

The HEEPEvent provides access to the content of the physical "event". At the moment the following methods are implemented to access stored quantities.

      // return a reference to the vector of electrons in the event
      // these are from the RecoPixelMatchGsfElectrons
      const std::vector<HEEPElectron>& electrons() const { return electrons_; }

      // return a reference to a vector of jets
      // these are from the iterativeCone5CaloJets
      const std::vector<HEEPJet>& jets() const { return jets_; }

      // return a reference to a vector of event variables.  Always one and only one entry
      // contained the RelaxedSingleElectron trigger decision and the met from corMetType1Icone5
      const std::vector<HEEPEventVariables>& eventVariables() const { return eventVariables_; }

      // return a reference to a vector of the primary vertices 
      // typically only one, from offlinePrimaryVerticesFromCTFTracks
      const std::vector<HEEPPrimaryVertex>& primaryVertexs() const { return primaryVertexs_; }

      // return a reference to a vector of the tracks
      // from ctfWithMaterialTracks
      const std::vector<HEEPTrack>& tracks() const { return tracks_; }

      // return a reference to a vector of the ECAL SuperClusters
      // from both Hybrid (EB) and Island (EE)
      const std::vector<HEEPSuperCluster>& superClusters() const { return superClusters_; }
      // return a reference to a vector of the GenParticles
      // from genParticleCandidates, only storing electrons from Z at the moment
      const std::vector<HEEPMCParticle>& mcParticles() const { return mcParticles_; }

The contents of the event are documented here



The HEEPParticle is a base class which provides the following methods

      // The 4-momentum
      const TLorentzVector &p4() const { return p4_; }

      // The production vertex
      const TVector3 &v3() const { return v3_; }

      // The charge
      int charge() const { return charge_; }

      // The index in the vector of MC particles in the event corresponding to the 
      // particle closest in dR space
      int mcIndex() const { return mcIndex_; }

      // Did the particle correspond to an object found by the RelaxedSingleElectron HLT
      // which was able to pass?
      bool relaxedSingleElectron() const { return relaxedSingleElectron_; }

HEEPElectron : public HEEPParticle


This object represents an electron reconstructed in the ECAL and tracker.

      // return the associated tracker information
      const HEEPTrack & track() const { return track_; }

      // kinematics
      // the ECAL variables are stored here
      float ecalE() const { return ecalE_; }
      float ecalRawE() const { return ecalRawE_; }
      float ecalPreshowerE() const { return ecalPreshowerE_; }
      float ecalEta() const { return ecalEta_; }
      float ecalPhi() const { return ecalPhi_; }

      // classification
      // classification and electron id variables
      int classification() const { return classification_; }
      float dEtaIn() const { return dEtaIn_; }
      float dPhiIn() const { return dPhiIn_; }
      float hoe() const { return hoe_; }
      float eop() const { return eop_; }
      float sigmaEtaEta() const { return sigmaEtaEta_; }
      bool idPass() const { return idPass_; }

      // isolation
      // standard heep variables and if the value
      // passes heep selection v 1.1
      float ecalIso() const { return ecalIso_; }
      float hcalIso() const { return hcalIso_; }
      float trackIso() const { return trackIso_; }
      float trackNumIso() const { return trackNumIso_; }
      bool ecalIsoPass() const { return ecalIsoPass_; }
      bool hcalIsoPass() const { return hcalIsoPass_; }
      bool trackIsoPass() const { return trackIsoPass_; }
      bool trackNumIsoPass() const { return trackNumIsoPass_; }

HEEPTrack : public HEEPParticle


This object represents a track

      // id
      float chi2() const { return chi2_; }
      float ndof() const { return ndof_; }
      float validHits() const { return validHits_; }
      float lostHits() const { return lostHits_; }
      float qop() const { return qop_; }
      float qopError() const { return qopError_; }
      float ptError() const { return ptError_; }

      // ecal co-ordinates
      float ecalEta() const { return ecalEta_; }
      float ecalPhi() const { return ecalPhi_; }

HEEPJet : public HEEPParticle


This is a jet in the calorimeter

      // classification
      float hoe() const { return hoe_; }
      int nConstituents() const { return nConstituents_; }


This represents a SuperCluster in the ECAL

      // trigger
      bool relaxedSingleElectron() const { return relaxedSingleElectron_; }

      // kinematics
      const TLorentzVector &p4() const { return p4_; }
      float ecalE() const { return ecalE_; }
      float ecalRawE() const { return ecalRawE_; }
      float ecalPreshowerE() const { return ecalPreshowerE_; }

      // mc match
      int mcIndex() const { return mcIndex_; }

HEEPMCParticle : public HEEPParticle


An MC truth particle

      // ecal co-ordinates
      float ecalEta() const { return ecalEta_; }
      float ecalPhi() const { return ecalPhi_; }

      // classification
      int pdgId() const { return pdgId_; }


General event variables

      // global calo quantities
      float met() const { return met_; }
      float emEtInEB() const { return emEtInEB_; }
      float emEtInEE() const { return emEtInEE_; }
      float emEtInHF() const { return emEtInHF_; }
      float hadEtInHB() const { return hadEtInHB_; }
      float hadEtInHE() const { return hadEtInHE_; }
      float hadEtInHO() const { return hadEtInHO_; }
      float hadEtInHF() const { return hadEtInHF_; }

      // did the event pass the trigger
      bool relaxedSingleElectron() const { return relaxedSingleElectron_; }


Represents the Primary Vertex. Generally there is only one, but in case there are more the chi2 and ndof values for the fits for each are given to make a decision which to pick.

      // the position of the vertex
      const TVector3 & pv() const { return pv_; }

      // quality of fit
      float chi2() const { return chi2_; }
      float ndof() const { return ndof_; }

-- DaveEvans - 11 Mar 2008

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