Proton Synchrotron Straight section pictures

SS50 PR.SS50 Layout database

On the right half of the blue table an octupole magnet. Completely at the right a pneumatic vacuum sector valve.

SS51 PR.SS51 Layout database

An accelerating radio frequency cavity, part of the 10MHz system. The top, under the red hatch, contains the actual ferrite-loaded cavity, while the blue bottom section contains the power amplifier. At the left of the cavity, between the pole pieces of the bending magnet, a pick-up of the radial beam position control.

SS52 PR.SS52 Layout database

Not visible, a SEM grid sits in the pumping manifold on the left. Sextupole PR.XSK52 added in Straight Section 52, as described in ECR: 1250605 Octupole magnet PR.ODN52.A added in Straight Section 52, as described in PS-MONAA-EC-0001. Existing Octupole in the Straight Section renamed PR.ODN52.B.

SS53 PR.SS503 Layout database

On the blue table, dipole magnet PE.BSW57, used to produce an orbit bump in SS57. At the left, between the pole pieces of the bending magnet, one of the pick-ups of the orbit measurement system (CODD).

SS54 PR.SS54 Layout database

At the left, between the pole pieces of the bending magnet, a SEM grid. On the blue table, a wire scanner.

SS55 PR.SS55 Layout database

At the left, between the pole pieces of the bending magnet, one of the pick-ups of the orbit measurement system. The white objects on the blue table are sextupole magnets. The object in between is an octupole.

SS56 PR.SS56 Layout database

An accelerating radio frequency cavity, part of the 10MHz system. The red top contains the tunable ferrite-loaded cavity, and the blue bottom holds the power amplifier.

SS57 PR.SS57 Layout database

At the left, between the pole pieces of the bending magnet, one of the pick-ups of the orbit measurement system (CODD). The device on the white table is magnetic septum SMH57, which handles slow extraction of protons to the East Hall.

SS58 PR.SS58 Layout database

Sextupole PR.XSK58 added in Straight Section 58, as described in PS-MX_AA-EC-0001. Despite what the number on the blue table says, this really is SS58. The floor still carries the marks of the ejection septum SMH58 which used to be here.

SS59 PR.SS59 Layout database

On the blue table, horizontal dipole magnet PR.BSW57, serving to produce an orbit bumps in SS57.


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Pictures: Courtesy of Maximilien Chefdeville & Simon Mataguez
Updated: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 @ 01:37pm
Copyright CERN