
In [68]: j7=j4.copy()
In [69]: print j7
Job {
 status = 'new' ,
 name = '' ,
 inputdir = '/afs/' , outputdir = '/afs/' ,
 outputsandbox = [] ,
 id = 106 ,
 inputdata = None ,
 inputsandbox = [ ] ,
 application = Executable {
    exe = '/bin/echo' ,
    env = {} ,
    args = ['Hello World']
    } ,
 backend = LCG {
    status = None ,
    actualCE = None ,
    CE = None ,
    reason = None ,
    id = None ,
    exitcode = None ,
    requirements = Requirements {
       ipconnectivity = None ,
       cputime = None ,
       other = [] ,
       memory = None ,
       software = [] ,
       walltime = None
In [70]: j7.backend.requirements = 'other.GlueCEUniqueID == ""'
Ganga.Utility.Plugin               : ERROR    cannot find 'other.GlueCEUniqueID == ""' in a category 'requirements'
exceptions.ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/afs/ in _setattr(self, x, v)
    256             raise AttributeError("Schema of '%s' has no property '%s'" % (self._impl._name,x))
--> 258         object.__setattr__(self,x,v)
    259     helptext(_setattr,"""Set a property of %(classname)s with consistency and safety checks.
    260 Setting a [protected] or a unexisting property raises AttributeError.""")
/afs/ in __set__(self, obj, val)
    129             val = map(stripper,val)
    130         else:
--> 131             val = stripper(val)
    133         # apply attribute filter to component items
/afs/ in <lambda>(v)
    122             item = obj._impl._schema.getItem(self._name)
    123             filter = allComponentFilters[item['category']]
--> 124             stripper = lambda v: stripComponentObject(v,filter,item)
    125         else:
    126             stripper = stripAttribute
/afs/ in stripComponentObject(v, filter, item)
     30         return v._impl
---> 32     vv = filter(v,item)
     33     if vv is None:
     34         return getImpl(v)
/afs/ in string_type_shortcut_filter(val, item)
    346             return obj
    347         except PluginManagerError,x:
--> 348             raise ValueError(x)
    349     return None
ValueError: cannot find 'other.GlueCEUniqueID == ""' in a category 'requirements'

Major updates:
-- RichardStDenis - 19 Oct 2005


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Topic revision: r1 - 2005-10-20 - RichardStDenis
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