OS notes

Status making tables

  • Jake is cleaning up code and will commit to CVS
  • will wait for him to finish, then make tables with him and put on twiki

FR included in tables

  • FR prediction is included in looper
  • need to add results to "table-maker"

DY prediction

  • learn how to do it from Dave
  • what are the restrictions in our special corner of phase space

Status Significance estimate

Look into Z_Bi

  • looked at talk - too little info, need to read paper - arXiv: physics/0702156v4 , pub in Nuc. Ins. and Meth in Phys. Research A 595 (2008) 480-501 arXiv link, Jeff R. at CMS week: talk
  • example code:
      double n_on     = 140.; // total events in signal region (S+B)
      double mu_b_hat = 83.33;  // mean num of BG events expected in sig. region
      double sigma_b  = 8.333; // uncertainty of mu_b_hat
      double tau      = mu_b_hat / (sigma_b*sigma_b); // scale factor to corresp. Noff/Non
      double n_off    = tau*mu_b_hat;
      double P_Bi     = TMath::BetaIncomplete(1./(1.+tau), n_on, n_off+1);
      double Z_Bi     = sqrt(2.)*TMath::ErfInverse(1 - 2.*P_Bi);
      cout  <<"  n_on     " <<n_on      <<endl
            <<"  mu_b_hat " <<mu_b_hat  <<endl
            <<"  sigma_b  " <<sigma_b   <<endl
            <<"  tau      " <<tau       <<endl
            <<"  n_off    " <<n_off     <<endl
            <<"  P_Bi     " <<P_Bi      <<endl
            <<"  Z_Bi     " <<Z_Bi      <<endl;

Generation of CMSSW / Tas tuples for the LHA files

SLHA++ part
  1. SLHA files have spectroscopy. couplings, mixing, branching fractions link to files: srm://bsrm-1.t2.ucsd.edu:8443/srm/v2/server?SFN=/hadoop/cms/store/user/spadhi/SLHA/msugra_10_0_0_shla.tar.gz
  2. "add pdfs" for pp xsecs, done with PYTHIA for all points => each SLHA file gets one number (xsec) link to xecs: png plot, Sanjay will send mail with txt values.
  3. see below
CMSSW / TAS part
  1. FastSim / TaSntuple config:
    • one config for entire chain from reading the SLHA file, reading the xsecs and producing the tas tuples - see below.
script magic to send jobs to crab
  1. at which point Sanjay remarks that he is preparing to prepare RECO files for each of the SLHE files

Branching point: -> Either:

  1. wait for Sanjay to have produced RECO files -> he says deadline is Saturday March 27th.
  2. run std TaS ntuple jobs on the RECO files in local DBS

-> OR:

