User guide for T2_TW_Taiwan usage

Grid Access

Please refer to the CMS Twiki workbook: WorkBookRunningGrid (Following descriptions are shamelessly copied and re-written for T2_TW)

Get a Grid certificate and the registration to CMS VO

People who has ''normal'' CERN computer accounts should go to directly and get their certificates following the instructions on the web page. For remote users, one should go to ASGC CA: and following the instructions. A signature from regional RA (NTU: Pao-ti Chang) is needed to complete the application.

To get a certificate from CERN CA and register to CMS VO, you can find detailed instruction here: If you get a certificate from another Certification Authority, the procedure to register to CMS VO with your certificate, should be the same.

Setup local Environment and prepare user analysis code

Users of Taiwan can either use the login servers at CERN, lxplus, or make use of our T2 login servers:

Users with accounts on ASGC UI should have LCG UI environment set up already. To setup a basic CMSSW environment on ASGC UI, one can source from AFS by:

source /afs/

Install CMSSW project in a directory of your choice. In this case we create a "Tutorial" directory:

mkdir Tutorial
cd Tutorial
cmsrel CMSSW_2_1_12
cd CMSSW_2_1_12/src/

Get from CVS the configuration file we are going to use for this tutorial:

 cvsroot CMSSW
 csv login     # '98passwd'
 # setenv CVSROOT
 cvs co -r $CMSSW_VERSION PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test/
 cd PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test/

CRAB setup

Setup on lxplus:

In order to setup and use CRAB from any directory, source the script crab.(c)sh located in /afs/, which always points to the latest version of CRAB. After the source of the script it's possible to use CRAB from any directory (typically use it on your CMSSW working directory).

source /afs/

* New environment for SLC5 on ui01/02:

export VO_CMS_SW_DIR=/opt/exp_soft/slc5.x86-64/cms.ftt/
source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_ia32_gcc434
cd CMSSW_3_5_6

Locate the dataset and prepare CRAB submission

In order to run our analysis over a whole dataset, we have to find first the data name and then put it on the crab configuration file.

Data selection

To select data you want to access, use the DBS web page where available datasets are listed DBS Data Discovery. For this tutorial we'll use :


CRAB configuration

Modify the CRAB configuration file crab.cfg according to your needs: a fully documented template is available at $CRABPATH/full_crab.cfg, a template with essential parameters is available at $CRABPATH/crab.cfg . For guidance, see the list and description of configuration parameters. For this tutorial, the only relevant sections of the file are [CRAB], [CMSSW] and [USER] .

Configuration parameters

The list of the main parameters you need to specify on your crab.cfg:
  • pset: the CMSSW configuration file name;
  • output_file: the output file name produced by your pset; if in the CMSSW pset the output is defined in TFileService, the file is automatically handled by CRAB, and there is no need to specify it on this parameter;
  • datasetpath: the full dataset name you want to analyze;
  • total_number_of_events, number_of_jobs, events_per_job: you need to specify 2 of these parameters:
    • specify the total_number_of_events and the number_of_jobs: this will assing to each jobs a number of events equal to total_number_of_events/number_of_jobs;
    • specify the total_number_of_events and the events_per_job: will assing to each jobs the number events_per_job and will calculate the number of jobs by total_number_of_events/events_per_job;
    • or you can specify the number_of_jobs and the events_per_job...;
  • return_data: this can be 0 or 1; if it is one you will retrieve your output files to your local working area;
  • server_name: the name of the server where you want to send your jobs;
  • scheduler: the name of the scheduler you want to use;
  • jobtype: the type of the jobs.

Summit jobs as twcms role

This step can be skipped once "group=twcms" is set in your crab.cfg

Make sure the file access permission of your certificate under .globus/

Due to the bug of Grid job user role, one need to specific twcms before submitting jobs in order to make fully use of our T2 resources.

$ voms-proxy-init -voms cms:/cms/twcms
(You can safely ignore the error about "Cannot find file or dir: /home/xxxxx/.glite/vomses")

To double-check the user role, one can issue the following command:

$ voms-proxy-info --all

Make sure the twcms role is in the first attribute: (shorter version)

[yuanchao@pcntu01 test]$ voms-proxy-info --fqan
WARNING: Unable to verify signature! Server certificate possibly not installed.
Error: Cannot find certificate of AC issuer for vo cms
The WARNING and Error shown here can be safely ignored.

