How to simulate cosmics in 12.5.0 and beyond


  • For April cosmic commissioning we need simulated cosmics with the detector description matching that of the layout in the pit in April, all the systems present (SCT, TRT, LAr, Tile, Muon - all barrel only i think)
  • In the end (April) we will need to use 13 for this but for now we will use 12.5.0 (or occassionally the nightlies if they have fixes that we need in them)
  • all of what is done below is done with CMTCONFIG i686-slc4-gcc34-opt (ie. slc4 machine in 32 bit mode)

Whole chain in saved rel_5 + groupArea

WARNING! The saved rel_5 has been deleted and you need to use release 13 instead. See HowToSimulateCosmicIn13
  • the whole simulation, digitization, reconstruction chain should be able to be run in saved rel_5 with the groupArea without adding any packages
  • this stuff only works for CMTCONFIG i686-slc4-gcc34-opt (32bit)
  • This is all with the new geometry tag produced at the begining of March for the April commissioning

Setting up

  • make a requirements file that looks like
set   SITEROOT /afs/
macro ATLAS_DIST_AREA ${SITEROOT}/atlas/software/dist
macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA /afs/
apply_tag oneGroup
macro ATLAS_GROUP_AREA /afs/
use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)
apply_tag oneTest
apply_tag 32
  • setup as follows
> source /afs/ 
> cmt config 
> source setup.csh -tag=rel_5,saved,groupArea 
> source $AtlasArea/AtlasOfflineRunTime/cmt/setup.csh 
> cmt show path
# Add path /afs/ from initialization
# Add path /afs/ from initialization
# Add path /afs/ from initialization
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
# Add path /afs/ from ProjectPath
> mkdir run
> cd run
> cp /afs/*.py .
> ls *.py

#If you want to run several parallel jobs make sure you have read this page:

  • The tags that have been added in the groupArea are:
# for cosmic digitization
cmt co -r SCT_Digitization-00-09-24 InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/SCT_Digitization
cmt co -r TRT_Digitization-00-08-29 InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/TRT_Digitization 

# for event display
cmt co -r AtlantisJava-09-06-71 graphics/AtlantisJava
cmt co -r JiveXML-00-06-16 graphics/JiveXML 

# for trigger
cmt co -r TrigEventAthenaPool-00-00-20 Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigEventAthenaPool

# for new geometry in digitization
cmt co -r CaloConditions-00-01-09 Calorimeter/CaloConditions
cmt co -r TileGeoModel-00-01-14 TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel
cmt co -r LArConditionsCommon-00-00-34 LArCalorimeter/LArExample/LArConditionsCommon
#LArRawConditions-01-11-30 LArCalorimeter/LArRawConditions not sure if needed?? Not in groupArea now

# tags need for reco in rel_5 (old) from wiki
cmt co -r MuonTruthAlgs-01-01-11 MuonSpectrometer/MuonTruthAlgs
##cmt co -r AthenaCommon-02-04-43-04 Control/AthenaCommon
##7 March updated this to (from Andrea)
#cmt co -r AthenaCommon-02-05-09 Control/AthenaCommon
#reverted back to AthenaCommon-02-04-43-04 on march22

cmt co -r RecExCond-00-00-18 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExCond
cmt co -r RecExConfig-00-00-19 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExConfig
cmt co -r RecExCommon-00-07-52 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExCommon
cmt co -r TrackToVertex-00-01-00 Reconstruction/RecoTools/TrackToVertex
cmt co -r BTagging-00-03-07 PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging

# needed to fix problem in python module (need to fix by hand before compiling)
# see:
cmt co -r RecExConfig-00-00-19 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExConfig

# fix here is in: RecExConfig/python/
#< jobproperties.Rec.RecAlgs.import_JobProperties('RecExConfig.RecAlgs')
#> jobproperties.Rec.RecAlgs.import_JobProperties('RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags')

# for simulation
cmt co -r G4CosmicFilter-00-00-07 Simulation/G4Extensions/G4CosmicFilter 
##cmt co -r G4AtlasApps-00-01-58 Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps 
## updated this 7 March to (from Andrea)
##cmt co -r G4AtlasApps-00-01-60 Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps
## actually found problems with G4AtlasApps-00-01-60 so reverted to 58 with a patch (from Andrea - 20 March)
cmt co -r G4AtlasApps-00-01-58 Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApps 
#in  python/, change line 
#if not (SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value().__contains__('Comm')):

