Leptoquark Analysis in CMSSW_3XY


Description of Several Calibration Tests

CSC Global Runs

Starting in June 2006 we are taking global runs together with the other subdetectors. You find a list of runs where CSCs were present in CSC_runs.txt. The latest runs are listed first, you will find some information about the trigger (as far as it was recorded in the elog shift and CSC pages), about the magnetic current when the runs were taken (from the Run Summary pages) and there are histograms from Michael Schmitt's analysis for some of the runs here. The EMU DQM web page shows published results for CSC global runs as well.

Calibration Runs Specifics

RunNumber Type Short Description Magnet Status HV on/off Problems/Conditions
200 Crosstalk ME2 320 events, 20 pulses for each strip off off  
201 Gains ME2 3200 events,10 different amplitudes, 20 pulses/amplitude off off  
202 Noise matrix ME2 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off  
203 Crosstalk ME3 320 events, 20 pulses for each strip off off  
204 Gains ME3 3200 events,10 different amplitudes, 20 pulses/amplitude off off  
205 Noise matrix ME3 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off  
206 Noise matrix ME1 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off  
207 Crosstalk ME1 320 events, 20 pulses for each strip off off  
208 Crosstalk ME1 320 events, 20 pulses for each strip off off  
209 Noise matrix ME1 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off  
209 Gains ME1 3200 events,10 different amplitudes, 20 pulses/amplitude off off  
210 Gains ME1 3200 events,10 different amplitudes, 20 pulses/amplitude off off  
1070 Crosstalk ME2 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off  
1071 Gains ME2 3200 events,10 different amplitudes, 20 pulses/amplitude off off  
1072 Noise matrix ME2 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off  
1073 Crosstalk ME3 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off  
1074 Gains ME3 3200 events,10 different amplitudes, 20 pulses/amplitude off off  
1075 Noise matrix ME3 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off  
1076 Crosstalk ME1a 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off  
1077 Gains ME1a 3200 events,10 different amplitudes, 20 pulses/amplitude off off  
1078 Noise matrix ME1a 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off  
1079 Crosstalk ME1b 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off  
1080 Gains ME1b 3200 events,10 different amplitudes, 20 pulses/amplitude off off  
1081 Noise matrix ME1b 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off  
106 Saturation ME1b 7680 events, 20 different amplitudes, 20 pulses for each off off  
During MTCC phase I:
RunNumber Type Short Description Magnet Status HV on/off Problems/Conditions
20001 Crosstalk ME1a 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off  
20002 Crosstalk ME1b 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off  
20003 Crosstalk ME2 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off  
20004 Crosstalk ME3 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off  
20005 Gains ME1a 3200 events,10 different amplitudes, 20 pulses/amplitude off off CFEB L1A Mismatch , InRDctrl Error, DMB Error, Sync Lost
20006 Gains ME1b 3200 events,10 different amplitudes, 20 pulses/amplitude off ON DDU error showed up as in run 2005
20021 Crosstalk ME2 320 events 20 pulses for each strip ON off went into error
20022 Crosstalk ME3 320 events 20 pulses for each strip ON off  
20023 Crosstalk ME1a 320 events 20 pulses for each strip ON off  
20024 Crosstalk ME1b 320 events 20 pulses for each strip ON off  
20025 Noise matrix ME2 1000 events, 0 amplitude ON off  
20026 Noise matrix ME3 1000 events, 0 amplitude ON off  
22 Saturation ME1a 7680 events, 20 different amplitudes, 20 pulses for each off off starting at 3V up to 7.8V
During MTCC phase II:
RunNumber Type Short Description Magnet Status HV on/off Problems/Conditions
500 Crosstalk ME3 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off pre_end_block=6
503 Crosstalk ME2 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off pre_end_block=6
504 Crosstalk ME1b 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off pre_end_block=6
505 Crosstalk ME1a 320 events 20 pulses for each strip off off pre_end_block=6
506 Gains ME1a 3200 events,10 different amplitudes,20 pulses for each strip off off pre_end_block=6
508 Gains ME1b 3200 events,10 different amplitudes,20 pulses for each strip off off pre_end_block=6
504 Gains ME2 3200 events,10 different amplitudes,20 pulses for each strip off off pre_end_block=6
505 Gains ME3 3200 events,10 different amplitudes,20 pulses for each strip off off pre_end_block=6
511 Noise matrix ME1a 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off pre_end_block=6 ,large values
512 Noise matrix ME1b 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off pre_end_block=6,large values
513 Noise matrix ME2 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off pre_end_block=6,large values
514 Noise matrix ME3 1000 events, 0 amplitude off off pre_end_block=6,large values
517 AFEB thresholds ME1a 2872 events off off partial run