(detailed version)

[yuanchao@pcntu01 test]$ voms-proxy-info --all
subject   : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=yuanchao/CN=596728/CN=Yuan Chao/CN=proxy
issuer    : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=yuanchao/CN=596728/CN=Yuan Chao
identity  : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=yuanchao/CN=596728/CN=Yuan Chao
type      : proxy
strength  : 512 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u13771
timeleft  : 11:59:11
=== VO cms extension information ===
VO        : cms
subject   : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=yuanchao/CN=596728/CN=Yuan Chao
issuer    : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/
attribute : /cms/twcms/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
attribute : /cms/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:59:11

To further confirm the UID mapping on T2, one can issue the following commands on T2 UI:

$ globus-job-run `which id`
uid=42201(twcms002) gid=1402(twcms) groups=1402(twcms)

To delete dead jobs which CRAB failed to clear, one can use the following commands:

$ globus-job-run /usr/local/bin/qdel.twcms
Warning: users request to delete the job twcms002
total job query from queue 2 /tmp/B27517 ...
job status summary....
              2 R
force deleting the jobs from queue...

To check pending jobs in queue (if yes, report to support):

$ globus-job-run /usr/bin/qstat cms | grep twcms002

Copy the output to an SE

The change to copy the output to an existing Storage Element allows to bypass the output size limit (10MB) constraint.

Publish your result in DBS

To process the private skims using CRAB, one need to publish the skim on DBS. A new set of private DBSs are set up recently with writing permissions. Details can be found here. For all registered CMS users, there are two DBS URLs available:

You need "/cms" role in your DN. You can check it with the following command:

$ voms-proxy-info -all
subject   : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=yuanchao/CN=596728/CN=Yuan Chao/CN=proxy
issuer    : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=yuanchao/CN=596728/CN=Yuan Chao
identity  : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=yuanchao/CN=596728/CN=Yuan Chao
type      : proxy
strength  : 1024 bits
path      : /tmp/x509up_u13771
timeleft  : 11:59:56
=== VO cms extension information ===
VO        : cms
subject   : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=yuanchao/CN=596728/CN=Yuan Chao
issuer    : /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/
attribute : /cms/twcms/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
attribute : /cms/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
timeleft  : 11:59:55
uri       :

Only the outputs of POOL output module can be publish. (not rootuples!) In your crab.cfg, the followings are needed:

dbs_url_for_publication =


Be careful on the publish name, it should not contain '/USER'. Or CRAB will rise an error. ([publish_with_import_all_parents] may need to be set as '0' to walk around a possible bug)

After the skim jobs are done, one can write the publish info by issuing:

$ crab -publish

Note the CRAB output about the published dataset name. Your user ID (hypernews ID) and a hash code will be added into the publish_data_name. You need this for the processing jobs.

2009-08-19 06:30:41,160 [INFO]  --->>> End files publication
2009-08-19 06:30:41,174 [INFO]  --->>> Check data publication: dataset /RelValMinBias/yuanchao-MinBias_MC_31X_V3-v1_RAW-5ef010080a33c624ab2cff6acc1de0c6/USER in
 DBS url

2009-08-19 06:30:41,930 [INFO]  You can obtain more info about files of the data
set using: crab -checkPublication -USER.dataset_to_check=/RelValMinBias/yuanchao-MinBias_MC_31X_V3-v1_RAW-5ef010080a33c624ab2cff6acc1de0c6/USER -USER.dbs_url_for_publication= -debug

In this example, you need to put "/RelValMinBias/yuanchao-MinBias_MC_31X_V3-v1_RAW-5ef010080a33c624ab2cff6acc1de0c6/USER" as your [datasetpath] in crab.cfg. Also, you need to specify the [dbs_url] to "".

The publication of the produced data to a DBS allows one to re-run over the produced data that has been published. Below the instruction to follow and here the link to the how to. You have to add to the Crab configuration file more information specifying where you want to copy the results, the data name to publish and the DBS url instance where to register the output results.

### DBS/DLS options
dbs_url = <dbs_url_for_publication>

crab.cfg for this Tutorial

You can find more details on this at the corresponding link on the Crab FAQ page.

