Search for dark matter and large extra dimensions in Monophoton final state using Full RunII dataset


  • University of Hyderabad - Hyderabad, India: Shriniketan Acharya, Bhawna Gomber
  • Kyungpook National University - Daegu, South Korea: Hakseong Lee, Sunil M Dogra, Chang Seong Moon
  • Florida State University- Florida, United State: Andrew Askew


Review Processes

---+++ Table for Object Review Table showing the status of OR
SUS Objects Questionnaire links Status
Trigger NA Received GL
JetMET JetMET questionnaire Received GL
BTV NA Received GL
Muon Muon questionnaire Received GL
EGamma EGamma questionnaire Received GL
Combine gitlab link created by combine contacts Review in process

Object Review

---+++ Comments on JETMET OR
    • Changi: I checked both questionnaire and ANv5. I have no questions about your analysis.
    • I give you green light for Jet/MET objects. Two minor comments on AN.
    • #245 Jet/MET DPG → Jet/MET POG.
    • “MET filter” was renamed to “Noise filter”.

    • We have updated the AN with the above changes

---+++ Comments From Combine

    • George: Firstly to answer your question about using different bins per year.
    • This is a perfectly fine thing to do, many analyses optimise there binning on a per year basis. Please proceed with however you feel is optimal for your analysis.
    • Secondly on the review of the cards, I see that the validation pipeline fails. This is because you point to a workspace.root file where all your shape variations are supposed to be stored.
    • I expect you mean to point to the relevant .root files you uploaded. Is there a reason you point to this file in your cards? If not, please can you update this and reupload the cards

      • Answer: I have uploaded the datacards and root files to the git repository.
      • Here are a few details that I mentioned in the Instructions.txt file.
      • Each directory with the names card2017, card2018, and cardrun2 has input datacard and root files in it, which we used to get the impact.
      • Also in the above Instruction.txt text file, I have kept the command that I followed to get the impact plots.

SUS Hadronic/Photon subgroup conveners comments on AN_2023_v2

Sezen Comments

L47 Question: What is the suppression scale?

Answer: The Suppression scale is defined as product of the square root of coupling constants and the square of the Mediator mass. We followed this reference Section 5 .

L82-89 Question: Update

Answer: We have corrected the recent ATLAS result with the correct luminosity and the link to the published paper

Sec 3.2 Question:Add information about the simulation of the two dark matter models.

Answer: We have added, how the signal model for ADD hypothesis and DM_EWK hypothesis has been produced.

Question: Object selection is largely missing, what are the selection criteria for the jets, muons, and electrons? In Particular which ID has been used

Answer: We have Included the object selection in the updated version of the AN. The selection criteria are defined below for the jets, muons, and electrons:
In the signal region, events are vetoed if they contain an electron or muon with $\pt > 10\GeV$ passing the loose selections defined by the respective POGs.
The lepton selections for the single and double lepton control regions use the ``tight''
identification working points defined by the respective POGs.

Question: For the single lepton CRs, what happens to the lepton of the other flavor? Do you veto muons in the singleele CR or vice versa?

Answer: We placed the selection that there should be no muon for the Single electron channel and similarly there should be no electron in the Single Muon channel. These selections are placed at the preselection level.

L205-206 Question: Can we add a reference to the standard EGamma procedure?

Answer: We have added the reference in the AN The link to the standard Egamma procedure is

Fig 2 Question: PFWorst signal efficiency seems to be worse compared to the EGamma case. Is this a mistake?

Answer: No its not a mistake. with PFWorst signal efficiency is a little less compared to EGamma, but main thing is jet fakes have reduced a lot using PFworst ID.

L251-252 Question: Is the rest of the selection in the fake rate CR the same as that of the signal region?

Answer: Yes that's right

Question: Please clarify all photon selections used in the analysis (including the loose veto for fake rate calculation), perhaps by putting them in a comparative table

Answer:We will add it in the updated AN. Also we have answered all your questions/comments in the txt file for selection .

L276 Question: Related to the comment above, sigma_ietaieta < 0.0104 cut is not quoted anywhere before. Where is it used?

Answer: It was the mistake, the sigma_ietaieta is < 0.0103 this is the used in denominator selection used for computing the fake rate

L352 Question: broken sentence. Same number of … data events?

Answer: The statistical uncertainty of the fits is estimated by generating toy data from the nominal fit result with the same number of entries as the fit target distribution

L377 Question: How is phiprime defined?

Answer: phi prime is defined as relative fractions of phase space in the horizontal (H) and vertical (V ) signal regions, where Horizontal region = 1/π and Vertical Region = (π − 1)/π, respectively

Section 7 Question: Please detail how the fake rate and R_e fit into the full picture.

Answer: Sorry one of the background tex fille was not incldued earlier. So this is related to electron faking photon background which is included now.

Varun Sharma Comments:

Question: The abstract needs to be more than one sentence

Answer: It is done in the new AN version

Question: NO reference

Answer: Reference has been added

Question: There are no details about the trigger studies, Have you performed the trigger efficiency studies, evaluated the trigger scale factors?

Answer: We have added them

Question: No information about different scale factors applied to MCs

Answer: We have updated AN with scale factors information.

