Individual fits performed by simultaneous machinery - BDT bins, data SB
Three BDT bins, data SB
Four BDT bins, data SB
Four BDT bins, MC
Linear slope and constant expConst, MC and data SB
Comparison of BDT errors

Independent fits to Bs and Bkg samples in BDT and η evolutions

MC fits

As a sanity check, the individual fits were re-done using the simultaneous machinery in order to cross-check the consistency of the two approaches. The individual fits done in this way are called independent here. When the high-statistics MC is used as the fitted sample for both signal and background, the results of independent fits are compatible with those obtained by individual fits up to a high decimal digit.

Bs MC, BDT evolution: BsMC_indep_BDTEv.txt

Bs MC, η evolution: BsMC_indep_etaEv.txt

Bkg MC, BDT evolution: BkgMC_indep_BDTEv.txt

Bkg MC, η evolution: BkgMC_indep_etaEv.txt

The case of independent Bkg fits to sideband data

There are two problems with simultaneous fits to the sideband data. First, the statistics in certain bins can be insufficient, resulting in very wrong starting values provided by individual fits, and the entire simultaneous fit goes wrong. Second problem are the starting values of the extended parameters (nComb, nTot) - these are provided in sidebands only by the individual fits, but are required in full range in independent fits. Therefore, nTot is initialized as the number of events in the entire sample, and nComb as the number of events in the entire sample scaled by ratio of nComb and nTot resulting from the individual fits.

In the case of Bkg sideband data fitting, the simultaneous procedure in BDT evolution fails due to the last bin with very low statistics (Approximated covariance matrix, MINIMIZE=1, HESSE=4) and unnatural starting value of the slope. If the last two BDT bins are merged, fit converges and results are largely compatible.

Bkg Data, BDT evolution, merged bins: BkgData_indep_BDTev_merged.txt

Without merging the bins and initiating the simFit with the initial values of the individual RooFit step values (which take care of both the full-range normalization and set the slope to zero whenever it gets positive), we obtain compatible results in all but the last BDT bin. These plots compare the simFit and it's components with the result of the individual RooFit step (log: simFit_bkgSB.txt).

massPlot BDT1ETA1 simFit BDTev.png
BDT bin 1
massPlot BDT2ETA1 simFit BDTev.png
BDT bin 2
massPlot BDT3ETA1 simFit BDTev.png
BDT bin 3
massPlot BDT4ETA1 simFit BDTev.png
BDT bin 4
There are enough events in all η bins of sideband data, and the simultaneous fit in this evolution converges without changes of the binning. The discrepancy wrt. individual fits is about 1% in the shape parameters [calculated as 100*(individual-independent)/individual]

Bkg Data, η evolution: BkgData_indep_etaEv.txt

#IndSimFits ---++++ Individual fits performed by simultaneous machinery - BDT bins, SB data

Another cross-check was performed - to preform the fits in BDT bins of Bkg sideband data bin-by-bin, i.e. individually, but using the full-simultaneous approach, i.e. defining an index category for the bin, creating 'combined' dataset (containing only one category) and fitting it with a RooSimultaneous (again containing the one category and one pdf). Interestingly, the results are in good agreement in the middle lower two bins, and in total agreement in the first and the last bin.

This has been done for parameter limits expConst = [-10, 10], slope = [-1000, 1000], nComb = nTot = [-10 000, 1 000 000]. By setting the slope limits to [-100, 100], the agreement in the two middle bins is improved.

Independent simultaneous fits in two BDT bins, SB data

In general, if we fit in bins that do not include isolated bin 4, such as 1+2, 2+3, (1+2)+(3+4), agreement between values obtained from the simultaneous fit and those from last RooFit step of individual fitting is good: BDT1+2_sim.txt, BDT2+3_sim.txt, BDT1+2-3+4_mergedSim.txt.

However, whenever bin 4 is involved, the fit does not finish properly - covariance matrix is not positive-definite. Examples for simFits (1+2+3)+4, 3+4: BDT1+2+3-4_mergedSim.txt, BDT3+4_Sim.txt. Limits of parameters expConst and slope were changed in order to see if with certain combination the fit will converge properly, but no such combination had been found.

UPDATE: Combination of limits expConst = [-1000, 1000], slope = [-5000, 5000], nComb = nTot = [-100 000, 100 000] seems to have the desired effect - the covariance matrix is now positive-definite. The fourth bin is still converging to a different minimum.

Process of constraining the parameters

Example: BDT evolution of expConst: We want to introduce the dependence of the SSSV bkg exp constant on average BDT value. The overall bkg pdf then becomes a '2D' pdf in mass and average BDT value. The average BDT value is a random variable by itself and has a pdf. We're therefore dealing with a conditional probability: pdf(m|params(<bdt>))*pdf(<bdt>).

