Adding a New detector

All the detectors which took data in the May and August runs have the following hooks provided:

The user can provide some or all of these routines. When reading raw data each is passed the whole data structure, and a pointer to the begining of their own data. If reading DST the pointer will be negative.

You may want to copy /afs/, and change every F128 into the relevant identifier for your data. There will be common blocks (F128CO) which are the wrong sizes for your data, and of course the decoding will be wrong. Then you can optimize the routines for your own data as required.

Any histo's booked in ABCD_SOR will be automatically saved; please do not fiddle with directories; you are put in '/ABCD' so there is no conflict with other histograms.

There is a routine 'F2FHIT', which finds hits and stores them in a common block. This common block is written out as an ntuple, and any hits here will be available for the alignment, so it makes sense to fill this if possible.

Then change and run strpjob.make to make the executable, strpjob.exe.

How strpjob works:

When is invoked, it runs strpjob.exe. The main program in that is STRPPROG which reads the data and calles STRP_USER. STRP_USER works out wether this record is SOR, SOB, EOR, EOB or EVENT, and calls STRP_??? as appropriate.

STRP_SOR, STRP_EOB etc go through the record and call e.g. ABCD_EOB if there is ABCD data present.

Comments to : Bill Murray