-- GiovanniOrgantini - 2022-09-23

Construction Databases at CMS

This is a copy of the original page maintained by Valdas

List of CMS Construction databases and API services

Detector DB instance Read API Write API Description
OT INT2R GPN: http://dbloader-tracker:8113/
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_rhapi
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_loader/trker/int2r
GPN: ssh://dbloader-tracker.cern.ch:/home/dbspool/spool/trk/int2r
Development DB
OT CMSR GPN: http://dbloader-tracker:8113/
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_rhapi
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_loader/trker/cmsr
GPN: ssh://dbloader-tracker.cern.ch:/home/dbspool/spool/trk/cmsr
Production DB
HGCAL INT2R GPN: http://dbloader-hgcal:8113/
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/hgc_rhapi
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/hgc_loader/hgc/int2r
GPN: ssh://dbloader-hgcal.cern.ch:/home/dbspool/spool/hgc/int2r
Development DB
HGCAL CMSR GPN: http://dbloader-hgcal:8113/
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/hgc_rhapi
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/hgc_loader/hgc/cmsr
GPN: ssh://dbloader-hgcal.cern.ch:/home/dbspool/spool/hgc/cmsr
Production DB
MTD INT2R GPN: http://dbloader-mtd:8113/
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/mtd_rhapi
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/mtd_loader/mtd/int2r
GPN: ssh://dbloader-mtd.cern.ch:/home/dbspool/spool/mtd/int2r
Development DB
GEM INT2R GPN: http://dbloader-gem:8113/
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/gem_rhapi
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/gem_loader/gem/int2r
GPN: ssh://dbloader-gem.cern.ch:/home/dbspool/spool/gem/int2r
Development DB
GEM OMDS GPN: http://dbloader-gem:8113/
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/gem_rhapi
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/gem_loader/gem/omds
GPN: ssh://dbloader-gem.cern.ch:/home/dbspool/spool/gem/omds
Production DB
PPS INT2R GPN: http://dbloader-pps:8113/
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/pps_rhapi
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/pps_loader/pps/int2r
GPN: ssh://dbloader-pps.cern.ch:/home/dbspool/spool/pps/int2r
Development DB
ECAL INT2R GPN: http://dbloader-ecal:8113/
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/ecal_rhapi
Web: https://cmsdca.cern.ch/ecal_loader/ecal/int2r
GPN: ssh://dbloader-ecal.cern.ch:/home/dbspool/spool/ecal/int2r
Development DB

For Web access please follow instruction in Access from Outside CERN section.

E-Groups for data upload

Detector DB instance Construct Tracking QC
OT INT2R cms-tracker-assemblyOperators cms-tracker-trackingOperators cms-tracker-qcOperators
OT CMSR cms-tracker-assemblyOperators cms-tracker-trackingOperators cms-tracker-qcOperators
HGCAL INT2R cms-hgcal-assemblyOperators cms-hgcal-trackingOperators cms-hgcal-qcOperators
HGCAL CMSR cms-hgcal-assemblyOperators cms-hgcal-trackingOperators cms-hgcal-qcOperators
MTD INT2R * * *
GEM INT2R * * *
GEM OMDS * * *
PPS INT2R * * *
ECAL INT2R * * *

Schemas and documentation links

Detector DB instance URL Description
OT INT2R https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_loader/trker/int2r/doc/doc
Development DB
OT CMSR https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_loader/trker/cmsr/doc/doc
Production DB
HGCAL INT2R https://cmsdca.cern.ch/hgc_loader/hgc/int2r/doc/doc
Development DB
HGCAL CMSR https://cmsdca.cern.ch/hgc_loader/hgc/cmsr/doc/doc
Production DB
MTD INT2R https://cmsdca.cern.ch/mtd_loader/mtd/int2r/doc/doc
Development DB
GEM INT2R https://cmsdca.cern.ch/gem_loader/gem/int2r/doc/doc
Development DB
GEM OMDS https://cmsdca.cern.ch/gem_loader/gem/omds/doc/doc
Production DB
PPS INT2R https://cmsdca.cern.ch/pps_loader/pps/int2r/doc/doc
Development DB
ECAL INT2R https://cmsdca.cern.ch/ecal_loader/ecal/int2r/doc/doc
Development DB

Documentation of XML schema

DB Loader automatically generates XML schema documentation from the database. It generates documentation from all tables dynamically. Not only from static tables.

First of all, user can see all tables in all schemas. Simply can iterate them.


Secondly, after selecting a specific table - users are able to see which fields are possible in this tag. As well as relations (1 or many, etc).


Read API

Resthub API is a restful service for database data access from CLI and Python applications. More about Resthub: https://github.com/valdasraps/resthub

Usage Examples

Client script/module is available from these locations:

GPN: /afs/cern.ch/user/v/valdo/public/rhapi.py
Web: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/valdasraps/resthub/master/clients/python/src/main/python/rhapi.py

Usage scenarios:

cp /afs/cern.ch/user/v/valdo/public/rhapi.py .

python3 rhapi.py --help

# List folders (format: detector_database)
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113

# List folder tables
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 trker_int2r

# List table metadata
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 trker_int2r.kinds_of_part

# Execute query (default format: csv)
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 "select * from trker_int2r.kinds_of_part p"

# Count query result size
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 "select * from trker_int2r.kinds_of_part p" -c

# Data in JSON format
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 "select * from trker_int2r.kinds_of_part p" -f json

# Data in XML format
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 "select * from trker_int2r.kinds_of_part p" -f xml