  1. set up scripting magic
  2. run FastSim + TaS
  3. postprocess and store
  met > 100 GeV met > 100 GeV met > 100 GeV met > 100 GeV met > 175 GeV met > 175 GeV met > 175 GeV met > 175 GeV
Sample all ee mm em all ee mm em
SM TOT 31+-0.85 5.7+-0.31 7.9+-0.5 17+-0.6 4.3+-0.27 0.78+-0.12 1.2+-0.14 2.3+-0.2
ttdil 29+-0.71 5.3+-0.31 7.1+-0.35 16+-0.54 4+-0.27 0.7+-0.11 1.2+-0.14 2.1+-0.19
ttotr 0.63+-0.11 0.16+-0.053 0.088+-0.039 0.39+-0.083 0.035+-0.025 0+-0 0+-0 0.035+-0.025
Zjets 0.75+-0.43 0+-0 0.5+-0.35 0.25+-0.25 0+-0 0+-0 0+-0 0+-0
wjets 0+-0 0+-0 0+-0 0+-0 0+-0 0+-0 0+-0 0+-0
tW 0.44+-0.032 0.11+-0.016 0.098+-0.015 0.23+-0.023 0.049+-0.011 0.014+-0.0057 0.0047+-0.0033 0.03+-0.0084
ww 0.4+-0.096 0.07+-0.04 0.12+-0.052 0.21+-0.07 0.19+-0.066 0.047+-0.033 0.023+-0.023 0.12+-0.052
wz 0.074+-0.026 0.046+-0.021 0.0092+-0.0092 0.018+-0.013 0.0092+-0.0092 0.0092+-0.0092 0+-0 0+-0
zz 0.021+-0.0078 0.0059+-0.0042 0.003+-0.003 0.012+-0.0059 0.0089+-0.0051 0.003+-0.003 0.003+-0.003 0.003+-0.003
LM0 48+-0.95 13+-0.49 16+-0.55 19+-0.6 21+-0.63 5.7+-0.33 7+-0.36 8.3+-0.39
LM1 12+-0.16 4.1+-0.096 4.9+-0.11 2.7+-0.079 8.4+-0.14 3+-0.082 3.5+-0.089 1.9+-0.066
LM2 0.57+-0.013 0.14+-0.0065 0.16+-0.0069 0.27+-0.0091 0.46+-0.012 0.11+-0.0059 0.13+-0.0062 0.22+-0.0082
LM3 5.2+-0.089 1.3+-0.045 1.6+-0.049 2.3+-0.059 3.3+-0.071 0.86+-0.036 0.98+-0.038 1.5+-0.047
LM4 1.8+-0.039 0.43+-0.019 0.48+-0.02 0.88+-0.028 1.2+-0.032 0.29+-0.016 0.32+-0.017 0.61+-0.023
LM5 0.41+-0.0091 0.095+-0.0043 0.11+-0.0046 0.21+-0.0065 0.31+-0.0078 0.07+-0.0037 0.077+-0.0039 0.16+-0.0057
LM6 1+-0.011 0.29+-0.0058 0.37+-0.0065 0.38+-0.0067 0.86+-0.01 0.24+-0.0053 0.31+-0.006 0.32+-0.0061
LM7 0.58+-0.016 0.17+-0.0088 0.2+-0.0095 0.22+-0.0099 0.27+-0.011 0.081+-0.0061 0.085+-0.0062 0.11+-0.0069
LM8 1.7+-0.024 0.36+-0.011 0.43+-0.012 0.91+-0.018 1.2+-0.02 0.25+-0.0091 0.3+-0.01 0.63+-0.015
LM9 2.3+-0.086 0.57+-0.043 0.81+-0.052 0.88+-0.054 0.74+-0.049 0.18+-0.024 0.29+-0.031 0.27+-0.03
LM10 0.02+-0.00067 0.0047+-0.00032 0.0052+-0.00034 0.0099+-0.00047 0.0079+-0.00042 0.0015+-0.00019 0.0023+-0.00023 0.004+-0.0003
LM11     met > 100 GeV met > 100 GeV met > 100 GeV met > 100 GeV met > 175 GeV met > 175 GeV met > 175 GeV met > 175 GeV

