ASIC Data sheet: Explaination to columns: 1) lot name 2) wafer id 3) x 4) y 5) chip type 6) prfflg -> Perfect flag: 1 = good , 0 = bad 7) digflg -> Digital flag: 1 = good , 0 = bad 8) dpp -> Digital Perfect Pattern: 1 = good , 0 = bad 1 - passes all dig. tests down to 3.3V @40MHz and passes all dig. tests (except Slave) down to 3.3V and Slave down to 3.4V @50MHz 0 - fails definition above. This is additional flag which do not correspond with current selection criteria, but selects "perfect perfect digital" chips. 9) status -> BIN status of the chip (according to TestSpecification documment) BIN Status: 0 = perfect, other values than zero correspond to BIN problem detected on that chip. i.e. : value: 1600 -> 0000000000000011001000000 so BINs : 6,9,10 are set -> BIN 6 - "failed digital test #5 @ 3.8V & 50MHz" BIN 9 - "defect(s) in analog part 2" BIN 10 - "defect(s) in analog part 1, (no response to calib. pulses)" (from "Testing specification for the wafer screening Project Name: ABCD3T ASIC Version: V1.3, 1 December, 2000" document, page 17 : 10) ndead -> number of unsuable channels (for different reason) 11) destination 12) date - last modification date (date of selection) 13) used -> 1 = used (sent,reserved) , 0 = available for selection 14) comment