======================================================================== Status of FE-chip production with DMILL (W. Dabrowski): ======================================================================== A version for analog (SCT-A) resp. binary (SCT-B) readout is in production. A small series delivery is expected for jan. 97; results will be known by end-of-february. The analog and the binary chip comprise 128 channels each. The ABC backend will be added to the SCT-B if the prototype works correctly. An engineering run (MATRA) with 6 wafers (6 inch) will then be submitted by april 97, which is expected to yield several hundred chips. If everything goes well, a sufficient number of good chips will be available for the summer-test of Si-detectors. ======================================================================== Comment from Alex to availibility of FE-chips in 1997: ======================================================================== Concerning the FE electronics, I hope that there will be sufficient chips from the present SCT128B fabrication to get some into this summer's beam test. That will allow a good comparison of the SCT128B along with the CAFE/CDP128. And the SCT128B was designed with the same backend protocol to facilitate that. I believe Oslo is now designing a hybrid for this purpose. The submissions to Maxim and Honeywell for CAFE-M and ABC are slipping but hopefully we will have chips for the summer's beam test. We have ordered 6 wafers of each to provide chips for both barrel and forward module development. The collaboration will have to decide how to divide up the chips. And then this will be followed by the DMILL version. The point I'm trying to make is that there are actually 4 sets of chips coming at different times and all should be tested in some fashion on modules: CAFE/CDP128 available now in existing modules for testing LBIC/CDP128 still availble for modules SCT128B availabe feb or march CAFE-M/ABC available may or june SCTB (or ABCD I'm not sure what name people like) aug or sept Of couse this represents a lot of work to get all into modules and I'm not sure how many different types of modules we need but at least the barrel and one forward version would be a good idea. regards, Alex