Simultaneously with introducing expConst as a RooFormulaVar, we need to introduce the pdf for <bdt> for each bin. This is a gaussian with an unknown fitted mean <bdt>True and unknown but fixed (not-fitted) width. The dependence of the parameter is then: expConst = e_0 + e_1*<bdt>True. Parameters e_0, e_1 are fitted, and initialized with respective values obtained from individual fits. The <bdt>True is initialized with the (sub)sample BDT mean and the width of the pdf(<bdt>) is fixed to the uncertainty on the mean, i.e. standard deviation of the (sub)sample BDT values divided by sqrt(N). The pdf(<bdt>) is then used as an external constraint, i.e. the overall likelihood is multiplied by this term.

In practice, there's a loop over BDT and η bins. Above this loop, the evolution variables are initialized as RooRealVar. Inside the loop, the pdf(<bdt>) is initialized, together with the RooFormulaVar corresponding to the actual evolved variable.

Constraining expConst and slope of the BKG model over BDT bins, data SB

For the time being, the fitting is set up in the following way: sim fits are initialized with the same values with which the RooFit step of the individual fitting chain is being initialized - this is to have a sort of reference, and can be changed easily to work with final values of this step. In other words, simFit is initialized with values resulting from the last ROOT step, where the combinatorial slope is set to zero whenever it's non-negative. The evolution parameters are taken from the results of the last ROOT step, or can be set by hand. This can also be changed.

29-5-20 UPDATE: The simFits are initialized with final values of RooFit step in the individual fitting chain. Evolution parameters are also taken from the results of this step.

As a sanity check, the expConst was constrained to be linear over the two bins - in that case, if the machinery works correctly, there should be no change in the result wrt. the results of the final RooFit step of the individual fitting chain (fiting two points with line) - this is indeed the case:

29-5-20 UPDATE: The updates from above are projected here, the binning has been changed to match the blinded region edges, comparisons of all parameters have been added to the logs, fitted evolution was overplotted.

massPlot BDT1ETA1 sanityCheck expConst bdtEv.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 sanityCheck expConst bdtEv.png
Mass fit in second bin
expConst sanityCheck expConst bdtEv.png
Exponential constant evolution
The comparison of the parameter values (RooFit step vs simFit): valuesComp_sanityCheck.txt, fit log: fitLog_sanityCheck.txt

Next, the expConst was set to be constant:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 expConst constEv bdtEv.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 expConst constEv bdtEv.png
Mass fit in second bin
evPlot expConst constEv bdtEv.png
Evolution plot
Values comparison: valuesComp_expConst_constEv_bdtEv.txt, fit log: fitLog_expConst_constEv_bdtEv.txt

Now, the expConst was released and slope was set to constant.

massPlot BDT1ETA1 constSlope bdtEv.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 constSlope bdtEv.png
Mass fit in second bin
evPlot constSlope bdtEv.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_constSlope_bdtEv.txt, fit log: fitLog_constSlope_bdtEv.txt

Three BDT bins

The same for BDT binning 1, 2, 3+4:

Linear dependence of expConst:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 threeBin expConstLinear bdtEv.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 threeBin expConstLinear bdtEv.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 threeBin expConstLinear bdtEv.png
Mass fit in third bin
evPlot threeBin expConstLinear bdtEv.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_threeBin_expConstLinear_bdtEv.txt, fit log: fitLog_threeBin_expConstLinear_bdtEv.txt

Linear dependence of slope:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 threeBin slopeLinear bdtEv.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 threeBin slopeLinear bdtEv.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 threeBin slopeLinear bdtEv.png
Mass fit in third bin
evPlot slope threeBin slopeLinear bdtEv.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_threeBin_slopeLinear_bdtEv.txt, fit log: fitLog_threeBin_slopeLinear_bdtEv.txt

Constant dependence of expConst:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 threeBin expConstConstant bdtEv.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 threeBin expConstConstant bdtEv.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 threeBin expConstConstant bdtEv.png
Mass fit in third bin
evPlot expConst threeBin expConstConstant bdtEv.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_threeBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.txt, fit log: fitLog_threeBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.txt

Constant dependence of slope:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 threeBin slopeConstant bdtEv.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 threeBin slopeConstant bdtEv.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 threeBin slopeConstant bdtEv.png
Mass fit in third bin
evPlot slope threeBin slopeConstant bdtEv.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_threeBin_slopeConstant_bdtEv.txt, fit log: fitLog_threeBin_slopeConstant_bdtEv.txt

Four BDT bins

16-6-2020 UPDATE: Bug was found in the simFit code - the slope was not initialized with final value of the RooFit individual step, but with the respective initial value. The only significat effect this had was in four bins, especially when the expConst was linear. Fixed and updated for 4bins expConst lin and expConst const. This has no effect on the slope evolution plots.

