
Tracing the upgradation of my analysis package

Upgrading from 1206 to 1303

Biscribing how to ungrage my own analysis code 12.0.6 to 13.0.3. After upgrade, plots are given for validation of code and data comparing.

This upgradation procedure refers to this page AthenaAwareNTuple and the following log is dedicated to my own code upgradation.

upgrade from 12.0.6 to 13.0.3

1.       initialize()  ==>CBNT_initialize()
          execute()     ==>CBNT_execute()
          finalize()    ==>CBNT_finalize()
2. add                   
          (all defined ntuple item) =0;
          (all defined vector     )->clear();
3. inherit
          public algorithm  ==> public CBNT_AthenaAwareBase
4. add    
          virtual StatusCode clearParticle(); in DoParticle.h
5. remove 
          StatusCode accessNtuple();          in all files
6.       NTuple::Item<long>    ==> long
          NTuple::Array<double> ==> std::vector<double>*
          sc = m_ntuplePtr -> addItem ("ntuple name", variable) or
          sc = m_ntuplePtr -> addItem ("ntuple name", vectorlength, vector) ==> addBranch("ntuple name", variable,"ntuple name/type")
          this line should be put after definition of toolsvc and analysistool
7. set ntuple vector:
          (ntuple variable)[] =xx   ==> (ntuple variable)->push_back(xx)

8. TruthParticle: in 13, truthparticle allow you to retrieve mother or child of both type: genparticle or truthparticle.
          getChild() ==> genChild(get genparticle child) and child(get truthparticle  child);
          getGenParticle() ==> genParticle();
         (*mcItr)->getMother(iMoth)->pdgId()   ==>  (*mcItr)->mother(iMoth)->pdgId()

1,       Particle-01-*    ==>  Particle-*
          use TrackIsolationTool ==> use IsolationTool
          use AnalysisRunTime  AAA AAA  ==> use AnalysisRunTime AtlasAnalysisRunTime-*
          use ElectronPhotonAlgs
          use JetMissingEtAlgs
          use ElectronPhotonIDEvent      ElectronPhotonIDEvent-00-*      PhysicsAnalysis/ElectronPhotonID
          use TauIDEvent                 TauIDEvent-00-*                 PhysicsAnalysis/TauID
          use ROOT v1 LCG_Interfaces
          use tauEvent                    tauEvent-*                      Reconstruction

1,        ElectronPhotonIDEvent  ==> egammaEvent
          #include "AnalysisTriggerEvent/L1EMTauObjectContainer.h" ==> #include "AnalysisTriggerEvent/EmTau_ROI.h"

1.        Electron defination has been put in namespace Analysis: Electron==>Analysis::Electron
2.        isEM() ==> isem()
           parameter(......) ==>  my_author   = (*m_userParticleContainer)[0]->author();
                                 my_eoverp   = (*m_userParticleContainer)[0]->detail<EMTrackMatch>(m_trkMatchContainerName)->EoverP();
                                 my_etcone   = (*m_userParticleContainer)[0]->detail<EMShower>(m_showerContainerName)->etcone();

           electron->hasTrack==>(electron->detail<EMTrackMatch>(m_trkMatchContainerName)) == NULL
3.        add
                #include "egammaEvent/egammaParamDefs.h"
                #include "egammaEvent/EMShower.h"
                #include "egammaEvent/EMTrackMatch.h"
1.        MuonIDEvent/Muon.h  ==>muonEvent/Muon.h
           MuonIDEvent/MuonContainer.h  ==> muonEvent/MuonContainer.h
2.        MuonContainer  ==> Analysis::MuonContainer
           cbndMuon->reconstructedVertex()  ==> Muon->origin()
          #include  NTuple.h INTupleSvc.h, SmartDataPtr.h, SmartDataLocator.h, IDataProviderSvc.h

Plots 1206+1303

  • copy my version of 13.0.30-0_2 to 14.0.10 and modify:
    • DoMuon.cxx comment my_hasMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle  = (*m_userParticleContainer)[0]->hasMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle();
AuditorSvc.Auditors += [ "ChronoAuditor", "MemStatAuditor"]
  • gmake success.
  • run job success

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatcxx comp_1206_1303.cxx r1 manage 157.4 K 2007-12-17 - 18:54 ChengguangZhu code to produce comparison 1206 and 1303
GIFgif etmiss1206blue_1303_red.gif r1 manage 18.9 K 2007-12-17 - 18:53 ChengguangZhu compare etmiss between 1206 and 1303
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Topic revision: r14 - 2008-06-19 - ChengguangZhu
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