# also made some changes (from Andrea) to this March 22: diff of python/
diff -r1.66
>                    SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-Comm-00-00-00' or\
>                    SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CommNF-00-00-00' or\
<         if(SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='Commissioning-1' or
<              SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-Commissioning-00'):
>         if(SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='Commissioning-1' or
>            SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-Commissioning-00' or
>            SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-Comm-00-00-00' or
>            SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CommNF-00-00-00'
>            ):
# also changed 
diff -r1.31
<         elif (SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CSC-00-01-00' or
<               SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00' or
<               SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CSC-01-02-00'):
> #        elif (SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CSC-00-01-00' or
> #              SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00' or
> #              SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CSC-01-02-00'):
>         else:
# to get rid of WARNING:
#IOVDbSvc          WARNING No IOVDbSvc.GlobalTag set on job options or input file, using DEFAULTCOND tag
#IOVDbSvc          WARNING Take seriously only if event data simulated with 12.0.3 or later

cmt co -r LArCondUtils-00-01-07 LArCalorimeter/LArCondUtils 
cmt co -r MuonGeoModel-00-03-03 MuonSpectrometer/MuonGeoModel 
##cp -r ~/scratch0/Cosmic1250/MuonSpectrometer/MuonG4SD MuonSpectrometer/  .
## special untagged version of MuonG4SD from Daniela Rebuzzi
## This has been replaced (8 March)
cmt co -r MuonG4SD-00-00-69 MuonSpectrometer/MuonG4/MuonG4SD

cmt co -r IdDictParser-00-01-48 DetectorDescription/IdDictParser

# added Mar 12 - to allow digitization / reco with 0 magnetic field (tags from Laurent Chevalier)
cmt co -r BFieldAth-01-03-11 MagneticField/BFieldAth
cmt co -r BFieldAthTest-01-03-11 MagneticField/BFieldAthTest
cmt co -r BFieldCore-01-03-11MagneticField/BFieldCore
cmt co -r BFieldData-01-03-11 MagneticField/BFieldData
cmt co -r BFieldStand-01-03-11 MagneticField/BFieldStand

# added to get the LVL1 RPC trigger to work correctly  (from Alessandro Di Mattia)
cmt co -r MuonByteStream-01-01-69 MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonByteStream
cmt co -r MuonByteStreamCnvTest-01-01-27 MuonSpectrometer/MuonCnv/MuonByteStreamCnvTest

# added to get the LVL1 Tile trigger working (tags by Jose - 20 March)
cmt co -r TileRecAlgs-00-03-10 TileCalorimeter/TileRecAlgs
cmt co -r TileEvent-00-06-02 TileCalorimeter/TileEvent
cmt co -r TileEventAthenaPool-00-02-00 TileCalorimeter/TileSvc/TileEventAthenaPool

# jamie - 22 march - to reduce output in logfile checked out release version of cosmnicgenerator:
cmt co -r CosmicGenerator-00-00-20 Generators/CosmicGenerator
# and commente dout lines
#  /*
# if(m_event < m_printevt || m_event%m_printmod == 0)
#    {
#       std::cout << "CosmicGun::GenerateEvent: " << std::setw(4) << m_event
#                  << " muon charge " << std::setw(2) << cosevt_.CHRG << " with momentum : " << p << std::endl;
 #   }
 # */

#Else - 3 april - updated Simulation/G4Atlas/G4AtlasApp/share/ to no misallignment, #OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00 changed to OFLCOND-CSC-00-00-00:
#--- Detector stuff -------------------------------------------
# Setup for reading alignments from COOL needs IOVDbSvc  
if DetFlags.ID_on():
    if (SimFlags.IOVDbGlobalTag.statusOn and
        SimFlags.IOVDbGlobalTag.get_Value() !=''):
        # overwrite default value (your own risk)  
        # use default values
        if (SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CSC-00-00-00' or
            SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CSC-01-00-00' or
#        elif (SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CSC-00-01-00' or
#              SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CSC-01-01-00' or
#              SimFlags.SimLayout.get_Value()=='ATLAS-CSC-01-02-00'):

#Also edited the standard digitization jobOptions file to use correct TRT digitization:
< TRTDigitization.Override_doCosmicTimingPit = 1
#< TRTDigitization.Override_jitterTimeOffset = 10.
# 16 April: after discussion agreed to set the Offset to 0 ns since we don't know the
# correct resolution yet.
< TRTDigitization.Override_jitterTimeOffset = 0.