Linear dependence of expConst:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv update.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv update.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv update.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv update.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot fourBin expConstLin bdtEv update.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_update.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_update.txt

Constant dependence of expConst:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv update.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv update.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv update.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv update.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot fourBin expConstConst bdtEv update.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv_update.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv_update.txt

Linear dependence of slope:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot slope fourBin slopeLin bdtEv.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv.txt

Constant dependence of slope:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot slopeConst fourBin slopeConst bdtEv.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv.txt


Four bins in Bkg MC

Blinded MC

Linear dependence of expConst:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot fourBin expConstLin bdtEv MC blinded.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_MC_blinded.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_MC_blinded.txt

Constant dependence of expConst:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot fourBin expConstConst bdtEv MC blinded.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_expConstConst_bdtEv_MC_blinded.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_expConstConst_bdtEv_MC_blinded.txt

Linear dependence of slope:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot fourBin slopeLin bdtEv MC blinded.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_blinded.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_blinded.txt

Constant dependence of slope:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv MC blinded.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot fourBin slopeConst bdtEv MC blinded.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv_MC_blinded.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv_MC_blinded.txt

Unblinded MC

Linear dependence of expConst:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin expConstLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot fourBin expConstLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt

Constant dependence of expConst:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin expConstConst bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot fourBin expConstConst bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_expConstConst_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_expConstConst_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt

Linear dependence of slope:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin slopeLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot fourBin slopeLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt

Constant dependence of slope:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin slopeConst bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot fourBin slopeConst bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt


Linear slope and constant expConst

Bkg MC unblinded

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot expConst fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Evolution plot

evPlot slope fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC unBlinded.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt

Bkg MC blinded

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC Blinded.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC Blinded.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC Blinded.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC Blinded.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot expConst fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC Blinded.png
Evolution plot

evPlot slope fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv MC Blinded.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded.txt

Data SB

massPlot BDT1ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv dataSB.png
Mass fit in first bin
massPlot BDT2ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv dataSB.png
Mass fit in second bin
massPlot BDT3ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv dataSB.png
Mass fit in third bin
massPlot BDT4ETA1 fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv dataSB.png
Mass fit in fourth bin
evPlot expConst fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv dataSB.png
Evolution plot

evPlot slope fourBin expConstConst slopeLin bdtEv dataSB.png
Evolution plot

Values comparison: valuesComp_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB.txt, fit log: fitLog_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB.txt

Comparison of parameter evolution fits with BDT RMS and uncertainty on BDT mean

Comparison of evolution fits to independent fit results. The green dependence takes BDT RMS as the x-axis error in each bin, the yellow dependence takes the error on mean (BDT RMS/sqrt(N)). The constant dependence is plotted as well in blue as a consistency check (it's not affected by x-axis errors). These comparisons are performed for evolutions of SSSV exponential constant and combinatorial slope in blinded MC, unblinded MC and data SB.


xErrorsComparison expConst BDTEv bkgMC Blinded.png
Bkg MC Blinded
xErrorsComparison expConst BDTEv bkgMC.png
Bkg MC Unblinded
xErrorsComparison expConst BDTEv dataSB.png
SB data


xErrorsComparison slope BDTEv bkgMC Blinded.png
Bkg MC Blinded
xErrorsComparison slope BDTEv bkgMC.png
Bkg MC Unblinded
xErrorsComparison slope BDTEv dataSB.png
SB data

Generating bkg+signal MC sample

Hig-stat sample

Signal and background MC samples were combined to contain both background and Bs entries. The number of Bs entries blended into the background MC sample has been calculated based on the expected number of signal events for the 2015/16 dataset, which is 120. Rescaling this number by the ratio of SB events in the bkg MC and data SB events, we obtain 426.535. The expected number of signal events corresponding to our background MC sample is then obtained as random poisson-distributed number with mean 426.535. As a result, this dataset contains 436 events (within 1 sigma away from the mean 426.535). These were selected by picking 436 uniformly distributed indices of the signal MC events (the total number of signal MC events passing the mass and BDT cuts is 120682). The following plots summarize the sample generation - they show entries in the highest BDT bin, the histogram of the signal events added, the distribution of the signal MC event indices, and check on their uniformity performed by generating 10 000 numbers with the same generator. Another 10000 poisson-distributed events with mean 426.535 were plotted in histogram as well to check the poisson random number generator.