Question: Systematic uncertainties details are missing

Answer: It is mentioned in Signal extraction, but I agree we can add a different systematic uncertainty section.

Question: No result section

Answer: The result section is added

Question: No summary

Answer:It is added

L30 Question: Probably the content is copied from early 2016 data. 36 fb-1 -> 138 fb-1

Answer: We have changed the luminosity value to full run 2

L35 Question: In the simplified models, what sort of mediators are used (scalar, vector, pseudo-scalar, axial vector)? It is not clear in the description. More text would be helpful

Answer: We used Axial Vector and Vector mediator

Figure1 Question: Instead of generically describing Fig.1 in L72, it would be better to add a reference of the Figure along with the respective model description

Answer:We have made it better

82-89 Question: Need to update with recent results. These are clearly old comparisons

Answer: It has been updated

Question: Information related to global tag, CMSSW version used is missing in this section

Answer: CMSSW version we used for both 2017 and 2018 is CMSSW_10_6_27, the global tag for data in both years is 106X_dataRun2_v35, the global tag for MC for 2017 is 106X_mc2017_realistic_v8 and for 2018 is 106X_upgrade2018_realistic_v16_L1v1 , JEC correction file for 2017 is JetCorrectorParametersCollection_Summer19UL17_V5_MC_AK4PFchs and for 2018 is JetCorrectorParametersCollection_Summer19UL18_V5_MC_AK4PFchs * We are including this information in AN *

Question: Which samples are used for control region or signal regions and what triggers are used in CR/SR?

Answer: We used UL samples for CR/SR and the trigger we used is with threshold pt> 200

Table1 Question: It would be better to have different tables for the 2016/2017/2018 process and adding the cross-section values would be useful as well

Answer: For us 2017/2018 samples have same name except the tag, so we will add cross section to the tables.

Question: For signal samples, you need to add the details about the parameters used for generations, mediator mass, DM mass, couplings, dimensions, Pdf, generator, and order of generation (LO/NLO/..)

Answer: For ADD sample we used a pythia8 generator with LO of generation, for DM-EWK we use dark matter mass range from 1 to 800 GeV with unit coupling constants and the generator used is madgraph sample, for the DM signal sample we used coupling constant g_Q =0.25 and q_chi =1.0 with different mediator mass and dark matter mass range, the order of generation is LO as well as NLO and generator used is madgraph

Question: L120-123: This paragraph has no relevance at this place, at least to me I fail to understand what message is being conveyed here

Answer: Yes I removed it

Question: L126-132: The bullet here gives a good executive summary of background but a more descriptive overview of each background process, how it is estimated would be helpful

Answer: Yes updated it

Question: Section 4.1: The analysis strategy needs to have more than a couple of sentences. It should tell how the analysis is divided into CR/SR, in which all CR is used to extract what background and how they are connected to SR

Answer: Yes updated it

Section 4.2 Question: L141-151 How is a high ET photon defined? (If I remember correctly, it was mentioned in one of the presentations that you have developed a high pt photon ID which was blessed by the EGamma POG as well. If true, you need to add the detailed study somewhere in the note (maybe as an appendix) containing all the performance, and efficiency details.

Answer: The reference to the Egamma ID has been added in the AN

Question: What all MET filters are being used for 2017/2018

Answer: MET Filters which are used in 2017 and 2018 are Good Vertices, globalSuperTightHalo2016Filter, HBHENoiseFilter, HBHENoiseIsoFilter, EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter, BadPFMuonFilter, BadPFMuonDzFilter, hfNoisyHitsFilter, ecalBadCalibReducedMINIAODFilter \

Question: Identification/isolation criteria being used to selection photons, jets, and other objects used either for selection in the control region or signal region or vetoing

Answer: added more details to make it clear

Question: Motivation for selection applied - like which backgrounds are reduced by min(delta phi (jet, met) ) or when you mention pt/MET cut improves gamma+jet background rejection - add a plot to supplement that statement

Answer: Added the details, but plots etc are in 2016 AN, it was studied earlier extensively.

Question: There is no information about the event weights applied to background samples (like, PU reweighing, objection id/iso efficiency scale factors, pre-firing weights for 2017, HEM veto for 2018, etc.

Answer:Added one section for SF

Question: Section 4.3 (4.3.1 - 4.3.4) Question: As mentioned above, a little bit of more context as to why these control regions are needed or what is estimated from each of the control region (it may come in the next sections but until then it's difficult to understand the picture or flow of analysis.

Answer: Added details.

Question: definition of what an electron or a muon is needed and also what id's used, there is no selection on eta mentioned in any of the sub-section

Answer: Added.

Question: Section 5.1 should be before Section 4

Answer: Yes I agree, moved it.

Question: *

Question: Line191 A cut-based photon identification criteria is developed for barrel -> A new cut-based photon identification criteria has been developed for barrel photons. The new barrel id was presented in the EGamma POG meeting [link to presentation] and was approved by the conveners

Answer: This has been implemented

Question: L196 "because the hard scattering vertex the photon originates may have comparatively little charged track activity." -> Sentence not clear, please rewrite

Answer: What we are saying if photon is not originating from hard scaterring vertex, then the charged track activiy will be less around it and hence we will bias the isolation

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Topic revision: r17 - 2024-05-24 - ShriniketanAcharya
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