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Further Symbols Defined in ZOOM Headers

For backward compatibility, ZOOM headers are made available. These typedef classes to the corresponding CLHEP versions, and in the two cases of features which were in ZOOM but are not in CLHEP-- UnitVector and construction of vectors from spherical coordinates--provide the appropriate features.

These ZOOM features are implemented purely at the header level; there is no separate ZOOM PhysicsVectors library beyond the CLHEP library.

Note that for users including these headers, all symbols starting with ZMpv are to be considered as reserved. These therefore do not appear in this list of keywords.

File Defines                 Class Names
------------                 --------------------------------------------
SPACEVECTOR_H                SpaceVector 
UNITVECTOR_H                 UnitVector
LORENTZVECTOR_H              LorentzVector
ROTATION_H                   Rotation	RotationX  RotationY RotationZ
LORENTZ_TRANSFORMATION_H     LorentzTransformation  LorentzBoost 
                             LorentzBoostX  LorentzBoostY  LorentzBoostZ
EULERANGLES_H                EulerAngles
AXISANGLE_H                  AxisAngle

Keywords and Types    Constants    
------------------    ---------    
DEGREES               X_HAT        
RADIANS               Y_HAT        
ETA                   Z_HAT

Fermilab ZOOM Physics Class Library Task Force