HEP MC and Data Analysis Tutorial

Tutorial for the Particle Phisics Summer School at Udine University, July 2018 and July 2019.

Re-proposed as part of the classes "Particelle e Interazioni Fondamentali", Master Degree in Mathematics, University of Udine, April-May 2019.






1. Entering:

  • Extract it and run it
    • insert the following as "Find existing session or server name...": pinamont@farmts.ts.infn.it
    • at the top select "SSH" (first option)
    • a password will be asked; insert: Lilapause13, then press ENTER
      • click on YES when asked about saving password
    • you should be redirected to this directory: tutorial_udine_2018
      • to check it type pwd and press the ENTER key
      • you should see /gpfs/atlas/pinamont/tutorial_udine_2018

  • Tips on MobaXTerm usage:
    • you have a "terminal" and a "file manager" (on the left)
    • terminal commands (unix / bash commands):
      • ls list content of current directory
      • pwd show current directory full path
      • cd myDirectory enter the directory with given name
      • cd .. go back by one directory
      • source myScript.sh or ./myScript.sh exectute the script / program myScript.sh
    • file manager:
      • double-click on a directory to enter it
      • double-click on a text file to open it
      • double click on the .. to go back one directory
      • to open images, double-click should work as well; if it doesn't, need to download them: use the right-click menu
    • next time you open MobaXTerm, can restore session (i.e. don't need to copy-paste pinamont@farmts.ts.infn.it again and to type password, if saved before)

2. Setup:

  • Only the first time you enter, type in your terminal (provided that you are in the /gpfs/atlas/pinamont/tutorial_udine_2018 directorry):
./setup.sh yourname

  • Whenever you come back with a fresh terminal, you just need to do:
cd yourname
source setup.sh

  • Go and modify the file: MG5_aMC_v2_3_3/input/mg5_configuration.txt
    • in order to have this line: text_editor = nano
    • IMPORTANT: you also need to delete the "#" at the beginning of the line!
    • Hint: use the text editor inside MobaXterm to modify the text file (from the left part of the screen), or you can use the nano text editor from the command line

  • Hints on nano text editor usage:
    • only keyboard, no mouse
    • use arrows to navigate
    • Ctrl+O to save (followed by ENTER if you really want to save)
    • Ctrl+X to exit

  • Now, we can enter the MG software and try it:
    • type:
cd MG5_aMC_v2_3_3

  • You are now inside the MG5 shell
    • say "no" to question if asked for upgrade
  • From inside MG5 type:
install pythia-pgs
install Delphes

3. Generate Signal:

  • We will now generate simulated Higgs -> ZZ events

  • From inside MG5 (if not yet in, type ./bin/mg5_aMC from /gpfs/atlas/pinamont/tutorial_udine_2018/yourname/MG5_aMC_v2_3_3), type:
import model heft
generate p p > h > l+ l- l+ l-
output h4lep
and then exit MG5, with "Ctrl+d"

  • Now enter the directory that got created and run the generation of the events:
cd h4lep

  • When prompted switch ON Pythia and Delphes
    • HINT: type "1" and ENTER, then "3" and ENTER, and then just ENTER
  • Modify the run card to set CME = 8 TeV (energy per beam = 4 TeV)
    • HINT: type "2" and ENTER to open the text file, then modify the proper lines from 6500 to 4000 (two of them!), then save the file (Ctrl+O) and exit (Ctrl+X)
  • Make sure Higgs mass is set it to 125 GeV * HINT: same as above, but type "1" (in principle you don't need to modofy anything)
  • Then go back to the MG5_aMC_v2_3_3 directory:
cd ..

4. Generate Background:

  • We will now generate simulated background events

  • From inside MG5 (if not yet in, type ./bin/mg5_aMC from /gpfs/atlas/pinamont/tutorial_udine_2018/yourname/MG5_aMC_v2_3_3), type:
generate p p > l+ l- l+ l- /h
output zz4lep
and then exit MG5, with "Ctrl+d"

  • Now enter the directory that got created and run the generation of the events:
cd zz4lep

  • When prompted switch ON Pythia and Delphes
    • and modify the run card to set CME = 8 TeV (energy per beam = 4 TeV)
  • Then go back to the MG5_aMC_v2_3_3 directory:
cd ..

5. Create Histogram for data, signal and background:

  • Now we will use ROOT to process the "real data" and the simulated samples we just produced
    • ROOT "macros" are provided for you, so that you can use them without knowing how to program in C++, but it can be instructive to look inside them at some point!

  • Go inside the Delphes directory (provided that you are under /gpfs/atlas/pinamont/tutorial_udine_2018/yourname/MG5_aMC_v2_3_3):
cd Delphes

  • And now let's run these three command lines, that execute the ROOT macros to transform the three data-sets into histograms:
root -l -b -q '../../MyHiggs4l.C("../../data_events.root","data")'
root -l -b -q '../../MyHiggs4l.C("../h4lep/Events/run_01/tag_1_delphes_events.root","signal")'
root -l -b -q '../../MyHiggs4l.C("../zz4lep/Events/run_01/tag_1_delphes_events.root","background")'

  • You can look at the results in the form of pictures showing the histograms by opening the .png files created after each step

6. Merge the histograms

  • Another ROOT macro is ready for you to use, to merge the three histograms in a nice plot, showing signal + background compared to data
    • type (provided that you are under /gpfs/atlas/pinamont/tutorial_udine_2018/yourname/MG5_aMC_v2_3_3/Delphes):
root -l -b -q '../../MyHistMerger.C'

  • And now you can finally see your nide plot: HiggsMass.png (under /gpfs/atlas/pinamont/tutorial_udine_2018/yourname/)

--Main.MichelePinamonti - 2019-07-23

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Topic revision: r7 - 2019-07-24 - MichelePinamonti
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