Database related operations

Reading back objects from database
Writing objects payloads to database ( Only for Experts !!! )
Dropbox Method
Calibration Tags
Bad Chambers, Strips and Wires

Other CSC objects

Dead Chambers

Are important only for simulation, in real data there are no hits from these chambers. A tag is needed by reconstruction though!!

Tags: CSCBadChambers_none_FiveLiveME42PLUS: no chambers are dead, except for ME4/2 with the exception of ME+4/2/9 to ME+4/2/13 which are Live - IOV 1 to Inf.

CSCBadChambers_CRAFT_KillAllME42_offline - IOV 1 to Inf.

At startup we will have one extra chamber killed compared to the tag CSCBadChambers_none_FiveLiveME42PLUS: ME+1/2/15 (will not be included in MC since pre-production already started!)

CSCBadChambers_2009_v1_hlt - IOV 1 to 121944 and IOV 121945 to inf contains ME+1/2/15, ME+1/1/20 and ME-1/1/34 on top of the missing ME+/-4/2 chambers. We will start 2010 with those!

In CRAFT 2008 data: All ME42 chambers are killed. We have the following extra chambers being killed:

Chamber    ChamberID
-4/1/4           454
-4/1/3           453
-4/1/2           452
-3/2/24          438
-3/2/23          437
-3/2/19          433
-2/2/5           365
-2/1/15          357
-1/4/31          265
-1/4/22          256
-1/4/16          250
-1/4/4           238
-1/3/29          335
-1/2/3           273
-1/1/22          256
-1/1/4           238
+4/1/15          231
+3/2/36          216
+3/2/35          215
+3/2/34          214
+3/2/33          213
+3/2/21          201
+3/2/2           182
+3/2/1           181
+3/1/18          180
+3/1/17          179
+3/1/2           164
+3/1/1           163
+2/2/36          162
+2/2/35          161
+2/2/34          160
+2/2/33          159
+2/2/32          158
+2/2/31          157
+2/2/30          156
+2/2/29          155
+2/2/28          154
+2/2/27          153
+2/2/18          144
+2/2/14          140
+2/2/2           128
+2/2/1           127
+2/1/18          126
+2/1/17          125
+2/1/16          124
+2/1/15          123
+2/1/14          122
+2/1/1           109
+1/4/26           26
+1/4/23           23
+1/4/21           21
+1/4/20           20
+1/4/19           19
+1/4/13           13
+1/4/8             8
+1/3/16           88
+1/3/15           87
+1/2/15           51
+1/2/9            45
+1/1/21           21
+1/1/20           20
+1/1/19           19
+1/1/13           13

Bad Strip Channels

Important in real data, not used in simulation!

From Run 100000 to most recent (in data):

Chamber          Channels
+2/1/03            49-64
+2/2/15            65-80
+3/2/19            65-80 
-2/2/03            17-32
-3/1/13            33-48
-4/1/01            33-48

From Run most recent on (in data):

Chamber          Channels
+2/1/03            49-64
+2/2/15            65-80
+3/2/19            65-80
-2/2/03            17-32
-3/1/13            33-48
-4/1/01            33-48
+3/1/07            33-48

Bad Wire Channels

Important in real data, not used in simulation!
Chamber          Channels
+3/1/08            65-96
-2/2/22            29-40
-2/2/06            41-52
-3/2/03            17-28

Calibration sqlite files in CASTOR

Several sqlite files have been copied to /castor/
File name                    Tag name
DB2009Aug1.db                 _aug1
DB2009Aug2.db                 _aug2
DB2009Aug3.db                 _aug3
DB2009Aug4.db                 _aug4
DB2009Aug5.db                 _aug5
DB2009July.db                 _july
DB2009_06_18.db               _hlt
There are also the goodXXX.dat files there from which the above sqlite files have been created.

Calibration Constants Validation Results

Validation Steps

Differences per channel for each test

As a first step in the validation procedure a comparison between values is done channel by channel, for all tests. As the base line we take the calibration values from October/September 2008 and compare all later ones against. Old constants are values from September/October 2008.