#Else - 6 April checked out and compiled the following two packages on Andrea's suggestion to fix the #mem.txt bug. (the random crashes described elsewhere):
cmt co -r SimHelpers-00-00-11 Simulation/G4Sim/SimHelpers
cmt co -r G4UserActions-00-00-15 Simulation/G4Utilities/G4UserActions

# Else  - 13 April:  for pixel digitization
# April 10: cmt co -r PixelDigitization-00-05-28 InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/PixelDigitization
cmt co -r PixelDigitization-00-05-30 InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/PixelDigitization
cmt co -r PixelConditionsData-00-00-16 InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsData
cmt co -r PixelConditionsServices-00-00-11 InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsServices
cmt co -r PixelConditionsTools-00-00-20 InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsTools
cmt co -r SiDigitization-03-04-08 InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/SiDigitization
cmt co -r InDetRawData-01-04-08I nnerDetector/InDetRawEvent/InDetRawData
# problems with
# "from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties" is not recognized
# but if I check out Digitization the older jO files don't work anymore
#Simulation: DetFlags.pixel_setOn()
#Disabled: Digitization: DetFlags.digitize.pixel_setOn()
# Tilecal digitization: Fixing wrong scaling of N photoelectrons (from Sasha):
#cmt co -r TileSimAlgs-00-02-32 TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs
# didn't run, problems in TileSimAlgs/
# went back to Sasha's version w the older version of this jobOptions file
# Disabled cmt co -r TileSimAlgs-00-02-29-01 TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs
# 27 april
cmt co -r TileSimAlgs-00-02-27-01 TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs

# Else  - 25 June: To get correct mu+/mu- ratio in the truth information
group area's Generators/CosmicGenerator/src/CosmicGenerator.cxx line 491 is now:
      // original: m_pdgCode.push_back(charge*13);


  • Run simulation like:
 > athena -c "directory='dir';Seed='123';" > & sim.log1 &
  • The cosmic generator is configured in the file
  • The number of events is configured in, this is number of events after generator filter but not after CosmicFilter so you will actually get much less events in your produced sim.root file


  • Run digitization like:
> athena -c "directory='dir';" > & dir/dig.log &


  • Run reconstruction like:
 athena > & 3Mar2007/rec_rel5saved.log & 
  • This will produce Jive files for looking at in atlantis
  • To use atlantis do
> cd /afs/
> java -jar atlantis.jar &
  • Then click File, ReadEvent, then find the Jive file for the event you are interested in.

Some data to play with

  • this data is all with the new geo tag
  • the following 4 simulation hits files (each have 50k events before filter ~50 events after filter)
  • the following is the RDO file made by running digitization over the above 4 files (210 events in total)
  • it would be great if all the systems could look at the data and confirm that the new geometry looks as expected
  • i have copied the gzipped Jive*.xml produced from running rec on the above data (210 events) to

Remaining issues and problems

  • This problem with Muon LVL1 - SOLVED
  • Tile TRG simulation needs results persistifying so can be obtained in reco. - SOLVED (although reco side readback needs to be tested)
  • New geo volumes for filtering at simulation level (eg. TRT Barrel), also need to understand rate(s) and choose simulation parameters - SOLVED (Else)
  • Are the conditions for Calo that Richard copied into prod DB being used? - YES
  • Thijs new truth stuff into CBNTAA (& Atlantis) - TO BE DONE
  • Problem is that running simulation with this setup works with geometries ATLAS-CSC-00-00-00 and ATLAS-Comm-00-00-00, but crashes on geometry ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00 (in ID material definition) - do we need a new tag of some ID package? - from Andrea Di Simone - this is hopefully fixed by the tag: IdDictParser-00-01-48 which i added to the groupArea 6 March 10am - NOT SURE
  • Random crash problem - very annoying as upto 70% of sim jobs crash - to be looked at - SOLVED (you need to submit each job from its own directory + later complete fix)
  • Questions
    • what version of Geant do we use?
    • Do we want Calo noise (currently noise in TRT and SCT) not in Calo's - not sure about muons??
    • is 8 digit Seed OK for sim??
  • Sven tells me that digitization is not using Seed correctly - this means noise added is the same for every run (ie. first event has same noise as first event in another run)
  • try to get pixels working. need to turn them on in simulation, and then need the timing right for digitization. Attilio Andreazza - says this may be possible like:
By the way, to solve the timing problem, maybe there is a temporary
workaround: in the new digitization it is possible to set a time windows
for which one accept hits. This can range from 1 BCO to 16 BCOs (400 ns)
and set an offset.
In our case probably an offset of -250 ns and the maximum window will do
the game, while waiting for the implementation of ComTime.
  • question from Monica Verducci:
if you simulated them using the lumi_block in place of the event_number,
because the new IOV service works on the lumi_block and not more on the
event_number. Do you have any information on it?
Which is the time schedule for this new production?
  • Making sure the simulation works in a release 13 nightly.
    • Digitization runs, muons go in wrong direction in simulation (SOLVED)

  • Simulate events for tracking with high momentum, for instance by tightening the cosmic filter cuts:
    Emin = 99 GeV
    Emax = 100 GeV
  • Simulate small sample with magnetic field ON (DONE)

