General Vacancies within HEP

Position openings in HEP and other job lists

CERN staff Recruitment

Jobs announced via Delphi-news with end dates when available

(The links to Delphi news are accessible only to Delphi membres)

Post-Doctoral position at the University of Geneva

BaBar group leader and Postdoc positions at RAL

Postdoctoral Position in Experimental in High Energy Physics

Postdoctoral Research Associate to Work on the D0 Experiment at Fermilab

Postdoc Positions for a Nordic GRID Test Bed

Postdoc Research Associate position

Postdoc Research Associate position at Purdue University

Postdoc positions at FNAL

Postdoc positions for BarBar at Harvard

RA post at Imperial College London

Research associate positions at University of Illinois at Chicago

Post-doc at College de France

Postdoc openings in D0

General job lists

HEP Employment List
HEP in USA , CNRS-France , Physics Job Announcements , Physics world Jobs , Jobspace

Individual job lists

CLRC-RAL (UK) , University of Lancaster - (UK) , University College London (UK)

SLAC-SLD (US) , UBC Vancouver (CA) , University Alberta (CA)

NIKHEF (NL) , ESRF-Grenoble-France, University of Cincinnati

Realities of the Physics job market

DELPHI Students Career Study

General vacancies within HEP

(Jobs announced via Delphi news but with separate pages accessible to everyone)

UCSB - Assistant Professor position

Postdoctoral Position on ATLAS (to stay at CERN)

ETHZ - Assistant Professor position

Job openings at the DELPHI group at NIKHEF

Other Experiment's Job lists

Aleph , L3 , ALICE , ATLAS , CMS , LHC-B
Hansjoerg Klein, Jiri Chudoba, Pietro M. Picca
Last modification: February, 19th 2001