Z' Studies

Survey of status ~ 15th May

/QCD_Pt_1400_1800/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2081/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 95.5 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_600_800/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2097/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 98.5 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_380_470/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2172/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 100.0 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_1000_1400/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2205/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 100.0 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_120_170/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2171/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 100.0 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_20_30/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2162/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 88.7 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_170_230/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2069/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 99.9 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_470_600/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2096/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 99.6 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_230_300/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2050/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 100.0 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_300_380/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2061/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS Normal 97.6 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_30_50/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2048/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS Normal 87.3 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_50_80/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2049/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 100.0 % Replica Active /QCD_Pt_800_1000/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2028/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 99.4 % Replica Active

/PhotonJets_Pt_30_50/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2214/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 99.6 % Replica Active /PhotonJets_Pt_20_30/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2177/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 98.6 % Replica Active /PhotonJets_Pt_50_80/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-1186411740/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 93.4 % Replica Active /PhotonJets_Pt_500_7000/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2064/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 98.6 % Replica Active /PhotonJets_Pt_300_500/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2054/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 97.4 % Replica Active /PhotonJets_Pt_170_300/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2053/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 98.9 % Replica Active /PhotonJets_Pt_120_170/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2070/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 99.6 % Replica Active /PhotonJets_Pt_80_120/CMSSW_1_5_2-CSA07-2063/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 99.4 % Replica Active

/Zee/CMSSW_1_6_7-CSA07-1192835490/RECO T1_UK_RAL_MSS High 100.0 % Replica Active

Data Samples

See the OngoingWork page from E/gamma POG for samples list. We will use:


/Zee/CMSSW_1_6_7-CSA07-1192835490/RECO   (Mee > 40 GeV)
REQUESTED: 1010952 (-1) events
STATUS: submitted


REQUESTED: 4400 events
STATUS: running

QCD Background

QCD bins

What to use?

QCD enriched

REQUESTED: 2168920 (-1)
STATUS: submitted

REQUESTED: 2853281 (-1)
STATUS: submitted

Other Backgrounds

REQUESTED: 55000 (-1) events
STATUS: submitted

REQUESTED: 55000 (-1) events
STATUS: submitted

REQUESTED: 55000 (-1) events
STATUS: submitted

REQUESTED: 20300 (-1) events
STATUS: submitted

REQUESTED: 25800 (-1) events
STATUS: submitted

REQUESTED: 26899 (-1) events
STATUS: submitted

REQUESTED: 29000 (-1) events
STATUS: submitted

REQUESTED: 28300 (-1) events
STATUS: submitted

STATUS: submitted

REQUESTED: 28000 (-1)
STATUS: submitted

REQUESTED: 16000 (-1)
STATUS: submitted

REQUESTED: 17000 (-1)
STATUS: submitted


what to use?

TTbar inclusive

REQUESTED: 300,000 events
STATUS: submitted

Data tiers for analysis

To move the above data to PPD we will use CRAB and write out the EDM data, filtering out products that are not needed. To think of it the other way, we take the standard AOD and add the products we need to re-make isolation etc. if needed. This is implemented in the package

cvs co -r V02-01-03 -d DLEvans/HEEPSelector UserCode/DLEvans/HEEPSelector
cvs co -r V00-00-03 -d DLEvans/HEEPSkimmer UserCode/DLEvans/HEEPSkimmer

Remember to get the trigger tags too, and configure to run from Digis https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/HEEPOnline

Note that the HEEPSelector is needed as the HEEP electron id and standard isolation parameters are defined in HEEPSelector/data. You do not need to compile anything to run the skim.

Analysis Example

The analysis data format is documented in DLEvansHEEPDataFormats

Use CMSSW_1_6_10

scramv1 project CMSSW CMSSW_1_6_10
cd CMSSW_1_6_10/src

Check out the following tags to get the analysis code

cvs co -r V00-00-01 RecoEgamma/EgammaTools
cvs co -r V02-01-02  -d DLEvans/HEEPUtilities UserCode/DLEvans/HEEPUtilities
cvs co -r V00-00-04 -d DLEvans/HEEPDataFormats UserCode/DLEvans/HEEPDataFormats
cvs co -r V00-00-07 -d DLEvans/HEEPAnalysis UserCode/DLEvans/HEEPAnalysis

Build the library

scramv1 b

The EDAnalyzer "HEEPAnalysis" takes the edm data and writes it into a private format. An example to run this code is in HEEPAnalysis/test/runHeepAnalysis.cfg. This will produce a file called outFile.root containing the analysis level data.