First production

Run-numbering scheme

* We have decided that therun number (which is also used as the seed for simulation) should be 8 digitis (I will check with Andrea that 8 digits is OK) and of the format:
A = geometry version(0-9) 0 = ATLAS-Comm-00-00-00, 1 = ATLAS-CommNF-00-00-00, other not defined yet
B = Magnetic field (0 = NF, 1 = all field on, 2 could equal Toroid no solenoid, 3 could equal Solenoid no Toroid...)
C = Filtering Volume  (0=Muon, 1 = TRT, ...)
D = Version / mis-alignements (0 for now)
XXXX = 4 digiti run number

Some issues with this data

  • We didnt have pixels turned on by default - please refer to details for each sample
  • Not all files listed here were run with the TileCal fix
  • The sign of the muons is swapped between generation and the truth information in samples made before June 25
  • Muon volume -filtered samples: in addition these were required (accidentially) to have a LAr hit, too, in digitization.

Production with Muon Volume

  • initially will run 100, 50k events expect 200 events / job => 20000 evts
  • this data is available on castor at: /castor/*/sim.root and dig.root
  • a summary of the jobs can be seen at: /afs/ and example log files can be seen at /afs/ and dig.log.example.gz
  • due to a bug in my (Jamies) submission scripts the run numbers (& random seeds used) are 00->99 instead of following the scheme mentioned above. this will be corrected for next production.
  • This sample has been re-digitized with a fix for the TileCal scaling factor and correct TRT digitization: /castor/
  • Same sample with the SCT and TRT end caps ON in digitization: /castor/
  • Digitization log file example for this batch at: /afs/
  • available (w/o TileCal scaling factor fix) on castor at: /castor/*/sim.root and dig.root
  • with TileCal scaling factor fix: /castor/
  • Digitization log file examples for this rerun at: /afs/

Production with TRTBarrel Volume

  • Mistake in naming: 2nd digit ought to be "0" as these are all without MF
  • to increase stats for TRT calibration and also SCT studies (have tighter generator cuts here)
  • Available log files can be found under /afs/
  • A total of 8628 events, this data is available at: /castor/*/sim.root and dig.root It has perfect timing for the TRT and is misaligned using OFLCOND-CSC-00-01-00
  • This data has been re-digitized with correct TRT digitization (as described below) and is available at /castor/*.root

  • New production with OFLCOND-CSC-00-00-00 can be found at: /castor/*/sim.root and /castor/*.root
  • Re-digitized with TRTDigitization.Override_jitterTimeOffset = 0. (was 10ns before) and more statistics added: the 118576 events are collected in 57 files of varying size: /castor/*.root

TRT Volume with magnetic field ON:

  • can be found at: /castor/ _01110000.root
  • Extended (now 8971 events, 7% have >=1 pixel hit) and re-digitized in 13.0.10 with pixels on: /castor/[000-174]/dig.root

TRT Volume with fixed generated momentum spectrum:

  • All below have no field, ATLAS-CommNF-00-00-00, and pixels on.
  • Digitization was done in 13.0.10
  • 100 GeV: (Emin = 99 GeV, Emax = 100 GeV) 3369 events at /castor/, x:0-9
  • 50 GeV: (Emin = 49 GeV, Emax = 50 GeV) 2061 events at /castor/, x:0-9
  • 25 GeV: (Emin = 24 GeV, Emax = 25 GeV) 756 events at /castor/, x:0-29
  • 10 GeV: (Emin = 9.9 GeV, Emax = 10.1 GeV) 381 events at /castor/, x:0-9 and /castor/, x:0-49
  • Tiny (~134 events) simulated sample with Emin = 1 GeV, Emax = 10 GeV) can be found at: /castor/ , xx:00->49 (some files have 0 events!)

Production with SCTBarrel Volume

  • New sample (1910 events, ATLAS-CommNF-00-00-00, digitized in rel 13, pixels on) at: /castor/, xx:00->19

Production with Pixel Volume

  • Filtering on full pixel volume, pixels on. Setup as above, 2691 events. Location of simulation output: /castor/, xx:00->14
  • Digitized events: /afs/

First production in release 13

  • Release used is 13.0.10
  • Pixels are on by default
  • Details and instructions can be found here: HowToSimulateCosmicIn13

Production with Muon Volume

  • No field, ATLAS-CommNF-01-00-00, 57755 events at: /castor/{100-120}.root
  • Simulation output can be found at: /castor/{100-120}/sim.root

Production with Inner Detector Volume

  • No field, ATLAS-CommNF-01-00-00, about 40k events for testing for TRT end cap calibration at: /castor/*.root

Production with TRTBarrel Volume

Aligned no field: ATLAS-CommNF-01-00-00:
  • 2469 events at /castor/
  • 950 events with 5 MeV cut for secondaries, at /castor/

Misaligned with field: ATLAS-Comm-02-00-00:
  • Large sample for ID alignment group: (in progress, >17384 events) /castor/*.root
From dig.trtbarrel_ma_B600.root a new simulation option is tested. Please report any differences you find between <500 and >500 files!