Signal + Bkg generation info
Poisson generator check
Low-stat (pseudo data) sample

Another sample similar in statistics to the 2015/2016 data was produced by rescaling the total available Bkg MC statistics by the ratio of SB events in Bkg MC sample and in 2015/16 data. This number (11133.1) was used as expected number of background events and used as Poisson mean to generate the actual number of "measured" bkg events (11090, within 1 sigma). Similarly, an expected number of signal events (120) was used to generate "measured" number of signal evens (123, within 1 sigma). "measured number" of uniformly distributed random entries was then selected from the background and signal MCs and combined together into a single dataset. Both Root ntuple and RooFit dataset had to be produced in this case, because of the individual fits (in the high-stat case this was not necessary as the sidebands are the same for the Bkg+signal and Bkg only MC).

Signal + Bkg generation info
***UPDATE** First bin of this sample was not fitted properly as described below*

Individual Fits of bkg+signal high-stat MC sample

First, blinded fit of the Bkg MC was performed, then another step was added to fit the full model with signal component on the unblinded high-statistics Bkg+signal MC.

signalBkgBDT 1 ETA 1 fixed.png
BDT bin 1
signalBkgBDT 2 ETA 1 fixed.png
BDT Bin 2
signalBkgBDT 3 ETA 1 fixed.png
BDT Bin 3
signalBkgBDT 4 ETA 1 fixed.png
BDT Bin 4
expConstEv BDT signalBkg histat fixed.png
expConst evolution
slopeEv BDT signalBkg histat fixed.png
slope evolution

Individual Fits of bkg+signal pseudo data MC sample

Are problematic. Multiple versions of the sample were fitted, and often they end up in nonsense, such as negative number of SSSV events (and nComb larger than nTot) and positive exponential constant of the SSSV model. In some cases, this was due to the last step of ROOT fitting starting with nComb/nTot larger than 1. The model used in ROOT fitting doesn't feel bad about it, but RooFit subsequently fails.

A fix was introduced - whenever in the signal+bkg fitting the starting number of nComb should be higher than nTot, it's set to 0.99*nTot, and the Chebychev slope is set to 0. With these starting values, the RooFit steps can proceed. These are the results for the lo-stat sample.

signalBkgBDT 1 ETA 1 lostat.png
BDT bin 1
signalBkgBDT 2 ETA 1 lostat.png
BDT Bin 2
signalBkgBDT 3 ETA 1 lostat.png
BDT Bin 3
signalBkgBDT 4 ETA 1 lostat.png
BDT Bin 4
evPlot expConst signalBkg lostat.png
expConst evolution
evPlot slope signalBkg lostat.png
slope evolution

Simultaneous Fits of bkg+signal pseudo data MC sample

Free background, constraint on signal yield in each bin - constant with gaussian smearing (mean = nSignal/nBins, sigma = 3.7)

massPlot BDT1ETA1 pseudoData freeBkg constrainedSignal signalConstraintWidth 3.7.png
BDT bin 1
massPlot BDT2ETA1 pseudoData freeBkg constrainedSignal signalConstraintWidth 3.7.png
BDT Bin 2
massPlot BDT3ETA1 pseudoData freeBkg constrainedSignal signalConstraintWidth 3.7.png
BDT Bin 3
massPlot BDT4ETA1 pseudoData freeBkg constrainedSignal signalConstraintWidth 3.7.png
BDT Bin 4
    valuesComp.txt fitLog.txt

+ Linear slope, constant expConst:

massPlot BDT1ETA1 pseudoData slopeLin expConstConst signalConstraintWidth 3.7.png
BDT bin 1
massPlot BDT2ETA1 pseudoData slopeLin expConstConst signalConstraintWidth 3.7.png
BDT Bin 2
massPlot BDT3ETA1 pseudoData slopeLin expConstConst signalConstraintWidth 3.7.png
BDT Bin 3
massPlot BDT4ETA1 pseudoData slopeLin expConstConst signalConstraintWidth 3.7.png
BDT Bin 4
evPlot expConst pseudoData slopeLin expConstConst signalConstraintWidth 3.7.png
expConst evolution
evPlot slope pseudoData slopeLin expConstConst signalConstraintWidth 3.7.png
expConst evolution
valuesComp.txt fitLog.txt

Change of (extended) parametrization from {nComb, nTot} to {nComb, nSSSV}

Comparison of individual and unconstrained simultaneous background fits to bkg MC unblinded and blinded and to data SB:

valuesComp_bkgMCUnb_parametrizationCheck_oldParam.txt vs. valuesComp_bkgMCUnb_parametrizationCheck.txt

valuesComp_bkgMCBlind_parametrizationCheck_oldParam.txt vs. valuesComp_bkgMCBlind_parametrizationCheck.txt

valuesComp_bkgDataBlind_parametrizationCheck_oldParam.txt vs. valuesComp_bkgDataBlind_parametrizationCheck.txt

