New NA48 documents

How to include a new document in NA48 pages

If you have a document you wish to include in our WWW pages, you may either contact me or do it yourself.

In both cases please have a look at the following...

Document format

WWW native format is a streamlined version of SGML. It is called Hypertext Mark-up Language or HTML. Of course every WWW browser can also show documents in plain text format, and can deal decently with simple SGML documents.

Graphics, sound, animations, you can include virtually everything in an html document, but don't forget that one day you may find yourself on the wrong end of an old 14.4 modem, or, even more fun, trying to make sense of a page full of graphics, applets and maps using a line-mode browser from a dumb terminal.

Document size

Since every WWW document is transferred over the network the moment you require it, the document size is the bigger practical limit to WWW possibilities. If you ask for a 5MB postscript document, don't be surprised if you have to wait for 30 minutes before actually seeing it.

Document security

All our internal documents are password protected

Prepare a latex document to be put in WWW

The powerful latex2html translator has become the standard to "webbify" a latex document. It is available, for example, on our work grpup server. It deals properly with complex LaTex documents, even with those including eps figures (an example).

If you run it yourself you'll see that it will produce, after a considerable amount of time and screenfuls of mysterious messages, a set of files into a directory named after your latex file: latex2html mynote.tex will produce a directory ./mynote with several tenths of html and gif files. You should then move there the original mynote.tex plus perhaps and mynote.dvi. At that point you should either point me to that directory so that I can copy it under our web tree or, even better, do it yourself.

Of course, you may very well want me to do the translation. For that you should prepare a directory under your afs public area containing all the files needed to run succesfully latex and produce the postscript of your document (e.g. the postscript of pictures and any special style file). You should actually try to run latex and dvips and see if the output ps file is ok. Once you are done, just point me to the directory you prepared and I'll take care of the rest.

Prepare a generic document to be put in WWW

Creating your own HTML document

If you want to do it by yourself you are most welcome. This will be faster than sending it to me for the conversion and you will have the full control on the way it will appear. If you want to try, have a look to the eccelent tutorial written by Marc Anderseen for NCSA.

Publishing it yourself


Benedetto Gorini
Modified: 10-Mar-1998