The CRAB configuration file (crab.cfg) should be located at the same location as the CMSSW parameter-set to be used by CRAB with the following content:



copy_data = 1
storage_element = T2_TW_Taiwan

## To store the output at CERN Castor, comment out "storage_element" and un-comment the followings
# storage_element =
# storage_path = /srm/managerv2?SFN=/castor/

user_remote_dir = MyFirstTutorialResults

#publish_data = 1
#publish_data_name = MyFirstTutorialResults
#dbs_url_for_publication =

server_name = bari

Run Crab

Once your crab.cfg is ready and the whole underlying environment is set up, you can start running CRAB. CRAB supports command line help which can be useful for the first time. You can get it via:
crab -h
in particular there is a *HOW TO RUN CRAB FOR THE IMPATIENT USER* section where the base commands are reported.

Job Creation

The job creation checks the availability of the selected dataset and prepares all the jobs for submission according to the selected job splitting specified in the crab.cfg

The creation process creates a CRAB project directory (default: crab_0_date_time) in the current working directory, where the related crab configuration file is cached for further usage, avoiding interference with other (already created) projects

CRAB allows the user to chose the project name, so that it can be used later to distinguish multiple CRAB projects in the same directory.

crab -create

which first times could ask for proxy/myproxy passwords and that should produce a similar screen output like:

[ui02] /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test > crab -create
crab. crab (version 2.4.3) running on Thu Dec 18 13:38:01 2008

crab. Working options:
  scheduler           glite
  job type            CMSSW
  working directory   /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test/crab_0_081218_133622/

crab. Downloading config files for WMS:
Cannot find file or dir: /home/yuanchao/.glite/vomses
Enter GRID pass phrase:
Your identity: /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=yuanchao/CN=596728/CN=Yuan Chao
Creating temporary proxy .................................................. Done
Contacting [/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/] "cms" Done
Creating proxy ............................... Done
Your proxy is valid until Fri Dec 26 13:44:47 2008
Your identity: /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=yuanchao/CN=596728/CN=Yuan Chao
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Creating proxy .................................. Done
Proxy Verify OK
Your proxy is valid until: Thu Dec 25 13:45:25 2008
A proxy valid for 168 hours (7.0 days) for user /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=yuanchao/CN=596728/CN=Yuan Chao now exists on
crab. Contacting Data Discovery Services ...
crab. Requested dataset: /RelValZEE/CMSSW_2_1_9_STARTUP_V7_v2/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-HLTDEBUG-RECO has 10000 events in 2 blocks.

crab. May not create the exact number_of_jobs requested.
crab. 11 job(s) can run on 3000 events.

crab. List of jobs and available destination sites:

Block     1: jobs                  1-2: sites:,
Block     2: jobs                 3-11: sites:

crab. Creating 11 jobs, please wait...

crab. Total of 11 jobs created.

crab. Log-file is /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test/crab_0_081218_133622/log/crab.log

Job Submission

With the submission command it's possible to specify a combination of jobs and job-ranges separated by comma (e.g.: =1,2,3-4), the default is all. To submit all jobs of the last created project with the default name, it's enough to execute the following command:

crab -submit 
to submit a specific project:
crab -submit -c  <dir name>

which should produce a similar screen output like:

[ui02] /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test > crab -submit
crab. crab (version 2.4.3) running on Thu Dec 18 14:06:34 2008

crab. Working options:
  scheduler           glite
  job type            CMSSW
  working directory   /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test/crab_0_081218_133622/

crab. Downloading config files for
crab. Registering credential to the server
crab. Registering a valid proxy to the server:
crab. Credential successfully delegated to the server.

crab. Starting sending the project to the storage
crab. Task crab_0_081218_133622 successfully submitted to server

crab. Total of 11 jobs submitted
crab. Log-file is /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test/crab_0_081218_133622/log/crab.log

Job Status Check

Check the status of the jobs in the latest CRAB project with the following command:
crab -status 
to check a specific project:
crab -status -c  <dir name>

which should produce a similar screen output like:

[ui02] /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test > crab -status
crab. crab (version 2.4.3) running on Thu Dec 18 14:52:36 2008

crab. Working options:
  scheduler           glite
  job type            CMSSW
  working directory   /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test/crab_0_081218_133622/

ID     STATUS             E_HOST                               EXE_EXIT_CODE JOB_EXIT_STATUS  ENDED
1      Submitting               N
2      Submitting               N
3      Submitting               N
4      Submitting               N
5      Submitting               N
6      Submitting               N
7      Submitting               N
8      Submitting               N
9      Submitting               N
10     Submitting               N
11     Submitting               N

>>>>>>>>> 11 Total Jobs

>>>>>>>>> 11 Jobs with Wrapper Exit Code :
          List of jobs: 1-11

crab. Log-file is /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test/crab_0_081218_133622/log/crab.log