2D Sim fits

Are on page SimFits2D

-- OndrejKovanda - 2020-05-18

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt BDT1+2+3-4_mergedSim.txt r1 manage 610.0 K 2020-05-25 - 16:00 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BDT1+2-3+4_mergedSim.txt r1 manage 122.0 K 2020-05-25 - 15:56 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BDT1+2_sim.txt r1 manage 119.6 K 2020-05-25 - 15:55 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BDT2+3_sim.txt r1 manage 112.9 K 2020-05-25 - 15:56 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BDT3+4_Sim.txt r1 manage 585.9 K 2020-05-25 - 16:00 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BDTBin1_fullIndep.txt r1 manage 106.4 K 2020-05-25 - 12:54 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BDTBin2_fullIndep.txt r1 manage 94.3 K 2020-05-25 - 12:54 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BDTBin3_fullIndep.txt r1 manage 88.5 K 2020-05-25 - 12:54 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BDTBin4_fullIndep.txt r1 manage 524.4 K 2020-05-25 - 12:54 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BkgData_indep_BDTev_merged.txt r1 manage 112.4 K 2020-05-19 - 08:53 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BkgData_indep_etaEv.txt r1 manage 96.6 K 2020-05-19 - 09:04 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BkgMC_indep_BDTEv.txt r1 manage 126.5 K 2020-05-18 - 10:25 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BkgMC_indep_etaEv.txt r1 manage 61.3 K 2020-05-18 - 10:25 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BsMC_indep_BDTEv.txt r1 manage 53.9 K 2020-05-18 - 10:25 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt BsMC_indep_etaEv.txt r1 manage 34.3 K 2020-05-18 - 10:26 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt entryNumbers.txt r1 manage 0.2 K 2020-06-24 - 15:56 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt entryNumbers2.txt r1 manage 0.2 K 2020-06-24 - 16:15 OndrejKovanda dataBkgSample
PNGpng evPlot_constSlope_bdtEv.png r1 manage 24.8 K 2020-05-29 - 18:04 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng evPlot_expConst_constEv_bdtEv.png r1 manage 24.2 K 2020-05-29 - 17:44 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng evPlot_expConst_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded.png r1 manage 26.0 K 2020-06-22 - 15:01 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded
PNGpng evPlot_expConst_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.png r1 manage 26.7 K 2020-06-22 - 14:52 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded
PNGpng evPlot_expConst_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB.png r1 manage 26.5 K 2020-06-22 - 15:06 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB
PNGpng evPlot_expConst_fourBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 23.1 K 2020-06-12 - 16:19 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng evPlot_expConst_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv.png r1 manage 24.8 K 2020-06-12 - 16:38 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng evPlot_expConst_threeBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 23.7 K 2020-06-01 - 12:26 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng evPlot_fourBin_expConstConst_bdtEv_update.png r1 manage 23.1 K 2020-06-16 - 12:00 OndrejKovanda update
PNGpng evPlot_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_update.png r1 manage 24.4 K 2020-06-16 - 11:59 OndrejKovanda update
PNGpng evPlot_slopeConst_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv.png r1 manage 23.2 K 2020-06-12 - 16:53 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng evPlot_slope_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded.png r1 manage 27.8 K 2020-06-22 - 15:01 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded
PNGpng evPlot_slope_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.png r1 manage 28.5 K 2020-06-22 - 14:52 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded
PNGpng evPlot_slope_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB.png r1 manage 27.7 K 2020-06-22 - 15:06 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB
PNGpng evPlot_slope_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv.png r1 manage 24.9 K 2020-06-12 - 16:46 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng evPlot_slope_threeBin_slopeConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 24.2 K 2020-06-01 - 12:29 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng evPlot_slope_threeBin_slopeLinear_bdtEv.png r1 manage 25.9 K 2020-06-01 - 11:53 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng evPlot_threeBin_expConstLinear_bdtEv.png r1 manage 25.4 K 2020-05-29 - 18:30 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng expConstEv_BDT_signalBkg_histat.png r1 manage 29.4 K 2020-07-06 - 11:02 OndrejKovanda bkg+Bs_MC_individual_fits
PNGpng expConstEv_BDT_signalBkg_histat_fixed.png r1 manage 29.2 K 2020-07-06 - 12:48 OndrejKovanda fixed-blindedStart
PNGpng expConstEv_sanityCheck.png r1 manage 21.9 K 2020-05-27 - 17:28 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng expConst_sanityCheck_expConst_bdtEv.png r1 manage 25.8 K 2020-05-29 - 17:14 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitLog_constSlope_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 60.7 K 2020-05-29 - 18:04 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitLog_expConst_constEv_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 101.5 K 2020-05-29 - 17:44 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitLog_fourBin_expConstConst_bdtEv_update.txt r1 manage 239.9 K 2020-06-16 - 12:00 OndrejKovanda update
