if PYTHIA can parallelize this.
  • Going to have to ask Steve Mrenna how to do this.
  • Maybe it just works. I'll try the naive approach and roll the dice.

CRAB config file

jobtype = cmssw
scheduler = glite

datasetpath = None
pset =
total_number_of_events = 10000
number_of_jobs =250


return_data            = 0
copy_data              = 1
storage_element        =
srm_version            = 1
storage_path           = /srm/managerv1?SFN=/resilient/rappocc/wjets/
additional_input_files = wbb_events.lhe

rb = CERN 
proxy_server = 

crab -create output

cmslpc03:> crab -create
crab. crab (version 2.3.1) running on Mon Jul 21 15:21:44 2008

crab. Working options:
  scheduler           glite
  job type            CMSSW
  working directory   /uscms_data/d1/rappocc/mcproduction/CMSSW_2_1_0_pre8/src/crab_0_080721_152144/

crab. Required 250 jobs in total 
crab. Required 10000 events in total 
crab. 250 jobs can be created, each for 40 for a total of 10000 events
crab. Creating 250 jobs, please wait...

crab. Total of 250 jobs created.

crab. Log-file is /uscms_data/d1/rappocc/mcproduction/CMSSW_2_1_0_pre8/src/crab_0_080721_152144/log/crab.log

crab -submit output

cmslpc03:> crab -submit
crab. crab (version 2.3.1) running on Mon Jul 21 15:22:08 2008

crab. Working options:
  scheduler           glite
  job type            CMSSW
  working directory   /uscms_data/d1/rappocc/mcproduction/CMSSW_2_1_0_pre8/src/crab_0_080721_152144/

crab. Checking available resources...
crab. Found  compatible site(s) for job 1
crab. 1 blocks of jobs will be submitted
                                                      Submitting 250 jobs                                                       
100% [======================================================================================================================]
                                                          please wait                                                           
crab. Total of 250 jobs submitted.
crab. Log-file is /uscms_data/d1/rappocc/mcproduction/CMSSW_2_1_0_pre8/src/crab_0_080721_152144/log/crab.log

crab results

>>>>>>>>> 250 Total Jobs 

>>>>>>>>> 249 Jobs Done  
          Retrieve them with: crab -getoutput <List of jobs>
          List of jobs: 1-96,98-250 

>>>>>>>>> 1 Jobs Aborted  
          You can resubmit them specifying JOB numbers: crab -resubmit JOB_number <List of jobs>
          List of jobs: 97 

crab. Log-file is /uscms_data/d1/rappocc/mcproduction/CMSSW_2_1_0_pre8/src/crab_0_080721_152144/log/crab.log

-- SalvatoreRRappoccio - 23 Jul 2008

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