  met > 100 GeV met > 100 GeV met > 100 GeV met > 100 GeV met > 175 GeV met > 175 GeV met > 175 GeV met > 175 GeV
Sample all ee mm em all ee mm em
SM TOT 31+-0.85 5.7+-0.31 7.9+-0.5 17+-0.6 4.3+-0.27 0.78+-0.12 1.2+-0.14 2.3+-0.2
ttdil 2.9e+01+-7.1e-01 5.3e+00+-3.1e-01 7.1e+00+-3.5e-01 1.6e+01+-5.4e-01 4.0e+00+-2.7e-01 7.0e-01+-1.1e-01 1.2e+00+-1.4e-01 2.1e+00+-1.9e-01
ttotr 6.3e-01+-1.1e-01 1.6e-01+-5.3e-02 8.8e-02+-3.9e-02 3.9e-01+-8.3e-02 3.5e-02+-2.5e-02 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 3.5e-02+-2.5e-02
Zjets 7.5e-01+-4.3e-01 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 5.0e-01+-3.5e-01 2.5e-01+-2.5e-01 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00
wjets 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00
tW 4.4e-01+-3.2e-02 1.1e-01+-1.6e-02 9.8e-02+-1.5e-02 2.3e-01+-2.3e-02 4.9e-02+-1.1e-02 1.4e-02+-5.7e-03 4.7e-03+-3.3e-03 3.0e-02+-8.4e-03
ww 4.0e-01+-9.6e-02 7.0e-02+-4.0e-02 1.2e-01+-5.2e-02 2.1e-01+-7.0e-02 1.9e-01+-6.6e-02 4.7e-02+-3.3e-02 2.3e-02+-2.3e-02 1.2e-01+-5.2e-02
wz 7.4e-02+-2.6e-02 4.6e-02+-2.1e-02 9.2e-03+-9.2e-03 1.8e-02+-1.3e-02 9.2e-03+-9.2e-03 9.2e-03+-9.2e-03 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00 0.0e+00+-0.0e+00
zz 2.1e-02+-7.8e-03 5.9e-03+-4.2e-03 3.0e-03+-3.0e-03 1.2e-02+-5.9e-03 8.9e-03+-5.1e-03 3.0e-03+-3.0e-03 3.0e-03+-3.0e-03 3.0e-03+-3.0e-03
LM0 4.8e+01+-9.5e-01 1.3e+01+-4.9e-01 1.6e+01+-5.5e-01 1.9e+01+-6.0e-01 2.1e+01+-6.3e-01 5.7e+00+-3.3e-01 7.0e+00+-3.6e-01 8.3e+00+-3.9e-01
LM1 1.2e+01+-1.6e-01 4.1e+00+-9.6e-02 4.9e+00+-1.1e-01 2.7e+00+-7.9e-02 8.4e+00+-1.4e-01 3.0e+00+-8.2e-02 3.5e+00+-8.9e-02 1.9e+00+-6.6e-02
LM2 5.7e-01+-1.3e-02 1.4e-01+-6.5e-03 1.6e-01+-6.9e-03 2.7e-01+-9.1e-03 4.6e-01+-1.2e-02 1.1e-01+-5.9e-03 1.3e-01+-6.2e-03 2.2e-01+-8.2e-03
LM3 5.2e+00+-8.9e-02 1.3e+00+-4.5e-02 1.6e+00+-4.9e-02 2.3e+00+-5.9e-02 3.3e+00+-7.1e-02 8.6e-01+-3.6e-02 9.8e-01+-3.8e-02 1.5e+00+-4.7e-02
LM4 1.8e+00+-3.9e-02 4.3e-01+-1.9e-02 4.8e-01+-2.0e-02 8.8e-01+-2.8e-02 1.2e+00+-3.2e-02 2.9e-01+-1.6e-02 3.2e-01+-1.7e-02 6.1e-01+-2.3e-02
LM5 4.1e-01+-9.1e-03 9.5e-02+-4.3e-03 1.1e-01+-4.6e-03 2.1e-01+-6.5e-03 3.1e-01+-7.8e-03 7.0e-02+-3.7e-03 7.7e-02+-3.9e-03 1.6e-01+-5.7e-03
LM6 1.0e+00+-1.1e-02 2.9e-01+-5.8e-03 3.7e-01+-6.5e-03 3.8e-01+-6.7e-03 8.6e-01+-1.0e-02 2.4e-01+-5.3e-03 3.1e-01+-6.0e-03 3.2e-01+-6.1e-03
LM7 5.8e-01+-1.6e-02 1.7e-01+-8.8e-03 2.0e-01+-9.5e-03 2.2e-01+-9.9e-03 2.7e-01+-1.1e-02 8.1e-02+-6.1e-03 8.5e-02+-6.2e-03 1.1e-01+-6.9e-03
LM8 1.7e+00+-2.4e-02 3.6e-01+-1.1e-02 4.3e-01+-1.2e-02 9.1e-01+-1.8e-02 1.2e+00+-2.0e-02 2.5e-01+-9.1e-03 3.0e-01+-1.0e-02 6.3e-01+-1.5e-02
LM9 2.3e+00+-8.6e-02 5.7e-01+-4.3e-02 8.1e-01+-5.2e-02 8.8e-01+-5.4e-02 7.4e-01+-4.9e-02 1.8e-01+-2.4e-02 2.9e-01+-3.1e-02 2.7e-01+-3.0e-02
LM10 2.0e-02+-6.7e-04 4.7e-03+-3.2e-04 5.2e-03+-3.4e-04 9.9e-03+-4.7e-04 7.9e-03+-4.2e-04 1.5e-03+-1.9e-04 2.3e-03+-2.3e-04 4.0e-03+-3.0e-04
LM11 1.4e+00+-2.1e-02 3.2e-01+-1.0e-02 3.6e-01+-1.0e-02 7.7e-01+-1.5e-02 1.1e+00+-1.9e-02 2.4e-01+-8.7e-03 2.7e-01+-9.2e-03 6.0e-01+-1.4e-02
LM12 5.7e-01+-3.5e-02 1.6e-01+-1.9e-02 1.5e-01+-1.8e-02 2.5e-01+-2.3e-02 2.3e-01+-2.3e-02 6.7e-02+-1.2e-02 6.3e-02+-1.2e-02 1.0e-01+-1.5e-02

-- IngoBloch - 19-Mar-2010

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