January 2010 results: The DMB firmware has been upgraded to handle the timing of the CFEB data differently. The crosstalk is affected!


October 2008 - February 2009 (Run 73712)

Missing 18.96% of the channels in Run 73712.

diffPedsOct_Feb.gif IndexDiffPeds_Oct_Feb.gif

October 2008 - June 2009 (Run 100122)

Missing 0.18% of the channels in Run 100122.

diffPedsOct_June.gif IndexDiffPeds_Oct_June.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run 106847)

Missing 11.4% of the channels in Run 106847.

diffPedsOct_Aug.gif IndexDiffPeds_Oct_Aug.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run106784)

Missing 14.5% of the channels in Run 106784.

diffPedsOct_Aug2.gif IndexDiffPeds_Oct_Aug2.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run109891)

This one will be used as the latest payload in DB, IOV starts at Run 111722 -> Inf,tag name CSCDBPedestals_hlt !
Missing 2.1% of the channels in Run 109891.

diffPedsOct_Aug3.gif IndexDiffPeds_Oct_Aug3.gif

August 2009 Set 3 - August 2009 Set 4 (Run111373)

Reference run is now Run109891!!
Missing 2.91% of the channels in Run 111373.

diffPedsAug3_Aug4.gif IndexDiffPeds_Aug3_Aug4.gif

August 2009 Set 3 - August 2009 Set 5 (Run112487)

Reference run is now Run109891!!
Missing 1.98% of the channels in Run 112487.

diffPedsAug3_Aug5.gif IndexDiffPeds_Aug3_Aug5.gif

December 17, 2009 (Run124326) - DB values from August 2009

Missing 2.91% of the channels (not counting the new 5 chambers on ME4/2).
diffPedsOct-Dec1.gif diffPedsOct-Dec2.gif

January 30, 2010 (Run126162) - DB values from August 2009

Missing 22.7% of the channels (counting the new 5 chambers on ME4/2).
diffPedsOct-Jan2010_2.gif diffPedsOct-.Jan2010gif


October 2008 - February 2009 (Run 73709)

Missing 19.3% of the channels in Run 73709.

diffGainsOct_Feb.gif IndexDiffGains_Oct_Feb.gif

October 2008 - June 2009 (Run 100121)

Missing 0.6% of the channels in Run 100121.

diffGainsOct_June.gif IndexDiffGains_Oct_June.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run 106778)

Missing 11.8% of the channels in Run 106778.

diffGainsOct_Aug1.gif IndexDiffGains_Oct_Aug1.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run 106841)

Missing 11.7% of the channels in Run 106841.

diffGainsOct_Aug2.gif IndexDiffGains_Oct_Aug2.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run 109889)

This one will be used as the latest payload in DB, IOV starts at Run 111722 --> Inf, tag name CSCDBGains_hlt !
Missing 2.5% of the channels in Run 109889.

diffGainsOct_Aug3.gif IndexDiffGains_Oct_Aug3.gif

August 2009 Set 3 - August 2009 Set 4 (Run 111370)

Reference is now Run 109889!!!
Missing 3.16% of the channels in Run 111370.

diffGainsAug3_Aug4.gif IndexDiffGains_Aug3_Aug4.gif

August 2009 Set 3 - August 2009 Set 5 (Run 112484)

Reference is now Run 109889!!!
Missing 1.53% of the channels in Run 112484.

diffGainsAug3_Aug5.gif IndexDiffGains_Aug3_Aug5.gif

December 17, 2009 (Run124318) - DB values from August 2009

Missing 2.76% missing of all channels processed in the original run.

diffGainsOct-Dec1.gif diffGainsOct-Dec2.gif

January 30, 2010 (Run126157) - DB values from August 2009

Missing 12.9% of all channels missing.

diffGainsOct-Jan2010_1.gif diffGainsOct-Jan2010.gif

Noise Matrix Elements

October 2008 - February 2009 (Run 73712)

Missing 25.0% of the channels in Run 73712.

diffMatrix1Oct_Feb.gif diffMatrix2Oct_Feb.gif diffMatrix3Oct_Feb.gif

October 2008 - June 2009 (Run 100122)

Missing 10.0% of the channels in Run 100122.

