OPAL Endcap Muon Detectors

The OPAL Endcap Muon Detectors

The endcap muon detectors cover the angular range 0.67 < |cos(theta)| < 0.985. At each end of OPAL an area of about 150 square meters is covered with four layers of limited streamer tubes which are perpendicular to the beam axis. Each endcap consists of 8 quadrant chambers (6 meters x 6 meters) and 4 patch chambers (3 meters x 2.5 meters). Each chamber consists of two layers of streamer tubes, spaced by 19 mm, one layer having vertical wires and the other horizontal wires.

See also

OPAL muon detectors
The barrel muon detector

The OPAL Webweavers 2 November 1998