The EMEC current and voltage slow control measurements were converted to root files for 3 channles:



Change algorithm of baseline calculation: to look for signals and if signal is longer then 4 samples - stop subtracting it over the time window. Check signal - baseline histogram. (Did - if the signal higher then 5 mean - put last baseline)

This should provide better situation at low amplitudes.

Separate HV vs CH correlation plots to 10 plots to fit independently.

Write up how I do analysis.

Ask about common style for pictures - save root files with high priority!

Need to filter double signals - should be a buffer of all found signals corresponding to the cherenkov - in case there is a new signal for cherenkov and several HV signal found - ask for higher amplitude

Or to set a time difference between HV signals and remember previous time and actual time - they have to be equal n times difference. Can be a problem between several runs. Still has to be a buffer to save last 10 signals for HV and corresponding time - cherenkov time and amplitude of HV - so that if there is the same Ch - take only one corresponding to maximum amplitude and check time difference between signals. //double vector for Ch vs HV correlation std::vector< std::vector > Ch_HV_correlation; //1 - Ch value //2 - ch time //3 - HV value //4 - HV time //to count found ch signals int Ch_counter=0;


New Cherenkov file:



file - > AllCherenkovData2013_2014_07_17.dat

root -l

root [2] gSystem->Load("");

root [2] gSystem->Load("");

root [2] .x M1

Enter file name:

Worked - AllCherenkovData2013_tree_17_07_2014.root put to the bin directory

Changed executable file:

Results are similar.


Introduced amplitude method



Time should be fine - but ax[0] is an average over several spills - so i have to search over certain time.

02.07.2014 run 1137, 1140 - cause drift up - requires to investigate with position.

recovered Pos_time_ch[] histogramm - for correlation position information with HV for specific runs.

run 1152 and 1186 disturb the fit - by adding low values at low boundaries - remove for experiment - but needs to be found the correlation with position information.

Draw the original values - the function!s


/home/olga/Desktop/IKTP/Cherenkov_2013_4 Changing creation of tree in MyFile MyLineReader - Spill length workes, Integral not - may be I should divide it by some walue?


Added all runs which are good - next to plot only runs selected and how the signal looks there to find out what happened for different runs in HV and in case there is no problem from algorithm, look for the position dependence.


Implemented cherenkov run number to read and compare with choosen runs!

Devide the HV and cherenkov to the same spill length - taken from cherenkov spill only - to exclude the HV spill length calculation !

Important to divide the HV and CH value by the same spill length! This shifts all plots in one line

May be to do independent graphs and make a multygraph to understand which run contributes where.

I think main problem solved, now only cosmetics!

To do - to see spill start difference of cherenkov and HV - to get the spread - expected +-5 samples - 0.5 s

To plot spill length for cherenchov versus HV - HV should be few samples longer!

Then to try to get relative maximum position of 3 bins from the spill start -

Correlate maximums of HV and CH????


The timestamp differences look now good - 9-11 *10 is the difference!

As before was 8-12 which is not a quality of data.

channel 1 and 3 have zeros in the time stamp somehow. This is not clear, but for other channels new file can be used for the analysis.

Sinchronization should be checked and integral of first and last halfes should be checked!

Problem was with line number not reset by my automatic readings of the all files: --> now solved

Files: allHVtrees2013.root allHVtrees2012.root were produced

To run over the tree the brances should be changed correspondingly:

./doCherenkovHVCurrent_100usecwise_bsec_clear_2014_vector_class AllCherenkovData2013_v4.dat.root allHVtrees2013.root bsec_summ_2013_v1.root AllCherenkovData2013_sl.dat.root

Looks better but there are inconsistensies - or coming from cherenkov or position data and also could be from spill length calculation.



Redid M1 script and MyFile.h and MyFile.c to create trees with integer and float numbers and to send it all at one to troot trees and hadd them to one final file:allHVtrees2013.root with

M1 has to be executed just after start of root -l

>.x M1

Loop will do it automatically


There is a need to deal with data as vector as the timestamp is jumping - all data was written into vectors and will be scanned over cherenkov to find signals:




emacs &

To start go to bin:

./doCherenkovHVCurrent_100usecwise_bsec_clear_2014_vector_class AllCherenkovData2013_v4.dat.root TB2013_HV.root bsec_summ_2013_v1.root AllCherenkovData2013_sl.dat.root

Comparisson by eye of the signal and cherenkov overlay looks the same as for histograms as for vectors.

