I do not update this page anymore.

Splash Events at CMS, 7-8 Nov 2009

NOTE: Legend of colors for this page:

GRAY background for the header of the job
GREEN background for the DataSamples are used
BLUE background for the paths of Outputs



PATTuple Production from CRAFT-2008 data

I kept the below collections in these PatTuples.

Collection name='TList', class='TList', size=8
OBJ: TNamed towerMaker CaloTowersSorted_towerMaker__Rec.obj
OBJ: TNamed TriggerResults edmTriggerResults_TriggerResults__HLT.obj
OBJ: TNamed selectedLayer1Jets patJets_selectedLayer1Jets__PAT.obj
OBJ: TNamed selectedLayer1METs patMETs_selectedLayer1METs__PAT.obj
OBJ: TNamed selectedLayer1Muons patMuons_selectedLayer1Muons__PAT.obj
OBJ: TNamed offlineBeamSpot recoBeamSpot_offlineBeamSpot__Rec.obj
OBJ: TNamed hltTriggerSummaryAOD triggerTriggerEvent_hltTriggerSummaryAOD__HLT.obj

p.s You will see also the photon collection but it is not usable. OBJ: TNamed selectedLayer1Photons patPhotons_selectedLayer1Photons__PAT.obj


Version: CMSSW_2_2_9
Tool: PAT-v1
Directory: CRAFT-0T
MainDataset: /Cosmics/Commissioning08_CRAFT_0T_229-v1/RECO
Selected Runs:: (which have over 1 million events) 
Events per job :: 10k


Outputs:: $castor/s/ssen/CRAFT-0T/PATTupleCRAFT0T_229-v1-${run}.root

CRAFT-3.8T Runs

Two skims are available for HCAL. HCALHighEnergy skim keeps CentralJets and TauJets. The other one is for multiCosmicMuons.


We should run over the mother stream. Pat will collect all the stuff and no need to run over skimmed sets since they are not suitable for our all analysis.

MainDataset:: /Cosmics/Commissioning08_CRAFT_ALL_V9_225-v2/RECO

Version:: CMSSW_2_2_9                                                                      
Tool:: Pat-v1
MainDataset:: /Cosmics/Commissioning08_CRAFT_ALL_V9_225-v2/RECO
Selected Runs:: (which have over 1 million events)
Events per job:: 10k

don't forget to write here !

Outputs:: $castor/s/ssen/CRAFT-38T/PATTupleCRAFT-38T_229-v2-${run}.root

CRAFT-Runs TrackerSkim

Version:: CMSSW_2_2_9                                                                      
Tool:: Pat-v1
MainDataset:: /Cosmics/Commissioning08_CRAFT_ALL_V12_229_Tosca090322_reReco_FromTrackerPointing_v1/RAW-RECO
Selected Runs:: (which have over 1 million events)
Events per job:: 10k


Outputs:: $castor/s/ssen/CRAFT-TrackerSkim/PATTupleCRAFTv12_TrackerReReco_229-v1-${run}.root

Ntuple Production from CRAFT-2008 PATTuples


Inputs:: $castor/s/ssen/CRAFT-0T/PATTupleCRAFT-38T_229-v2-${run}.root

Outputs:: $castor/s/ssen/CRAFT-0T-Ntuples/NtupleCRAFT_0T_229-v1-${run}.root

CRAFT-3.8T Runs

Inputs:: $castor/s/ssen/CRAFT-38T/PATTupleCRAFT-38T_229-v2-${run}.root

Outputs:: $castor/s/ssen/CRAFT-38T-Ntuples/NtupleCRAFT_38T_229-v1-${run}.root

Ntuple Production from CRAFT-2009 RAW data

There are two different output directories regarding 0T and 3.8T Runs.

Version:: CMSSW_3_1_2                    
Tool:: JetComm
MainDataset:: /Cosmics/CRAFT09-v1/RAW
Selected Runs:: GOOD condition and average duration time
Events per job:: 5k

Runs 38T:: 112347, 112309, 112222, 110835, 110924, 110987, 110546, 110535, 110452, 110397, 109624, 109606, 109573
Runs 0T:: 111829, 111864, 110315, 109911, 109829, 108686, 108562

Outputs for 38T runs:: $castor/s/ssen/CRAFT09-38T-JetComm/NTupleCRAFT09_38T_31x-${run}.root
Outputs for 0T runs:: $castor/s/ssen/CRAFT09-0T-JetComm/NTupleCRAFT09_0T_31x-${run}.root

NTuple Production with the BeamSplash Data

Version:: CMSSW_2_2_9                    
Tool:: JetComm
MainDataset:: /BeamHalo/BeamCommissioning08-v1/RAW
Selected Runs:: ALL
Events per job:: 4k  (for the 5k most of the jobs being Failed (When the EventVector() returns with empty value the job goes "Failed"))
IMPORTANT: see as a blacklist this ce -> ce128.cern.ch
#ce_black_list = ce128.cern.ch
se_black_list = T0, T1 

Runs:: 62129,62195,62197,62214,62228,62231,62232,62234,62235,62243,62246,62260,62261,62296,62311,62380,

Outputs:: $castor/s/ssen/Beam08octJetComm-8/8JNTupleBeam08oct-${line}.root
HFdigivstime,timehf ntuples are useful - Filled by the new method. By calling nominalfC value.

p.s There are some Runs in the below stream and which is not on T2. Not able to run on these Runs with Grid. But they are on srm-cms.cern.ch. /BeamHalo/Comissioning08-GRtoBeam_v1/RAW

62007,62026,62029,62036,62037,62044,62046,62052,62053,62055,62056,62063,62064,62066,62068,62069,62074,62078,62080,62081, 62082,62084,62087,62089,62090,62093,62094,62095,62096,62097,62099,62100,62101,62109,62110,62112

p.s All the 2008 beam data are going to be reprocessing with CMSSW_3_2_X very soon. But we will not have digi info in this case.


Outputs:: $castor/s/ssen/MinBias_900GeV-v2_10GeVFiltered

CMSSW_3_3_6_patch3 /MinimumBias/BeamCommissioning09-Dec19thReReco_336p3_v2/RECO

(bit[0]=1 && (bit[36]==0 && bit[37]==0 && bit[38]==0 && bit[39]==0)) corrected pT > 10 GeV

FirstName Sercan
LastName Sen
Email sercan.sen@cernNOSPAMPLEASE.ch
Telephone +41764875545 (CERN internal: 165545)
Address 510-1-003
Comment CMS-Hcal, Forward Physics
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Topic revision: r25 - 2013-06-02 - SercanSen
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