Misaligned no field: ATLAS-CommNF-02-00-00:
  • Large sample for ID alignment group: 299806 events at /castor/*.root

Production with SCT Barrel Volume

Misaligned no field: ATLAS-CommNF-02-00-00:
  • Large sample for ID alignment group: (in progress) /castor/*.root

Production with Pixel Barrel Volume

  • Filtering on the overlap between TRTBarrel and full Pixel volume.
  • No field, ATLAS-CommNF-01-00-00, 4643 events at: /castor/, and dig.sctandpix108.root (sorry about the naming ...)

Misaligned with field: ATLAS-Comm-02-00-00:
  • 2234 events at /castor/

Misaligned no field: ATLAS-CommNF-02-00-00:
  • 2396 events at /castor/

Planned Samples

Cosmic Rates and Filtering Volume Studies

  • 2 issues were found which influence the expected rates
  • 1) when digitizing the muon volume we were accidentally only keeping events which had at least one LAr digit. this affected the rate calculation as i was working out the rate for events to pass simulation (and its filters) and then multiplying this by the LVL1 trigger efficiency i got from the digitized events. this meant the trigger efficiency was much higher than it should have been (as it was measured on a biased sample) this didnt effect the smaller volumes as they will all have a LAr digit anyway
  • 2) for the TRT volume and smaller we were changing the size on teh surface that the cosmics were generated over (from a 600mx600m square to a 400mx400m one). however there was a bug in the cosmic generator (fortran) which calculated the flux assuming the area was always 600mx600m. this means the initial estimate of the rate in the TRT volume (30Hz) was too high by 400^2/600^2 the corrected rate of ~12Hz is in much better agreement with scaling the rate from the muon volume
  • I did a comparison of the rates i get and those obtained from Elena Solfaroli (from RPC LVL1 group). the obtained rates are similar'ish. She used a flux of 130Hz x Area x F - where F is the ratio of the spectrum from Emin to infinity to the spectrum from 225MeV to infinity (this is obtained from the generator) whereas i use the FLux from the generator. the flux from the generator is ~25% higher.

Old stuff (kept as a record)

  • below are old recipes that i keep just as a record of what worked and why. please follow above for recipe on how to run.

Simulation in 12.5.0

  • set up 12.5.0 release (remember to use 32 bit mode source setup.csh -tag=12.5.0,32)
  • cmt co -r G4CosmicFilter-00-00-05 Simulation/G4Extensions/G4CosmicFilter
  • cd Simulation/G4Extensions/G4CosmicFilter/cmt;cmt config;gmake;cd -
  • cmt co -r RecExCommon-00-07-41 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExCommon
  • cd Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExCommon/cmt; cmt config; gmake; cd ../run
  • Add private tag of G4MuonSD (will be in cvs very soon i hope)
   mkdir MuonSpectrometer
   cp /afs/ MuonSpectrometer/
   cd MuonSpectrometer
   tar -zxf MuonG4SD.tar.gz
   cd ..
  • source /afs/
  • cp /afs/*.py .
  • athena -c "Seed='1234';directory='.';" >& log &
  • you can change the cosmic generator settings in, and you can change the volume used to filter on in Simulation/G4Extensions/G4CosmicFilter/share/
  • need to add special lines to jobOptions (for TRT digitization):
  • a jobOption you can run with the above change can be found at: /afs/

Using rel_5, saved with groupArea

  • So rel_5 has been saved as it was a good nightly for running digitization and reco
  • this is only tested with CMTCONFIG = i686-slc4-gcc34-opt (32bits)
  • to use this you setup in the usual way but do
source setup.csh -tag=rel_5,saved,32
instead of
source setup.csh -tag=rel_5,dev,32
  • your CMTPATH should then look like
  • i have made a groupArea ontop of this which has the following tags checked out
# for cosmic digitization
cmt co -r SCT_Digitization-00-09-24 InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/SCT_Digitization
cmt co -r TRT_Digitization-00-08-29 InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/TRT_Digitization 

# for event display
cmt co -r AtlantisJava-09-06-71 graphics/AtlantisJava
cmt co -r JiveXML-00-06-16 graphics/JiveXML 

# for trigger
cmt co -r TrigEventAthenaPool-00-00-20 Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigEventAthenaPool

# for new geometry in digitization
cmt co -r CaloConditions-00-01-09 Calorimeter/CaloConditions
cmt co -r TileGeoModel-00-01-14 TileCalorimeter/TileGeoModel
cmt co -r LArConditionsCommon-00-00-34 LArCalorimeter/LArExample/LArConditionsCommon
#LArRawConditions-01-11-30 LArCalorimeter/LArRawConditions not sure if needed??