Texttxt fitLog_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded.txt r1 manage 434.3 K 2020-06-22 - 15:01 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded
Texttxt fitLog_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt r1 manage 240.0 K 2020-06-22 - 14:52 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded
Texttxt fitLog_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB.txt r1 manage 397.6 K 2020-06-22 - 15:06 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB
Texttxt fitLog_fourBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 251.4 K 2020-06-12 - 16:19 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitLog_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 941.4 K 2020-06-12 - 16:39 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitLog_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_update.txt r1 manage 501.6 K 2020-06-16 - 11:59 OndrejKovanda update
Texttxt fitLog_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 138.5 K 2020-06-12 - 16:53 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitLog_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 250.7 K 2020-06-12 - 16:46 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitLog_sanityCheck_expConst_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 387.9 K 2020-05-29 - 17:14 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitLog_threeBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 171.3 K 2020-06-01 - 12:26 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitLog_threeBin_expConstLinear_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 325.2 K 2020-05-29 - 18:30 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitLog_threeBin_slopeConstant_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 108.7 K 2020-06-01 - 12:29 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitLog_threeBin_slopeLinear_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 186.5 K 2020-06-01 - 11:53 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt fitResults.txt r1 manage 3.9 K 2020-07-06 - 11:02 OndrejKovanda bkg+Bs_MC_individual_fits
Texttxt fitResults_signalBkgHistat_fixed.txt r1 manage 3.9 K 2020-07-06 - 12:48 OndrejKovanda fixed-blindedStart
PNGpng generationInfo.png r1 manage 44.0 K 2020-06-24 - 15:56 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng generationInfo2.png r1 manage 45.8 K 2020-06-24 - 16:15 OndrejKovanda dataBkgSample
Texttxt info_entries.txt r1 manage 0.8 K 2020-07-08 - 17:58 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_constEv.png r1 manage 31.1 K 2020-05-27 - 17:56 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_constSlopeEv.png r1 manage 31.0 K 2020-05-27 - 18:26 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_constSlope_bdtEv.png r1 manage 33.7 K 2020-05-29 - 18:04 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_expConst_constEv_bdtEv.png r1 manage 33.5 K 2020-05-29 - 17:44 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_bdtEv_update.png r1 manage 33.4 K 2020-06-16 - 12:00 OndrejKovanda update
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded.png r1 manage 32.6 K 2020-06-22 - 15:01 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.png r1 manage 35.3 K 2020-06-22 - 14:52 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB.png r1 manage 33.7 K 2020-06-22 - 15:06 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_fourBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 33.4 K 2020-06-12 - 16:19 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv.png r1 manage 33.5 K 2020-06-12 - 16:39 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_update.png r1 manage 33.7 K 2020-06-16 - 11:59 OndrejKovanda update
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv.png r1 manage 33.5 K 2020-06-12 - 16:53 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv.png r1 manage 33.5 K 2020-06-12 - 16:46 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_fullIndep.png r1 manage 31.2 K 2020-05-25 - 12:54 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_sanityCheck.png r1 manage 31.2 K 2020-05-27 - 17:29 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_sanityCheck_expConst_bdtEv.png r1 manage 33.3 K 2020-05-29 - 17:14 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_simFit_BDTev.png r1 manage 30.5 K 2020-05-21 - 10:30 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_threeBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 33.5 K 2020-06-01 - 12:26 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_threeBin_expConstLinear_bdtEv.png r1 manage 33.6 K 2020-05-29 - 18:30 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_threeBin_slopeConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 33.5 K 2020-06-01 - 12:29 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT1ETA1_threeBin_slopeLinear_bdtEv.png r1 manage 33.4 K 2020-06-01 - 11:53 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_constEv.png r1 manage 31.2 K 2020-05-27 - 17:57 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_constSlopeEv.png r1 manage 31.3 K 2020-05-27 - 18:26 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_constSlope_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.6 K 2020-05-29 - 18:04 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_expConst_constEv_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.8 K 2020-05-29 - 17:45 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_bdtEv_update.png r1 manage 32.5 K 2020-06-16 - 12:00 OndrejKovanda update