Also, you can have a look at the web page of the server where you can see the status progress of you job. Simply, execute the command:

crab -printId
And you will get the unique id of your jobs:
[ui02] /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test > crab -printId
crab. crab (version 2.4.3) running on Thu Dec 18 14:25:43 2008

crab. Working options:
  scheduler           glite
  job type            CMSSW
  working directory   /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test/crab_0_081218_133622/

Task Id = yuanchao_crab_0_081218_133622_306e8c4d-85ab-45d9-ab80-571420f834c7
crab. You can also check jobs status at:
        ( Your task name is: yuanchao_crab_0_081218_133622_306e8c4d-85ab-45d9-ab80-571420f834c7 )

crab. Log-file is /home/yuanchao/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_12/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test/crab_0_081218_133622/log/crab.log
Copy the unique id of your task (in the above example: mcinquil_crab_0_081017_011536_72fd4e00-4d34-4862-893b-7057e0049f36), go to the link of the Bari Server, paste the unique id in the text field and press the "Show" button.

Job Output Retrieval

For the jobs which are in the "Done" state it is possible to retrieve the log files of the jobs (just the log files, because the output files are copied to the Storage Element associated to the T2 specified on the crab.cfg and infact return_data is 0). The following command retrieves the log files of all "Done" jobs of the last created CRAB project:
crab -getoutput 
to get the output of a specific project:
crab -getoutput -c  <dir name>

the job results will be copied in the res subdirectory of your crab project:

[lxplus231] ~/scratch0/Tutorial/CMSSW_2_1_9/src/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/test > crab -get all -c
crab. crab (version 2.4.0) running on Thu Oct 16 16:32:18 2008

crab. Working options:
  scheduler           glite
  job type            CMSSW
  working directory   /afs/

crab. Starting retrieving output from server
crab. Results of Jobs # 1 are in /afs/
crab. Results of Jobs # 2 are in /afs/
crab. Results of Jobs # 3 are in /afs/
crab. Results of Jobs # 4 are in /afs/
crab. Results of Jobs # 5 are in /afs/
crab. Results of Jobs # 6 are in /afs/
crab. Results of Jobs # 7 are in /afs/
crab. Results of Jobs # 8 are in /afs/
crab. Results of Jobs # 9 are in /afs/
crab. Results of Jobs # 10 are in /afs/
crab. Log-file is /afs/

Where to find more on CRAB

T2_TW specific info.

One can specify ASGC CE and/or SE in the white list of CRAB to force your jobs to run at T2_TW_Taiwan.





Useful resources

Recursive copying all files under a given directory for DPM or SRM. Don't forget to change the user name in the script. Rename the file as *.py and give proper permissions.

Change 'rfdir' and 'rfcp' to '/opt/lcg/bin/rfdir' and '/opt/lcg/bin/rfcp' if you are using on ASGC UI.

Don't forget to change to your SE store/user home in the script.

It can delete all files under a folder. For safety, it doesn't do recursive deletion. (only one level)

[yuanchao@pcntu01 ~]$
Usage: srm_path [matching_pattern]
It picks up the user name and corresponding path, so you only need to specify a relative srm_path to your own area. It also removes empty directories.

[matching_pattern] is just a simple string comparison. So no '*' or '?' allowed.

Useful links

  • The "starting page" Twiki:

  • FTT Batch System Running Job Monitoring (running):

  • FTT:

  • ASGC Batch System Running Job Monitoring (pending):

  • ASGC Batch System Running Job Monitoring (running):

  • CASTOR2 LSF Job Submission Monitoring

  • ASGC CASTOR Atlas Job Scheduling Monitoring

  • CASTOR2 Network Throughput - CMS

  • CASTOR2 Network Throughput - Atlas

  • ASGC RRD Gateway (castor2):

  • ASGC RRD Gateway (ftt):

  • ASGC User Meeting & info:

  • Mailing list for user meeting:

  • FTT Queue status:

  • Information for CMS Users of the PHOENIX cluster (how to get PFN from LFN)

-- YuanChao - 18 Dec 2008

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt r1 manage 0.8 K 2008-12-18 - 11:43 YuanChao Recursive copying tool for DPM
Texttxt r1 manage 1.4 K 2008-12-18 - 11:44 YuanChao Recursive copying tool for SRM
Texttxt r1 manage 1.9 K 2010-04-23 - 14:56 YuanChao  
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