Notes on 4-5 hours of BLUE SCREENs

1. In firefox -- missing plugin "Apple QuickTime"

2. QuickTime 7 installer downloaded but not run yet

3. Blue Screen

4. Restart in Safe mode

5. Normal restart produces

-> Error maessage

Прекращена работа программы "Windows Audio"

Файлы, содержащие сведения об этой проблеме:
6. SeaMonkey crashes in ~a min after the start, then crashes as ssom as "restart"


7. Нажато "Отправить сведения" в диалоге 5

8. "Центр поддержки" проблем не обнаружил

9  Запущена установка  QuickTime -> в процессе установки -- BLUE SCREEN

10. Restart in usual mode.

   -- Windows восстановлена после непредвиденного завершения работы

Сигнатура проблемы:
  Имя события проблемы:    BlueScreen
  Версия ОС:    6.1.7601.
  Код языка:    1049

Дополнительные сведения об этой проблеме:
  BCCode:    a
  BCP1:    FFFFF70001086058
  BCP2:    0000000000000000
  BCP3:    0000000000000000
  BCP4:    FFFFF8000309EE78
  OS Version:    6_1_7601
  Service Pack:    1_0
  Product:    768_1

Файлы, содержащие сведения об этой проблеме:

-- on start: error window about a wrong apple component, a dll file (twice)

11. Firefox restarted successfully and quit.

12. Uninstalling
   -- Apple Application Support : removed but with an error message...
   -- and Apple Software Update : removed but with an error message too

13. Installing QuickTime again...
    finished successfully with an error message in the middle of the installation

    "Прекращена работа программы "MS Volume Shadow Copy Service"

14. BLUE SCREEN on pressing the Start button -> restaty in a safe mode -> takes few

minutes... not finished -> automatic restart in normal mode.

15. Contr. panel -> Programs ->
     3 apple produsts installed.
      - Apple Application Support
      - QuickTime
      - Apple Software Update

16. Firefox started, QuickTime plugin seems to work, then
     -- BLUE SCREEN again (from firefox?)
       - restart safe
       - restart normal

17. Firefox restarted, crashed. restarted with one window i.o. few before (~3)...
18. In ~20-30' min of work in firefox
     -- another (~18:55)
        - reboot safe
        - then reboot normal

19. started after ~2 crashes
     -- ~19:05 BLUE SCREEN while pressing twiki edit
        - normal reboot

21. try to start Firefox -> crash -> restart ->
     -- ~19:10 BLUE SCREEN
        - normal reboot

22. firefox starting -> freezing after a minute -> killed.
    Then can not be started -> asks for restarting in ~.5" -- tens times
     -- 19:26 BLUE SCREEN shortly arter srttin the internet connection...
         - normal reboot

23. Start internet, then fierefox w/o one tab, then in ~10'
     -- 19:31 BLUE SCREEN shortly arter srttin the internet connection...
         - save, then normal reboot

24. Start internet, then fierefox w/o local tabs.
    some twiki edit done. then crash. Restarted with one homepage tab.
     -- later 2 BLUE SCREENS (I was on the phone diring the first one,
        the second one happened w/o firefox at all!)
         - safe, then normal reboot after the second BScreen

25. 19:59 : Started virus check (Sec.Essentials). Fast -- OK.
        Full (20.01) :...
     -- 20:02 interupted by BLUE SCREEN
         - normal reboot

26. 20:08-21:15 перерыв, комп -- во "сне"

27. 21:18 BlueScreen  on pressing FFox start
    -> normal reboot
       -> BS during reboot
          -> safe reboot
             not finished -> auto reboot (normal)

28. 21:25 Error window: WerFault.exe : something like "erronious memory address"
         -> BLUE SCREEN
            -> safe reboot -> do nothing quite long
              -> turn off -> hanging! -> button turn off

29. ~02:00 normal turn on, wrote items 27-28.
     FF can not start normally (problems with the single homepage tab).
     kill -> new start -> Start new session
     05:50 polet normal'nyj -- why?