An example of how to analyze the data is in HEEPAnalysis/test/example. You need to edit compileExample.c to reflect to location of CMSSW as the root code will pick up the relevant data formats from the CMSSW release. This prevents the need to make several copies of the data formats includes to make the analysis data and to read it.

   // load analysis library  ---- EDIT THIS
   // set up include path ---- EDIT THIS
   gSystem->AddIncludePath(" -I$HOME/......./CMSSW_1_6_10/src/ ");
   // compile analysis code
   gROOT->ProcessLine(".L example.c+");

To run the analysis example

root.exe -l
[0] .x compileExample.c
[1] run()

This has produced a root file containing some histograms. The code that made them (example.c) should be fairly clear, but documentation of the analysis data formats will appear here soon...

Running directly from standard RECO - UNTESTED

To run from the standard RECO (e.g. data at cern) you will need to run the heep isolation producers and the electron id producers and the met corrections. Try the following configuration

cvs co -d DLEvans/HEEPAnalysis/test/runHeepAnalysis_standardReco.cfg UserCode/DLEvans/HEEPAnalysis/test/runHeepAnalysis_standardReco.cfg
cvs co -r V02-01-03 -d DLEvans/HEEPSelector UserCode/DLEvans/HEEPSelector

This does not run the new trigger. Many more tags are needed for this. I am suggesting that this method can be used for some small tests but it is better (and faster) to use the PPD data which already has the isolation and id products made. The HEEPSelector package is needed to define the sequence to run the heep isolation with the correct parameters.



HEEP electron ID + isolation

Efficiency measurements from data

Background estimation from data

Sams fake rate talk http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=27542

Energy scale / linearity cross checks


Sams paper http://scitation.aip.org/getabs/servlet/GetabsServlet?prog=normal&id=PRLTAO000099000017171802000001&idtype=cvips&gifs=yes

PAT (and debugging PAT)

PATJetMETCorrections.cff:es_prefer MCJetCorrectorIcone5 =  
MCJetCorrectionService {}
PATJetProducer.cff:es_prefer MCJetCorrectorIcone5 =  
MCJetCorrectionService {}

Which are both included from


Using PPD


You can get access to the latest version of CRAB from PPD by doing

# setup CRAB from AFS
source /afs/cern.ch/cms/ccs/wm/scripts/Crab/crab.sh

To use CRAB from behind the RAL web proxy you need to change the dbs_url to use https in the [CMSSW] section of the crab config.

dbs_url                 = https://cmsdbsprod.cern.ch:8443/cms_dbs_prod_global_writer/servlet/DBSServlet

Example CRAB config for private data in DBS

jobtype                 = cmssw
scheduler               = glitecoll

datasetpath             = /Zee/CMSSW_1_6_7-CSA07-1192835490_HEEOAOD-00-00-02/USER
dbs_url                 = https://cmsdbsprod.cern.ch:8443/cms_dbs_prod_local_09_writer/servlet/DBSServlet

pset                    = ../../zee.cfg
total_number_of_events  = -1
events_per_job          = 20000
output_file             = analysisNtuple.root

copy_data               = 1
storage_element         = heplnx204.pp.rl.ac.uk
storage_path            = /pnfs/pp.rl.ac.uk/data/cms/user/dlevans/data/HEEPAOD_00-00-02/zee

use_central_bossDB      = 0
use_boss_rt             = 0

rb                      = CERN 
proxy_server            = myproxy.cern.ch 
virtual_organization    = cms
retry_count             = 0
lcg_catalog_type        = lfc
lfc_host                = lfc-cms-test.cern.ch
lfc_home                = /grid/cms

CRAB Server

Add the following the the relevant sections of the crab.cfg to use the server mode. At the moment CRAB server does not work from PPD due to problems with the web proxy.

server_mode             = 1
server_name             = crabas.lnl.infn.it/data1/cms/ 

thresholdLevel          = 80
eMail                          = d.evans@cern.ch


in ~mjf21517/listDatasetPPD.sh
listDatsetPPD.sh takes no arguments
makeConfigFile.sh takes the dataset name
eg if you wanted Zee
you would do ./makeConfigFile.sh Zee
and it would produce Zee_HEEP.cff
they are extremely rough hacked together in 10mins but seem to work for now
oh and the makeConfigFile only works for datasets with HEE in their name 

-- DaveEvans - 22 Feb 2008

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