
setup the environment

source /afs/
eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`
source  /afs/
voms-proxy-init -voms cms


from here:

install the DBS query tools

export CVS_RSH=ssh 
cvs -d `echo $CVSROOT | awk -F@ '{print $1":98passwd\@"$2}'` login 
cvs co -r HEAD DBS/Clients/Python 
cd DBS/Clients/Python

request the number of events in a collection

dbs search --query="find sum(file.numevents) where dataset=/Cosmics/CRUZET4_v1_CRZT210_V1_doubleMuonPath_v1/RECO"

Request the list of runs in a collection

dbs search --query="find run where dataset=/Cosmics/CRUZET4_v1_CRZT210_V1_doubleMuonPath_v1/RECO"

Search for a dataset given a name (with wildchards)

dbs search --query="find dataset where dataset like /Cosmics/*CRUZET4*"

to get the list only:

dbs search --query="find run where dataset=/Cosmics/CRUZET4_v1_CRZT210_V1_doubleMuonPath_v1/RECO" | tail +4

get the number of runs, together with the collection name, in a set of more than one collection:

for DS in `cat doubleMuonDatasets` ;  do 
for NUM in `dbs search --query="find run where dataset=$DS" | tail +4` ; do 
echo $DS $NUM ; 
done ; done > SUMMARY_doubleMuon_CRZ4.txt

get collection name, run number and events per run in a set of more than one collection:

for DS in `cat doubleMuonDatasets` ;  do 
for NUM in `dbs search --query="find run where dataset=$DS" | tail +4` ; do 
echo $DS $NUM `dbs search --query="find sum(file.numevents) where dataset=$DS and run=$NUM" | tail -n 1`; 
done ; done > SUMMARY_doubleMuon_CRZ4.txt


small template

lo script:

cd CMSSW_folder_on_AFS
eval `scramv1 run -sh`
cd -
cmsRun CMSSW_pset
rfcp output_file output_folder_on_castor

per lanciare:

bsub -u -q cmsprs -o /dev/null job_name


CMSSW generation

how to use cmsDriver

  • put your favorite fragment on Configuration/GenProduction/python (e.g.
  • do "scramv1 b" (not sure if this is totally needed, but it will do some preliminary checks)
  • Then do: Configuration/GenProduction/python/ \
           -s GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:1E31 \
       --conditions FrontierConditions_GlobalTag,MC_31X_V1::All \
       --datatier 'GEN-SIM-RAW' \
       --eventcontent RAWSIM  \
       -n 10 \
or GEN only: Configuration/GenProduction/python/ \
       -s GEN \
       --conditions FrontierConditions_GlobalTag,MC_31X_V1::All \
       --datatier 'GEN'  \
       --eventcontent RAWSIM \
       -n 10 \

AFS quotas

fs lq

AFS management

list my groups:

pts listowned govoni

information on a group:

pts examine govoni:vbf
pts membership govoni:vbf

operation on a group:

pts removeuser skowal govoni:vbf

set permission to a group for a folder

fs setacl -dir `find . -type d -print` -acl <username> rlidwka


per trovare le eccezioni perse in cmssw

gdb --args cmsRun
b '__cxa_throw'

usage of SVN server for CMS documents

svn co -N svn+ssh:// EGM10-003
cd EGM10-003/
svn update utils
svn update -N notes
svn update notes/EGM-10-003
eval `./notes/tdr runtime -csh`  (or -sh)
cd notes/EGM-10-003/trunk
# in trunk dir you'll find EGM-10-003_V1.tex
# once modified use command
tdr --style=pas b EGM-10-003_V1
# the new pdf will appear in directory ../../tmp/

-- PietroGovoni - 23 Oct 2008

This topic: Main > TWikiUsers > PietroGovoni > UsefulCommands
Topic revision: r8 - 2010-11-09 - PietroGovoni
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