-- ChengguangZhu - 01 Dec 2007


e Reconstruction

hard electrons

  • electromagnetic sliding-window clusters: 1. tower building 2. pre-cluster(seed) 3. cluster filling, used for electron and photon identification
    • each tower size is $\Delta\eta\times\Delta\phi$ is 0.025*0.025
    • 5*5 window is used to scan $\eta$[-2.5,2.5] and $\phi$[-3.14,3.14] space
    • taken the window as seed, if >3GeV transverse energy found,
    • position is computed with 3*3 window to decrease sensitivity to noise.
    • If seeds are close as 2*2, the one with higher transverse energy is kept only
    • Cluster filling: different sizes (3x5, 3x7 and 5x5, release 12) of clusters are filled.
    • Cluster calibration
    • egamma identification ( in release 13, this step is done before cluster filling and calibration)
  • combined sliding-window clusters: similar procedure, used for tau identification

soft electrons

Reconstructed electron parameters in AOD EgammaAOD

e Isolation


  • The selection cut is egammaParameters::etcone20 < 6GeV :
    • Etcone20 means, in EM calorimeter, the transverse energy $E_{T}=E\sin\theta$ (ref) deposited in a cone of half-opening angle 0.2 around electron minus transverse energy representing electron (5*7 cells). This redundant transverse energy comes from detector noise or jets if electron is not isolated, also called excess transverse energy.
  • This is a strange cut, as it uses ET instead of E, and also because it does NOT cut on the excess energy as a function of the cluster energy (the excess energy has cluster energy dependence). D0 used isolation=[Etotal(0.4)-Eem(0.2)]/Eem(0.2).
    • But it works when one doesn't ask very precise on electron ID; X-axis is the etcone20, Z(→ee) + jets MC events, good match means that the reconstructed electron matches a truth electron from Z-decay, within ΔR=0.1. (plot from R. Madaras's slide)
  • bug: when subtracting the electron's energy, the used size is twice larger than preori one (5*7 cells)
    • This looser the isolation power, because the excess energy is smaller than expected


  • use the ratio ET,Cone/ET,Cluster, and you can set different cut depending on ET (to be detailed).
    • better fake electron rejection

4momentum in AOD

  • The 4 momentum of electron are saved in AOD as vector(eta, phi, e, m) and can be measured with information from either calorimeter or inner detector
    • e is more precisely measured with calirimeter
    • eta and phi are more precisely measured with inner detector.
    • in AOD (release 10), the default 4 momentum are measured with calorimeter
    • in ADO (release 12), the default e are measured with calorimeter, but eta and phi are measured with inner detector.
  • in release 12, you can access non-default eta and phi measured with calorimeter with the following C++
for ( elecItr=elecTES->begin(); elecItr != elecItrE; ++elecItr) {
      const CaloCluster* cluster = 0;
      cluster = (*elecItr)->cluster();
      if(cluster) {
        (*elecItr)->setE  ( cluster->e()  );
        (*elecItr)->setEta( cluster->eta() );
        (*elecItr)->setPhi( cluster->phi() );
        (*elecItr)->setM  ( cluster->m() );


  • function isem() and isemse()
    • low-$p_T$ isolated electrons: (whatever author), it is best to use isem() (or the corresponding likelihood, like ElectronWeight and BgWeight but they might not have been tuned at low ET/pT). isem() will give good answer for electrons with author=3
    • low-$p_T$ non-isolated electrons: use preferably SofteElectronWeight, SofteBgWeight - it has been tuned on WH sample but can fit also for example electrons in dijets
    • Typical AOD code for low pT electrons can be found in
example code for low pT isolated electrons
or example for electrons in jets

  • Definition of isEM
  • release 12.0.6
    • tight: isEM()==0 (all cuts-based variables are within required windows)
    • medium: (isEM() & 0x3FF)==0 (track matching, E/|p| and TRT requirements are not imposed)
    • loose: (isEM() & 0x7)==0 (ClusterFirstSampling and none of the tracking-based requirements are imposed)
enum   BitDef { 
  ClusterEtaRange = 0, ClusterHadronicLeakage = 1, ClusterMiddleSampling = 2, ClusterFirstSampling = 3, 
  TrackEtaRange = 8, TrackHitsA0 = 9, TrackMatchAndEoP = 10, TrackTRT = 11 
enum   PID { 
  IsEM = 0, ElectronWeight = 1, BgWeight = 2, NeuralNet = 3, 
  Hmatrix = 4, SofteIsEM = 100, SofteElectronWeight = 101, SofteBgWeight = 102, 
  SofteNeuralNet = 103 
  • release 13.0.3
enum BitDef {
    // Cluster based egamma
    ClusterEtaRange        =  0,
    ClusterHadronicLeakage =  1,
    ClusterMiddleEnergy    =  4, 
    ClusterMiddleEratio37  =  5,
    ClusterMiddleEratio33  =  6,
    ClusterMiddleWidth     =  7,
    ClusterStripsEratio    =  8,
    ClusterStripsDeltaEmax2=  9,
    ClusterStripsDeltaE    = 10,
    ClusterStripsWtot      = 11,
    ClusterStripsFracm     = 12,
    ClusterStripsWeta1c    = 13,
    ClusterIsolation       = 14,
    //Track based egamma
    TrackBlayer            = 16,
    TrackPixel             = 17,
    TrackSi                = 18,
    TrackA0                = 19,
    TrackMatchEta          = 20,
    TrackMatchPhi          = 21,
    TrackMatchEoverP       = 22,
    TrackTRThits           = 24,
    TrackTRTratio          = 25,
    TrackTRTratio90        = 26

  enum PID {
    IsEM                = 0,


Muon Isolation

  • The selection cut is CombinedMuonParameters::etcone20 < 6GeV :
    • The meaning is $E_T$ deposited in cone20 around muon minus the $E_T$ loss of the muon in (Had+EM) calorimeter.
    • $E_T$ deposited in cone20 is the sum of energy of all relative (EM+Tile) calo cells which stored in container named "AllCalo" (ESD level)
    • The etloss of muon is obtained by measurement or parametrization according to initial setting.



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