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded.png r1 manage 33.1 K 2020-06-22 - 15:01 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.png r1 manage 36.0 K 2020-06-22 - 14:52 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB.png r1 manage 32.6 K 2020-06-22 - 15:06 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_fourBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.5 K 2020-06-12 - 16:19 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.9 K 2020-06-12 - 16:39 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_update.png r1 manage 32.4 K 2020-06-16 - 11:59 OndrejKovanda update
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.7 K 2020-06-12 - 16:53 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.4 K 2020-06-12 - 16:46 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_fullIndep.png r1 manage 32.3 K 2020-05-25 - 12:54 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_sanityCheck.png r1 manage 31.0 K 2020-05-27 - 17:29 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_sanityCheck_expConst_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.5 K 2020-05-29 - 17:14 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_simFit_BDTev.png r1 manage 31.7 K 2020-05-21 - 10:30 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_threeBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.6 K 2020-06-01 - 12:26 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_threeBin_expConstLinear_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.5 K 2020-05-29 - 18:30 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_threeBin_slopeConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.7 K 2020-06-01 - 12:29 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT2ETA1_threeBin_slopeLinear_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.4 K 2020-06-01 - 11:53 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_bdtEv_update.png r1 manage 32.1 K 2020-06-16 - 12:00 OndrejKovanda update
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded.png r1 manage 31.5 K 2020-06-22 - 15:01 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.png r1 manage 34.3 K 2020-06-22 - 14:52 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB.png r1 manage 32.4 K 2020-06-22 - 15:06 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_fourBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.1 K 2020-06-12 - 16:19 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv.png r1 manage 31.9 K 2020-06-12 - 16:39 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_update.png r1 manage 32.2 K 2020-06-16 - 11:59 OndrejKovanda update
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.4 K 2020-06-12 - 16:53 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.2 K 2020-06-12 - 16:46 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_fullIndep.png r1 manage 30.2 K 2020-05-25 - 12:54 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_simFit_BDTev.png r1 manage 29.8 K 2020-05-21 - 10:31 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_threeBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 31.8 K 2020-06-01 - 12:26 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_threeBin_expConstLinear_bdtEv.png r1 manage 31.8 K 2020-05-29 - 18:30 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_threeBin_slopeConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.0 K 2020-06-01 - 12:29 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT3ETA1_threeBin_slopeLinear_bdtEv.png r1 manage 32.1 K 2020-06-01 - 11:53 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT4ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_bdtEv_update.png r1 manage 29.3 K 2020-06-16 - 12:00 OndrejKovanda update
PNGpng massPlot_BDT4ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded.png r1 manage 29.8 K 2020-06-22 - 15:01 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded
PNGpng massPlot_BDT4ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.png r1 manage 31.3 K 2020-06-22 - 14:52 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded
PNGpng massPlot_BDT4ETA1_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB.png r1 manage 29.1 K 2020-06-22 - 15:06 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB
PNGpng massPlot_BDT4ETA1_fourBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.png r1 manage 29.3 K 2020-06-12 - 16:19 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT4ETA1_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv.png r1 manage 29.8 K 2020-06-12 - 16:39 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT4ETA1_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_update.png r1 manage 29.6 K 2020-06-16 - 11:59 OndrejKovanda update
PNGpng massPlot_BDT4ETA1_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv.png r1 manage 29.7 K 2020-06-12 - 16:53 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT4ETA1_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv.png r1 manage 29.6 K 2020-06-12 - 16:47 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT4ETA1_fullIndep.png r1 manage 28.0 K 2020-05-25 - 12:54 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng massPlot_BDT4ETA1_simFit_BDTev.png r1 manage 27.9 K 2020-05-21 - 10:31 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng poissonCheck.png r1 manage 9.2 K 2020-06-24 - 16:15 OndrejKovanda dataBkgSample
PNGpng pseudoDataGenerationInfo.png r1 manage 47.4 K 2020-07-08 - 17:57 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng signalBkgBDT_1_ETA_1.png r1 manage 37.6 K 2020-07-06 - 11:02 OndrejKovanda bkg+Bs_MC_individual_fits
