Private Production for VBF MC WW Background Samples with Summer12 Configurations


Qiang Li, Wei Zou, Zijun Xu (Peking University)

STEP 1: MC LHE Files

    some description about using the MadGraph/MadEvent to generate the LHE files 

Sample description # of evts submitted/finished Dataset Name Responsible person Site
VBF W+ W- > l nu j j 339359 WmWpEW_v1_unweighted_events.lhe.gz Zijun Xu
VBF W Z > l nu j j 400000 WZEW_v2_unweighted_events.lhe.gz Zijun Xu
QCD W+ W- plus 1Jet, W+ W- > l nu j j 500000 WWplus1Jet_v2_unweighted_events.lhe.gz Zijun Xu
QCD W Z plus 1Jet, W Z > l nu j j 500000 WZplus1Jet_QCD_v2_unweighted_events.lhe.gz Zijun Xu
QCD W+ W- plus 2Jets, W+ W- > l nu j j 135253(is reproducing now) WWplus2Jet_QCD_v1_unweighted_events.lhe.gz Zijun Xu
QCD W Z plus 2Jets, W Z > l nu j j 400000 WZplus2Jet_QCD_v1_unweighted_events.lhe.gz Zijun Xu
QCD W plus 4Jets, W > l nu 438082 Wplus4Jets_QCD_v1_unweighted_events.lhe.gz Zijun Xu


Prepare the environment at LPC

(cd to your working area at LPC)

setenv SCRAM_ARCH slc5_amd64_gcc462
source /uscmst1/prod/sw/cms/cshrc prod
cmsrel CMSSW_5_2_4
cd CMSSW_5_2_4/src
source /uscmst1/prod/grid/CRAB/crab.csh
source /uscmst1/prod/grid/gLite_SL5.csh

Create the GEN-SIM python configuration (please replace crab_vbf_WpWmEW with a different name, change the lhe files to the corresponding files):

mkdir crab_vbf_WpWmEW
cd crab_vbf_WpWmEW -s GEN,SIM --beamspot Realistic8TeVCollision --conditions START52_V9::All --pileup NoPileUp --datamix NODATAMIXER --eventcontent RAWSIM --datatier GEN-SIM -n 10 --no_exec --mc --fileout zprime_GENSIM.root --filein run_01_unweighted_events.lhe --filetype LHE --python_filename

Manually add the madgraph-pythia matching code in the

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
from Configuration.Generator.PythiaUEZ2starSettings_cfi import *

generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6HadronizerFilter",
	pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(True),
	maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(0),
	pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),
	comEnergy = cms.double(8000.0),
	UseExternalGenerators = cms.untracked.bool(True),
	PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
    	processParameters = cms.vstring('MSEL=0     	! User defined processes',
                    	'PMAS(5,1)=4.8   ! b quark mass',
                    	'PMAS(6,1)=172.5 ! t quark mass',
     	'MSTJ(1)=1   	! Fragmentation/hadronization on or off',
     	'MSTP(61)=1  	! Parton showering on or off'),
    	# This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order
    	parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',

Create a cb_qiangli-WpWmEW_GENSIM.cfg with the contents below:

jobtype  = CMSSW
scheduler = condor

datasetpath = None
get_edm_output = 1
first_run = 1
total_number_of_events = 550000
events_per_job = 500
pset = 
generator = lhe

return_data = 0
copy_data = 1
publish_data = 1
storage_element =
storage_path = /srm/managerv2?SFN=11
user_remote_dir = /store/user/lnujj
dbs_url_for_publication =
publish_data_name = qiangli-WpWmEW_5_2_4_SIM_Full_NEW_SEED
ui_working_dir = qiangli-WpWmEW_5_2_4_SIM_Full_NewSeed
check_user_remote_dir   = 0
additional_input_files = input01.lhe, input02.lhe, input03.lhe, input04.lhe, input05.lhe, input06.lhe, input07.lhe, input08.lhe, input09.lhe, input10.lhe, input11.lhe

And then you need replace the source lhe file name in your :

process.source = cms.Source("LHESource",
    fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(

And there is a simple script to rename the files name to the desired format:

ls genWpWmEW/WpWmEW_* | awk 'BEGIN {i = 0} {if(/genWpWmEW/) {i =i + 1;if(i < 10) {print "ln " $0" input0"i".lhe "};if(i >= 10){print "ln " $0" input"i".lhe "} }}

Then, just create the job and submit:

crab -create
crab -submit

Once the job is done, please publish it to db:

crab -getoutput
crab -report
crab -publish

Here are the table for book keeping:

STEP2 Summary Table

Sample description # of evts submitted/finished Dataset Name Responsible person Site


Make sure you are still in the crab_vbf_WpWmEW working directory.