# tags need for reco in rel_5 (old) from wiki
cmt co -r MuonTruthAlgs-01-01-11 MuonSpectrometer/MuonTruthAlgs
cmt co -r AthenaCommon-02-04-43-04 Control/AthenaCommon
cmt co -r RecExCond-00-00-18 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExCond
cmt co -r RecExConfig-00-00-19 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExConfig
cmt co -r RecExCommon-00-07-52 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExCommon
cmt co -r TrackToVertex-00-01-00 Reconstruction/RecoTools/TrackToVertex
cmt co -r BTagging-00-03-07 PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagAlgs/BTagging

# needed to fix problem in python module (need to fix by hand before compiling)
# see:
cmt co -r RecExConfig-00-00-19 Reconstruction/RecExample/RecExConfig
# fix here is in: RecExConfig/python/
#< jobproperties.Rec.RecAlgs.import_JobProperties('RecExConfig.RecAlgs')
#> jobproperties.Rec.RecAlgs.import_JobProperties('RecExConfig.RecAlgsFlags')
  • To run with the groupArea (only compiled for i686-slc4-gcc34-opt (32bits)) you need the following 2 lines in your requirements file
apply_tag oneGroup 
macro ATLAS_GROUP_AREA /afs/
  • Then you should do
source /afs/
cmt config
source setup.csh -tag=rel_5,saved,groupArea
source $AtlasArea/AtlasOfflineRunTime/cmt/setup.csh
echo $CMTPATH | tl
mkdir run
  • with the groupArea you shouldnt need to check out any tags at all.

Digitization in rel_5

  • There is a big bug in 12.5.0 which means that muon system cant write out RDO, this is fixed in nightlies, at th moment we use rel_5 which we can digitize all systems in - but LVL1 doesnt work. (for more info on digitization see SvensWiki
  • Add tags:
  • cmt co -r SCT_Digitization-00-09-24 InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/SCT_Digitization
  • cmt co -r TRT_Digitization-00-08-29 InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/TRT_Digitization
  • (see this link for more info on trt digitization)
  • use job options copied from: /afs/

Digitization in later rel (rel_0)

  • this seems to work ok with the above TRT and SCT digitization tags and same JO as for rel_5


  • To validate the simulation need to reconstruct and look in event display
  • Do this in rel_5 as well
  • Setup release (add tags) from this wiki
  • to use event display need to also add tags:
  • cmt co -r AtlantisJava-09-06-71 graphics/AtlantisJava
  • cmt co -r JiveXML-00-06-16 graphics/JiveXML
  • run with joboptions taken from: /afs/
  • doing all of this gives you Jive files you can look at in atlantis - and they look pretty like this

Reco in rel_0

  • this is a pain. does work but need lost of hacks.
  • need to follow the fix in this hn posting
  • need to turn truth offto get rid of this crash:
ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MuonTruthAlgs
Shortened traceback (most recent user call last):
  File "/afs/", line 351, in ?
    include( script )
  File "./", line 42, in ?
    include ("RecExCommon/")
  File "/afs/", line 516, in ?
    include ("RecExCommon/")
  File "/afs/", line 95, in ?
  File "/afs/", line 5, in ?
    include ("TrkTruthCreatorTools/")
IncludeError: include file TrkTruthCreatorTools/ can not be found
  • need to turn off muon algorithms: doMoore=False, doMuGirl=False, doStaco=False to get rid of this crash:
CBNT_Muon                                            INFO ================================
CBNT_Muon                                            INFO declare variables for Muonboy AAN ntuple block
CBNT_MboyESD                                         INFO declare variables for MboyESD AAN ntuple block
MooMakeNtuplePulls                                   INFO Declare variables for Moore RECO/KINE ntuple
FATAL 2007-Feb-27 14:25:23 [static void ers::ErrorHandler::SignalHandler::action(int, siginfo_t*, void*) at ers/src/ErrorHandler.cxx:88] Got signal 11 Segmentation fault (invalid memory reference)
        name="Segmentation fault (invalid memory reference)"
        host = pcatlas007
        user = jboyd (6573)
        process id = 5126
        process wd = /space2/jboyd/cosmic_sim/rel0/run
  • need to get rid of lines:
InDetPRD_MultiTruthMaker = PRD_MultiTruthMaker (name = 'InDetPRD_MultiTruthMaker')
  • in JO as truth being disabled means they wont work
  • then need to get rid of truth from Jive if you wanna run with event display.