diffMatrix1Oct_June.gif diffMatrix2Oct_June.gif diffMatrix3Oct_June.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run 106784)

Missing 13.9% of the channels in Run 106784.

diffMatrix1Oct_Aug1.gif diffMatrix2Oct_Aug1.gif diffMatrix3Oct_Aug1.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run 106847)

Missing 20.4% of the channels in Run 106847.

diffMatrix1Oct_Aug2.gif diffMatrix2Oct_Aug2.gif diffMatrix3Oct_Aug2.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run 109891)

This one will be used as the latest payload in DB, IOV starts at Run 111722 -> Inf, tag name CSCDBNoiseMatrix_hlt !
Missing 11.7% of the channels in Run 109891.

diffMatrix1Oct_Aug3.gif diffMatrix2Oct_Aug3.gif diffMatrix3Oct_Aug3.gif

August 2009 Set 3 - August 2009 Set 4 (Run 111373)

Reference run is now Run 109891!!
Missing 12.40% of the channels in Run 111373.

diffMatrix1Aug3_Aug4.gif diffMatrix2Aug3_Aug4.gif diffMatrix3Aug3_Aug4.gif


August 2009 Set 3 - August 2009 Set 5 (Run 112487)

Reference run is now Run 109891!!
Missing 11.60% of the channels in Run 112487.

diffMatrix1Aug3_Aug5.gif diffMatrix2Aug3_Aug5.gif diffMatrix3Aug3_Aug5.gif


December 17, 2009 (Run124326) - DB values from August 2009

Missing 9.1% from channels processed in the original run.

diffMatrix1.gif diffMatrix2.gif diffMatrix3.gif


January 30, 2010 (Run126162) - DB values from August 2009

Missing 22.7% missing channels.

MatrixJan30_2010_1.gif MatrixJan30_2010_2.gif




October 2008 - June 2009 (Run 100120)

Missing 1.45% of the channels in Run 100120.

diffXtalkOct_June.gif IndexDiffXtalk_Oct_June.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run 106782)

Missing 11.7% of channels in Run 106782.

diffXtalk_Oct_Aug1.gif IndexDiffXtalk_Oct_Aug1.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run 106843)

Missing 13.26% of channels in Run 106843.

diffXtalk_Oct_Aug2.gif IndexDiffXtalk_Oct_Aug2.gif

October 2008 - August 2009 (Run 109890)

This one will be used as the latest payload in DB, IOV starts at Run 111726 -> Inf , tag name CSCDBCrosstalk_v2_hlt !
Missing 2.4% of channels in Run 109890.

diffXtalk_Oct_Aug3.gif IndexDiffXtalk_Oct_Aug3.gif

August 2009 Set 3 - August 2009 Set 4 (Run 111371)

Reference run is now Run 109890!!
Missing 4.31% of the channels.

diffXtalk_Aug3_Aug4.gif IndexDiffXtalk_Aug3_Aug4.gif

August 2009 Set 3 - August 2009 Set 5 (Run 112486)

Reference run is now Run 109890!!
Missing 2.48% of the channels.

diffXtalk_Aug3_Aug5.gif IndexDiffXtalk_Aug3_Aug5.gif

December 17, 2009 (Run124321) - DB values from August 2009

Missing 1.12% from the original channels in the run.

diffX_SlopeL_2dim.gif diffX_IntL_2dim.gif diffX_SlopeR_2dim.gif diffX_IntR_2dim.gif

January 30, 2010 (Run126158) - DB values from August 2009

Missing 11.2% channels missing (including the five new ME4/2 chambers).

diffXtalkOct-Jan2010.gif xtalkJan30_2010.gif

Calibration Constants Monte Carlo Validation

Using existing MC SingleMuGun_Pt100.root samples in CMSSW_3_1_0_pre6 (location: /store/relval/CMSSW_3_1_0_pre10/RelValSingleMuPt100/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-HLTDEBUG/IDEAL_31X_v1/0008/), look at Resolution distributions (created using the package RecoLocalMuon/CSCValidation) for 10k events when old constants were applied (black distributions) versus new constants (red distributions). Here the simulation in both cases was done using old constants, while reconstruction was done for old constants case using old constants, for new constants using new ones - so the comparison is slightly biased.

Old constants are a mixture of simulated ("fake") values together with calibration values from September/October 2008.

New constants are taken from the June - August runs.