Definition of the time shift is necessary - and algorithm for the correlation

First timestamp for cherenkov = 5180600

First timestamp for HV = 3859460

Calculation of the shift between Ch and HV first measurement - but not successfully printing out

Add :

//values of HV to keep not in hist but in vector std::vector< std::vector > HV_value;

std::vector HV_time;


The file from Sasha Kozelov includes the spill length - I get the values and now try to include it to the HV calculation, but this creates even higher disturbancies. Try to fix the possible spill length from 0.6 to 1.2 - At high intensities there are smaller spill length. There should be improvements for the spill length calculation - for each spill might get high fluctuations - I get average value and in the range from 0.6 s to 1.2 s.

I divided the full range of data to 10.000 bins - one bin 100ms --> around 30 min ranges and collect histograms for each time interval to calculate the spill length. Later it is used to get the spill length for apropriate time interval.

I got file from Alexander Kozelov with his spill length calculations --> need to compare.


After finding error in the spill length calculation I try to make running hist - to fill the histogramms for each 1000 entries and get the fit values - made first as running mean and later it is RunningHist.h Mean value of spill length is calculated with the time. Ups, I forgot the time in the histogram.


Even for each run spill length may vary and therefore there should be some running mean value.


Tried threshold as sigma - needs additional investigations

I think signals with empty bins are strange and better look for 10 consequent bins - any how obtained average signals look like only 10-14 bins can be consequent.

One has to take care about small signals before and after - again - consequent signals requirement can exclude this signals.

I would like to plot signals accepted to see if it works. -

May be I should calculate a few points by hand to be sure I do not make stupid mistake!

Algorithm of integration was changed today. --> change for 10 consequent bins.

Plan to do -

Look at the average signal from HV

Plot expected function for the HV vs Cherenkov --> Plot residual - function to data

Check if it is good or not - the baseline subtraction

How the estimated numbers were estimated for EMEC and the function.

Do I need to introduce new function for fitting the results on high intensities?

What is the range of the parameters - for the formula calculated?

Repeat measurements with 1kV data sets.

Plot position vs time for the runs to see how HV changes and position - to see correlation at low time ranges.

Is there a need for callibration for HV setup? Can something vary?

Look for the calculation way for signal pulses to take into account empty bins. -- FRANK

Restart of analysis on the lenovo computer:
Installed ROOTstuf in /home/olga/Desktop/ROOTStuff/build/bin

to run it - ./doCherenkovHVCurrent ../../TB2013_Files/AllCherenkovData2013.dat.root ../../TB2013_Files/TB2013_HV.root ../../TB2013_Files/bsec_summ_2013_v1.root

Position Information

/home/daq/Desktop/IKTP/TB_Protvino_092013/Protvino_Testbeam/bsec_summ_2013_v1.root - location of the position information file for the analysis.

Sigma calculations

Upgraded the Runningmean class for the calculation of sigma in sliding way. Not confirmed that it is right, - is used for error calculations and therefore not clear if errors are calculated right.

Found two methods for baseline

Running mean works as well as looking for high changes and in 10 samples before to calculate mean. Error was to watch for 3 channels instead of only one and therefore everything was 3 times.

Now the integrals have to be calculated and overlayed with cherenkov.

Integrals are calculated and showed to be ok over the threshold in respect to baseline. Now the synchronization is necessary with Cherenkov detector.

I believe they are synchronized but I do not get how. There is some jitter, why?

CMake installed for the test beam analysis.


cd build


cd bin

./doCherenkovHVCurrent ../../../TB_Protvino_092013/Cherenkov_2013/AllCherenkovData2013.dat.root ../../../TB_Protvino_092013/Protvino_Testbeam/HVCurrentAnalysis/April2013Run/AllNtuples/TB2013_HV.root

files from Maslenikov --> in folder /home/daq/Desktop/IKTP/TB_Protvino_092013/Protvino_Testbeam

all files - test and for 2013 and for 2013 have the same tree structure, files from Make Class were completely the same.

root [1] TTree test root [1] test.ReadFile("run_1000_hvc.dat","date/C:time/C:runnumber/i:spill/i:integral/F:val1:val2:val3:val4") root [1] test->Draw("integral")

does not work with strings

TString object has Tokenize and Atof functions -- OlgaNovgorodova - 2015-02-05

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Topic revision: r1 - 2015-02-05 - OlgaNovgorodova
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