  • Main problem is running digitization with trigger on (DetFlags.LVL1_setOn()) causes a crash. i have got round this by adding the line:
DetFlags.simulateLVL1.Calo_setOff() to the digitization joboptions
  • This runs the RPC LVL1 simulation (with correct config - i checked) but there is a problem retrieving this info from the RDO in reconstruction. i tried this adding the lines:
doTrigger = True
TrigT1ConfigVersion = "CSC-02-900GeV"          # specify LVL1 config 
HLTconfigVersion = "CSC-02-900GeV"    # specify HLT config 
include ( "TriggerRelease/" )
TriggerFlags.doLVL2 =False
  • in my reco joboptions. when i do this i get a crash due to the fact TrigEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv didnt compil in the nightlies.
  • i got round this by adding the tag:
cmt co -r TrigEventAthenaPool-00-00-20 Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigEventAthenaPool
  • also need to make the fix described in this hn posting
  • then can run reco with the additional settings:
doTrigger = True
TrigT1ConfigVersion = "CSC-02-900GeV"          # specify LVL1 config 
HLTconfigVersion = "CSC-02-900GeV"    # specify HLT config 
include ( "TriggerRelease/" )
TriggerFlags.doLVL2 =False
  • and this gives you a CBNTAA ntuple with Mu ROI info in it:
OBJ: TLeafElement       muCTPI_ROI      muCTPI_ROI
  • the first of these tells you how many ROIs were found in the event and the second tells you which threshold this ROI passed (to decode the threshold word you need a special tool i have from Atilla)
  • At the moment cant run the above with JiveXML or get this crash:
Py:Athena            INFO including file "JiveXML/"
System::doLoad: ERROR: /afs/ undefined symbol: _ZTIN7TrigDec12TrigDecisionE
DllClassManager                                     ERROR Could not load module TrigJiveXML
Shortened traceback (most recent user call last):
  File "/afs/", line 351, in ?
    include( script )
  File "./", line 38, in ?
    include ("RecExCommon/")
  File "/space2/jboyd/cosmic_sim/rel_4/InstallArea/jobOptions/RecExCommon/", line 579, in ?
    include ( "RecExCommon/")
  File "/space2/jboyd/cosmic_sim/rel_4/InstallArea/jobOptions/RecExCommon/", line 18, in ?
    include ( "JiveXML/" )
  File "/space2/jboyd/cosmic_sim/rel_4/InstallArea/jobOptions/JiveXML/", line 17, in ?
    theApp.Dlls   += [ "TrigJiveXML"]
  File "/afs/", line 163, in __setattr__
RuntimeError: (file "", line 0) basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid (C++ exception)
  • Problem / confusion with running this LVL1 is that if i do the same thing but with default (not cosmic) configuration i see exactly the same MuCTPi info in the CBNT (which is wrong). I know i am picking up the correct configuration because in the logfiles i see
TriggerMenu          INFO   Muon thresholds:
TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU00 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:   4 GeV
TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU05 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:   5 GeV
TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU06 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:   6 GeV
TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU11 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:  11 GeV
TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU20 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:  20 GeV
TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU40 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:  40 GeV


TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU06 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:   6 GeV
TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU08 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:   8 GeV
TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU10 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:  10 GeV
TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU11 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:  11 GeV
TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU20 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:  20 GeV
TriggerMenu          INFO     --> Name:     MU40 Width: 3 bit(s) Value:  40 GeV
  • so it makes no sense that the trigger is the same. i have emailed Attila and Sandro Di Mattia about this.

To do

  • Need to try with new geometry tag - what do i actually need to do to be using this?
  • Need to get LVL1 RPC trigger working (with config: TrigT1ConfigVersion = "CSC-02-900GeV" )
  • Need to integrate in Tile trigger simulation (into digitization) - Need Jose to store the output of this in the RDO file for use in reco: (08 June 07) Done, see TileCosmicsTrigger wiki
  • Need to use Thjis's way of getting truth in Atlantis and CBNT (for truth track parameters)
  • Need to evaluate expected rate for cosmics passing the filter (Else is looking into this)
  • Should turn pixels off in simulation and digitization, recipe from Arshak
During simulation Pixel is turned off: DetFlags.pixel_setOff() (see
Then during digitization we keep Pixel as detector (DO NOT do DetFlags.pixel_setOff()) but we just do not digitize it putting
DetFlags.digitize.pixel_setOff() (see
  • When running with new geom tag need this line at top of jobOptions (from Hong)
LArIdMapFix = 7
  • Need to check with Hong that the LAr conditions Richard copied over are being used correctly when i am doing sim / dig
  • Add run number to simulated runs (could be the seed used for now??)
  • Can we add the TRT and SCT digitzation tags to the development nightlies? (ask Thjis & Esben)

Some data to play with

  • I have run the above steps on 4 x 50k events. for each job ~50 of these pass the cosmic filter.
  • the produced RDO data file can be seen on castor at (this contains 216 events out of the 200k simulated events):
  • and the sim files this was made from are at:
  • from the event display i can see that most things worked in this data.
  • i have asked for the system experts to check the data and Daniela Rebuzzi has checked the Muon data looks ok, Hong has checked the Calo data

  • i have also produced 2 more files (this time 75k each) one has field off (this means i had the line: MagneticField.set_Off() in the sim joboptions - i'm not sure if this is correctly picked up in digi and reco??) and one has field on.
  • the sim files for these are at
  • and digi files at:
  • these have the pixels turned off in the way mentioned above.