September/October 2009

This set of constants is currently used in the MC production 2009, having the "fixed" noise matrix elements. This set is taken as the base (old constants) to compare the new recent values against (it does contain simulated ("fake") values, plus some from October 2008 existing in the offline/online DB).

March 2009

Run 73712 (pedestal and noise matrix elements)
Run 73710 (xtalk)
Run 73709 (gains)

June 2009

SimMuon/CSCDigitizer/test/ was run - no errors.

Old constants - BLACK distributions!

New constants - RED distributions!

Click on icons to enlarge the pictures!!!

Run 100122 (pedestal and noise matrix elements)
Run 100120 (xtalk)
Run 100125 (xtalk) (used)
Run 100121 (gains)

MEP11_14.gif MEP21_32.gif MEP41_M31.gif MEM12_13.gif MEM32_11.gif
Mean and RMS differences using new versus old constants:
+11: RMS diff:  -0.00164858      Mean diff:  0.000275628
+12: RMS diff:  -0.000997409     Mean diff:  0.000592262
+13: RMS diff:  -0.000717103     Mean diff:  0.000393923
+14: RMS diff:   0.000282228     Mean diff: -0.000601639
+21: RMS diff:  -0.00061813      Mean diff: -0.000225114
+22: RMS diff:  -0.000252634     Mean diff: -0.000309146
+31: RMS diff:  -5.58794e-05     Mean diff:  0.000242051
+32: RMS diff:   0.000220597     Mean diff:  0.000172235
+41: RMS diff:  -0.00142074      Mean diff:  0.000586457
-41: RMS diff:  -0.00021784      Mean diff:  0.000470736
-42: RMS diff:  -0.0761563       Mean diff: -0.00071021
-31: RMS diff:   0.00021176      Mean diff: -7.26352e-05
-32: RMS diff:  -0.000245184     Mean diff:  5.03596e-05
-21: RMS diff:  -0.00029403      Mean diff:  2.66362e-05
-22: RMS diff:  -0.000257537     Mean diff: -0.000452696
-11: RMS diff:   5.31971e-05     Mean diff:  0.000180839
-12: RMS diff:  -0.00024581      Mean diff:  6.63081e-05
-13: RMS diff:  -0.000359058     Mean diff: -0.000117227

Conclusion - NO obvious differences observed in MC processing using the new constants.

July 2009

SimMuon/CSCDigitizer/test/ was run - no errors.

Old constants - BLACK distributions!

New constants - RED distributions!

Click on icons to enlarge the pictures!!!

Run 00000001 (pedestal and noise matrix elements)
Run 00000001 (xtalk)
Run 00000001 (gains)
MEP11_14_july.gif MEP21_32_july.gif MEP41_M31_july.gif MEM12_13_july.gif MEM32_11_july.gif
Mean and RMS differences using new versus old constants:
+11: RMS diff:  -0.00143475    Mean diff:   0.00185299
+12: RMS diff:   0.00426932    Mean diff:  -0.0028568
+13: RMS diff:   0.00225281    Mean diff:  -0.000331174
+14: RMS diff:  -0.000337437   Mean diff:   0.000359884
+21: RMS diff:   0.00029657    Mean diff:   0.000422207
+22: RMS diff:   0.00306267    Mean diff:  -0.00134518
+31: RMS diff:   0.000930123   Mean diff:   0.000813912
+32: RMS diff:  -0.000379145   Mean diff:  -0.000533974
+41: RMS diff:  -0.000992641   Mean diff:   0.00045688
-41: RMS diff:  -0.000990443   Mean diff:   0.000641695
-42: RMS diff:  -0.050738      Mean diff:  -0.00876588
-31: RMS diff:  -0.00112472    Mean diff:  -0.000150198
-32: RMS diff:   0.000557691   Mean diff:  -0.00142466
-21: RMS diff:   0.000432476   Mean diff:   0.000513159
-22: RMS diff:   0.000825189   Mean diff:  -0.000436634
-11: RMS diff:  -0.00254194    Mean diff:   0.000772043
-12: RMS diff:  -0.00173276    Mean diff:  -0.000273903
-13: RMS diff:   0.00254917    Mean diff:   0.00236999

August 2009

Use the sets below to create three sqlite files for the new constants. SimMuon/CSCDigitizer/test/ was run with all three sets - no errors.

Old constants - BLACK distributions!

New constants - RED distributions!