PNGpng signalBkgBDT_1_ETA_1_fixed.png r1 manage 37.6 K 2020-07-06 - 12:48 OndrejKovanda fixed-blindedStart
PNGpng signalBkgBDT_2_ETA_1.png r1 manage 39.4 K 2020-07-06 - 11:02 OndrejKovanda bkg+Bs_MC_individual_fits
PNGpng signalBkgBDT_2_ETA_1_fixed.png r1 manage 39.4 K 2020-07-06 - 12:48 OndrejKovanda fixed-blindedStart
PNGpng signalBkgBDT_3_ETA_1.png r1 manage 38.1 K 2020-07-06 - 11:02 OndrejKovanda bkg+Bs_MC_individual_fits
PNGpng signalBkgBDT_3_ETA_1_fixed.png r1 manage 38.3 K 2020-07-06 - 12:48 OndrejKovanda fixed-blindedStart
PNGpng signalBkgBDT_4_ETA_1.png r1 manage 38.7 K 2020-07-06 - 11:02 OndrejKovanda bkg+Bs_MC_individual_fits
PNGpng signalBkgBDT_4_ETA_1_fixed.png r1 manage 38.7 K 2020-07-06 - 12:48 OndrejKovanda fixed-blindedStart
Texttxt simFitLog_constEv.txt r1 manage 100.3 K 2020-05-27 - 18:12 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt simFitLog_constSlopeEv.txt r1 manage 57.6 K 2020-05-27 - 18:27 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt simFit_bkgSB.txt r1 manage 190.5 K 2020-05-21 - 10:35 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng slopeEv_BDT_signalBkg_histat.png r1 manage 29.4 K 2020-07-06 - 11:02 OndrejKovanda bkg+Bs_MC_individual_fits
PNGpng slopeEv_BDT_signalBkg_histat_fixed.png r1 manage 29.3 K 2020-07-06 - 12:48 OndrejKovanda fixed-blindedStart
Texttxt valuesComp_bkgDataBlind_parametrizationCheck.txt r1 manage 1.6 K 2020-07-29 - 17:33 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_bkgDataBlind_parametrizationCheck_oldParam.txt r1 manage 1.6 K 2020-07-29 - 17:33 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_bkgMCBlind_parametrizationCheck.txt r1 manage 1.6 K 2020-07-29 - 17:33 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_bkgMCBlind_parametrizationCheck_oldParam.txt r1 manage 1.6 K 2020-07-29 - 17:33 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_bkgMCUnb_parametrizationCheck.txt r1 manage 1.6 K 2020-07-29 - 17:33 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_bkgMCUnb_parametrizationCheck_oldParam.txt r1 manage 1.6 K 2020-07-29 - 17:33 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_constEv.txt r1 manage 0.8 K 2020-05-27 - 17:57 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_constSlopeEv.txt r1 manage 0.8 K 2020-05-27 - 18:27 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_constSlope_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 0.8 K 2020-05-29 - 18:05 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_expConst_constEv_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 0.8 K 2020-05-29 - 17:45 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_fourBin_expConstConst_bdtEv_update.txt r1 manage 1.4 K 2020-06-16 - 12:00 OndrejKovanda update
Texttxt valuesComp_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded.txt r1 manage 1.2 K 2020-06-22 - 15:01 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_Blinded
Texttxt valuesComp_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded.txt r1 manage 1.2 K 2020-06-22 - 14:52 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_MC_unBlinded
Texttxt valuesComp_fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB.txt r1 manage 1.2 K 2020-06-22 - 15:06 OndrejKovanda fourBin_expConstConst_slopeLin_bdtEv_dataSB
Texttxt valuesComp_fourBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 1.4 K 2020-06-12 - 16:19 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 1.5 K 2020-06-12 - 16:39 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_fourBin_expConstLin_bdtEv_update.txt r1 manage 1.5 K 2020-06-16 - 11:59 OndrejKovanda update
Texttxt valuesComp_fourBin_slopeConst_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 1.4 K 2020-06-12 - 16:53 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_fourBin_slopeLin_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 1.5 K 2020-06-12 - 16:47 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_sanityCheck.txt r1 manage 0.8 K 2020-05-27 - 17:29 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_sanityCheck_expConst_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 0.9 K 2020-05-29 - 17:14 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_threeBin_expConstConstant_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 1.1 K 2020-06-01 - 12:26 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_threeBin_expConstLinear_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 1.2 K 2020-05-29 - 18:30 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_threeBin_slopeConstant_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 1.1 K 2020-06-01 - 12:29 OndrejKovanda  
Texttxt valuesComp_threeBin_slopeLinear_bdtEv.txt r1 manage 1.2 K 2020-06-01 - 11:53 OndrejKovanda  
PNGpng xErrorsComparison_expConst_BDTEv_bkgMC.png r1 manage 30.0 K 2020-06-23 - 16:21 OndrejKovanda xErrorsComparison
PNGpng xErrorsComparison_expConst_BDTEv_bkgMC_Blinded.png r1 manage 29.0 K 2020-06-23 - 16:21 OndrejKovanda xErrorsComparison
PNGpng xErrorsComparison_expConst_BDTEv_dataSB.png r1 manage 29.9 K 2020-06-23 - 16:21 OndrejKovanda xErrorsComparison
PNGpng xErrorsComparison_slope_BDTEv_bkgMC.png r1 manage 29.8 K 2020-06-23 - 16:21 OndrejKovanda xErrorsComparison
PNGpng xErrorsComparison_slope_BDTEv_bkgMC_Blinded.png r1 manage 29.6 K 2020-06-23 - 16:21 OndrejKovanda xErrorsComparison
PNGpng xErrorsComparison_slope_BDTEv_dataSB.png r1 manage 30.0 K 2020-06-23 - 16:21 OndrejKovanda xErrorsComparison
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Topic revision: r28 - 2020-08-24 - OndrejKovanda
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