Attempting to use the new GeoTag

New Geom Simulation in 12.5.0

  • Need tags
  • Simulate with same JO as before but adding

New Geom Digitization in rel_5 with tags

  • Need tags
  • Need to add to digitization JO
LArIdMapFix = 7

New Geom Reco in rel_5 with tags

  • Need to add the following lines to your jobOptions
LArIdMapFix = 7
  • If you dont turn off the Muon algs you get this crash:
DetectorStore                                     WARNING retrieve(const): No valid proxy for object AtlasTrackingGeometry  of typeTrk::TrackingGeometry(CLID 167645219)
ToolSvc.Trk::Navigator                              FATAL Could not retrieve TrackingGeometry 'AtlasTrackingGeometry' from DetectorStore.
ToolSvc.Trk::Navigator                              FATAL   - probably the chosen layout is not supported / no cool tag exists.
MboyRec.sysExecute()                                FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
MboyRec.sysExecute()                                ERROR Problem with TrackingGeometry loading
  • there are still some slightly worrying messages in the reco logfile like:
RegSelSvc                                            INFO DetectorDescription version ATLAS-Comm-00-00-00
RegSelSvc                                            INFO detector switches: indet=enabled calo=enabled muon=enabled
RegSelSvc                                           FATAL  RegionSelectorLUT LArRegionSelectorLUT_EM doesn't exists
RegSelSvc                                         WARNING Failed to initialize LAR data
RegSelSvc                                           FATAL  RegionSelectorLUT LArRegionSelectorLUT_EM doesn't exists
RegSelSvc                                         WARNING Failed to initialize TTEM data
RegSelSvc                                           FATAL  RegionSelectorLUT LArRegionSelectorLUT_HEC doesn't exists
RegSelSvc                                         WARNING Failed to initialize TTHEC data
RegSelSvc                                         WARNING Will try the files for LAr
IOVDbSvc                                             INFO Resolved TagInfo tag GeoAtlas to value InDetLayerMat_v3_ATLAS-Comm-00-00-00
IOVDbSvc                                            ERROR resolveHVSTag> tag: InDetLayerMat_v3_ATLAS-Comm-00-00-00 does NOT exist
IOVDbSvc                                            ERROR resolveHVSTag> tag: InDetLayerMat_v3_DEFAULT does NOT exist
IOVDbSvc                                            ERROR Tag name TagInfo/InDetLayerMat_v3_/GeoAtlas cannot be resolved in folder /Indet/TrackingGeo/LayerMaterial
DetectorStore                                     WARNING retrieve(const): No valid proxy for object /Indet/TrackingGeo/LayerMaterial  of type LayerMaterialPropertiesSet(CLID 166876097)
AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc                            FATAL LayerMaterialPropertiesSet with name: /Indet/TrackingGeo/LayerMaterial not found in DetectorStore. Aborting.
IOVSvc                                              ERROR Problems calling TrackingGeometrySvc[0xc24b9a4]+d

Remaining issues and problems

  • This problem with Muon LVL1 (result seems to be same with cosmic and physics configuration). i have contacted ?? but no response yet
  • Tile TRG simulation needs results persistifying so can be obtained in reco. (in fact need to test the Tile TRG in my digitization)
  • New geo volumes for filtering at simulation level (eg. TRT Barrel), also need to understand rate(s) and choose simulation parameters
  • Are the conditions for Calo that Richard copied into prod DB being used?
  • Thijs new truth stuff into CBNTAA (& Atlantis)
  • Sporadic crash / hang in simulation that looks like:
>  AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK
>  AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK
>  AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK
>  AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK
>  AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK
>  AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK
> 40984226 EBarrel DZ 1295.25
>  AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK
> MuonIdHelper::init_neighbors
>  AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK
> MuonIdHelper::init_neighbors
>  AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK
> MuonIdHelper::init_neighbors
>  AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK
> MuonIdHelper::init_neighbors
  • Also have seen this crash in the simulation stage:
G4AtlasAlg.sysE...  FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
G4AtlasAlg.sysE...  ERROR basic_filebuf::underflow error reading the file
Shortened traceback (most recent user call last):
  File "/afs/", line 351, in ?
    include( script )
  File "./", line 83, in ?
RuntimeError: (file "", line 0) St9exception (C++ exception)

-- JamieBoyd - 15 Feb 2007

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