Create the python configuration for "step2" (DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:GRun), again replace the crab_vbf_WpWmEW with a different directory name: REDIGI --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:GRun --conditions START50_V15::All --pileup 2012_Startup_50ns_PoissonOOTPU --customise Configuration/StandardSequences/ --datamix NODATAMIXER --eventcontent RAWSIM --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW --no_exec --mc --filein tc_GENSIM.root --fileout tc_RAWSIM.root --python_filename

Manually add the pile-up samples into the configuration (insert the following block into the

process.mix.input.fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(

Create a cb_qiangli-WpWmEW_RAWSIM.cfg with the contents below:

jobtype  = CMSSW
scheduler = condor

datasetpath = /qiangli-WpWmEW_4_2_8_SIM_Full_NEW_SEED/weizou-qiangli-WpWmEW_4_2_8_SIM_Full_NEW_SEED-53a21e6f3c7b0deae641bf4fdf3b97bb/USER 
get_edm_output = 1
first_run = 1
total_number_of_events = -1
number_of_jobs = 500
pset = 

return_data = 0
copy_data = 1
publish_data = 1
storage_element =
storage_path = /srm/managerv2?SFN=11
user_remote_dir = /store/user/lnujj
dbs_url_for_publication =
publish_data_name = qiangli-WpWmEW_5_2_4_RAW_FULL_NEW_SEED
check_user_remote_dir   = 0
ui_working_dir = qiangli-WpWmEW_5_2_4_FULL_RAW_Seed

Create the job and submit:

crab -create
crab -submit

Once the job is done, please publish it to db:

crab -getoutput
crab -report
crab -publishNoInp

Here are the table for book keeping:

STEP3 Summary Table

Sample description # of evts submitted/finished Dataset Name Responsible person Site


Make sure you are still in the crab_vbf_WpWmEW working directory.

Create the python configuration for "step3" (RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO), again replace the crab_vbf_WpWmEW with a different directory name: STEP2 --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO,VALIDATION:validation_prod,DQM:DQMOfflinePOGMC --conditions START50_V15::All --pileup 2012_Startup_50ns_PoissonOOTPU --datamix NODATAMIXER --eventcontent AODSIM --datatier AODSIM -n 10 --no_exec --mc --filein tc_RAWSIM.root --fileout tc_AODSIM.root --python_filename

Create a cb_qiangli-WpWmEW_RECO.cfg with the contents below:

jobtype  = CMSSW
scheduler = condor

datasetpath = /qiangli-WpWmEW_4_2_8_SIM_Full_NEW_SEED/weizou-qiangli-WpWmEW_4_2_8_RAW_FULL_NEW_SEED-fbfd28b452cfd6916cfaf24ef9bea208/USER 
dbs_url =
get_edm_output = 1
first_run = 1
total_number_of_events = -1
number_of_jobs = 300
pset = 

return_data = 0
copy_data = 1
publish_data = 1
storage_element =
storage_path = /srm/managerv2?SFN=11
user_remote_dir = /store/user/lnujj
dbs_url_for_publication =
publish_data_name = qiangli-WpWmEW_5_2_4_AODSIM_FULL_NEW_SEED
check_user_remote_dir   = 0
ui_working_dir = qiangli-WpWmEW_5_2_4_AODSIM_FULL_New_Seed

Create the job and submit:

crab -create
crab -submit

Once the job is done, please publish it to db:

crab -getoutput
crab -report
crab -publishNoInp

Here are the table for book keeping:

STEP4 Summary Table

Sample description # of evts submitted/finished Dataset Name Responsible person Site

-- WeiZou - 24-May-2012

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Topic revision: r10 - 2012-07-14 - unknown
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