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Beam Spectra and Event Rates

The expected performance of various neutrino beam configurations has been studied. The so-called `reference beam', shown in Figure4 and outlined in Appendix A of reference [5], has been investigated in detail and the results are discussed below. The `reference beam' should be considered as a preliminary variant from which an optimised scheme to match the requirements for the LBL and SBL tex2html_wrap_inline779 appearance experiments will be developed.

Figure 4: Components of the proposed neutrino beam.

A full Monte Carlo simulation of the `reference beam', called NGSSIM and based on the CHORUS and NOMAD application, has been made using the hadronic production model FLUKA97 [8] specifically integrated into GEANT 3.21 for this simulation. The neutrino parents are tracked in detail to their point of decay and realistic values based on the reference beam parameters have been used for the definition of the geometry together with the material thicknesses, magnetic field strengths etc.

Figure 5 shows the predicted tex2html_wrap_inline739 flux spectrum produced by the NGS `reference beam' while Table 1 gives the average energies, contamination and expected number of events for TOSCA. The TOSCA fiducial mass and area are 2.4 t and tex2html_wrap_inline785 , respectively.

It should be noted that NGSSIM predicts about a tex2html_wrap_inline787 higher flux than the FLUKA97 simulation detailed in reference [5]. The difference seems to be explainable by the different amount of material along the beamline assumed in the FLUKA97 simulation. A detailed comparison is presently in progress.

A number of different beam optics have already been tried and various beam configurations more favourable than the `reference beam' for tex2html_wrap_inline789  appearance experiments have been identified. This optimisation work is presently in progress.

Table 1: Predicted Performance of the NGS `reference beam' at the Location of TOSCA.

Figure 5: Energy distribution of the tex2html_wrap_inline739 flux at the TOSCA detector.

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Ghislain Gregoire
Wed Aug 19 12:39:48 MET DST 1998