# Paged output
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 "select * from trker_int2r.parts p" -s 20 -g 1
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 "select * from trker_int2r.parts p" -s 20 -g 2
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 "select * from trker_int2r.parts p" -s 20 -g 3

# Count number of parts by type
python3 /afs/cern.ch/user/v/valdo/public/rhapi.py --krb --url=https://cmsdca.cern.ch/hgc_rhapi "select p.KIND_OF_PART, count(p.ID) as count from hgc_int2r.parts p group by p.KIND_OF_PART"

# Join tables in a single query
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 "select d.* from trker_int2r.parts p, trker_int2r.datasets d where p.id = d.part_id order by d.insertion_time desc" -s 20

# Use query parameter
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 "select d.* from trker_int2r.parts p, trker_int2r.datasets d, trker_int2r.runs r where p.id = d.part_id and r.id = d.run_id and r.run_number = :run order by d.insertion_time desc" -s 20 -prun=1

# Grouping
python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 "select p.serial_number as part, d.kind_of_condition as condition, count(d.id) as count from trker_int2r.parts p, trker_int2r.datasets d where p.id = d.part_id group by p.serial_number, d.kind_of_condition" -s 20

API Tables

Model of main tables


Main tables:

Type Name Description
Construction kind_of_parts Kinds of part from CONSTRUCT database
Construction parts Parts from CONSTRUCT database
Construction p{part_id} List of Parts for specific ID (Kind of Part). Lookup ID from kind_of_parts table. Specific kind of part extension and attribute columns are added.
Condition conditions Kinds of conditions from CONDITIONS database
Condition runs Runs from CONDITIONS database
Condition c{condition_id} List of Condition data for specific ID (Kind of Condition). Lookup ID from conditions table.
* * Any table data exposed via specific view

Get data for specific condition

Condition tables named c prefix and a unique number, e.g. c7860.

In order to find which condition table the user need he just need to know the actual condition table name.

It could be done by 2 different ways:

1. By resthub query: e.g. we know that condition table called - "TEST_SENSOR_IV".

1.1. We have to execute query

 python3 rhapi.py --url=http://dbloader-tracker:8113 "select * from trker_int2r.conditions c where c.DATABASE_TABLE = 'TEST_SENSOR_IV'" 
1.2. The output of "CONDITION_TABLE" will be our condition table name. In our case, it is "c1020".

2. Another name is using WEB just go to the condition table. In our example, it is with OT https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_rhapi/table/trker_int2r/conditions/data (For different subsystem, it will be a different link)


The same is with parts. Just in order to the parts table name. The only difference is that we have to check the kinds_of_part table (see below).

Get specific kind of part details

1. depending on kind of part, each part can have custom values coming from extension table and attributes;

2. because of above, there is a special table for each kind of part which starts with p{KIND_OF_PART_ID};

3. exact table names can be looked up from here (see PART_TABLE):


4. p* tables have similar structure which comes from PARTS table with additional columns from extension table and/or attributes, i.e.


5. for more info you can dive into table template here:


Write API

Write API driven by DB Loader application provides write access to CLI and other applications. More about DB Loader: https://github.com/valdasraps/cmsdbldr

Usage Examples

Client script/module is available from these locations:

GPN: /afs/cern.ch/user/v/valdo/public/cmsdbldr_client.py
Web: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/valdasraps/cmsdbldr/master/src/main/python/cmsdbldr_client.py

Usage scenarios:

# Simple secure copy upload without client
# host and path parts must match your detector
scp testas.xml dbloader-tracker:/home/dbspool/spool/trk/int2r

# With client from lxplus or other AFS based machine
python3 cmsdbldr_client.py --krb --url=https://dbloader-tracker/trker/int2r PHS_testas.xml

# From outside (see section below) with lightweight account login
python3 cmsdbldr_client.py  --login --url=https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_loader/trker/int2r PHS_testas.zip

Minimal runtime env for CentOS/RHEL x86_64

In order to execute scripts in the machine which you do not have root rights, the prepared virtual environment can be downloaded from

GPN: /afs/cern.ch/user/v/valdo/public/venv.tar.gz
Web: https://github.com/valdasraps/resthub/blob/master/clients/python/src/deploy/venv.tar.gz?raw=true

Installation and usage:

tar xfz venv.tar.gz 
source venv/bin/activate
python3 rhapi.py --url=https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_rhapi --login

Note: this is a minimal runtime environment and does not contain various advanced features like ROOT support, etc.

Authorization for secure access (https)

Kerberos login

Make sure that auth-get-sso-cookie utility is installed, i.e. check

auth-get-sso-cookie -h

If this utility is available you can proceed in executing application, i.e. from lxplus

python3 cmsdbldr_client.py --krb --url=https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_loader/trker/int2r LoadTrackerUmJoSensorWafers.xml

python3 rhapi.py --krb --url=https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_rhapi

Lightweight user login

In case you do not have CERN account or intend to use it for application permanent access, please request CERN Lightweight account from https://account.cern.ch/account/Externals/RegisterAccount.aspx

Request account to be added to certain e-group if needed (see above). Make sure you have required dependencies installed, i.e.

sudo pip3 install requests ilock

Execute upload job. During the first execution the script the will ask username and password. Both will be cached (stored) in a file .session.cache for other consequent uses. Cookies once expired will be refreshed automatically:

python3 cmsdbldr_client.py --login --url=https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_loader/trker/int2r LoadTrackerUmJoSensorWafers.xml

python3 rhapi.py --login --url=https://cmsdca.cern.ch/trk_rhapi
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Topic revision: r1 - 2022-09-23 - GiovanniOrgantini
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