Click on icons to enlarge the pictures!!!

Set 1

Run 106784 (pedestal and noise matrix elements)
Run 106782 (xtalk)
Run 106778 (gains)
MEP11_14_aug1.gif MEP21_32_aug1.gif MEP41_M31_aug1.gif MEM12_13_aug1.gif MEM32_11_aug1.gif
Mean and RMS differences using new versus old constants:
+11: RMS diff:   -0.00209077       Mean diff:   0.00174327
+12: RMS diff:    0.00153175       Mean diff:  -0.00297082
+13: RMS diff:    0.00187133       Mean diff:  -0.000196116
+14: RMS diff:   -0.000412218      Mean diff:   0.000431339
+21: RMS diff:   -7.93487e-05      Mean diff:   0.000642712
+22: RMS diff:    0.00219826       Mean diff:  -0.0013163
+31: RMS diff:    0.00269988       Mean diff:   0.000173158
+32: RMS diff:    0.0002442        Mean diff:  -0.000811753
+41: RMS diff:   -0.00149136       Mean diff:   2.90975e-05
-41: RMS diff:   -3.85121e-05      Mean diff:   0.000767726
-42: RMS diff:   -0.0506895        Mean diff:  -0.0087759
-31: RMS diff:   -0.000283234      Mean diff:  -0.000138236
-32: RMS diff:    0.000301383      Mean diff:  -0.00149779
-21: RMS diff:   -0.000521407      Mean diff:  -0.000150114
-22: RMS diff:   -3.58596e-05      Mean diff:  -0.000913574
-11: RMS diff:   -0.00361998       Mean diff:   5.88417e-05
-12: RMS diff:   -0.000853762      Mean diff:   0.000310388
-13: RMS diff:    0.0023768        Mean diff:   0.00220194

Set 2

Run 106847 (pedestal and noise matrix elements)
Run 106843 (xtalk)
Run 106841 (gains)
MEP11_14_aug2.gif MEP21_32_aug2.gif MEP41_M31_aug2.gif MEM12_13_aug2.gif MEM32_11_aug2.gif
Mean and RMS differences using new versus old constants:
+11: RMS diff:  -2.63005e-06    Mean diff:   0.00197748
+12: RMS diff:   0.000276536    Mean diff:  -0.00236166
+13: RMS diff:   0.00191173     Mean diff:  -0.000191766
+14: RMS diff:  -0.000397094    Mean diff:   0.000633359
+21: RMS diff:  -0.0067188      Mean diff:   0.000618921
+22: RMS diff:   5.2996e-05     Mean diff:  -0.00249446
+31: RMS diff:   0.000820003    Mean diff:   0.000752677
+32: RMS diff:  -0.000118129    Mean diff:  -0.000674432
+41: RMS diff:  -0.00140932     Mean diff:   0.000329956
-41: RMS diff:  -0.00173697     Mean diff:  -0.000372301
-42: RMS diff:  -0.0506924      Mean diff:  -0.00877982
-31: RMS diff:  -0.000632435    Mean diff:  -0.000121141
-32: RMS diff:   0.000990249    Mean diff:  -0.00158413
-21: RMS diff:  -0.00407962     Mean diff:   0.00105638
-22: RMS diff:  -0.00100059     Mean diff:  -0.00352616
-11: RMS diff:  -0.00268783     Mean diff:   0.000132457
-12: RMS diff:  -0.0015521      Mean diff:   0.000679568
-13: RMS diff:  -0.000118971    Mean diff:   0.00154855

Set 3

This is the new payload in database as of today - August 20 2009!
CSCDBCrosstalk_v2_hlt          IOV from 111726 to inf
CSCDBGains_hlt                 IOV from 111722 to inf
CSCDBNoiseMatrix_hlt           IOV from 111722 to inf
CSCDBPedestals_hlt             IOV from 111722 to inf

For reprocessing of CRAFT09 data we will use the following tags (IOV 1 to Infinity):


Run 109891 (pedestal and noise matrix elements) 
Run 109890 (xtalk)
Run 109889(gains)
MEP11_14_aug3.gif MEP21_32_aug3.gif MEP41_M31_aug3.gif MEM12_13_aug3.gif MEM32_11_aug3.gif
Mean and RMS differences using new versus old constants:
+11: RMS diff:  -0.00477607    Mean diff:   0.00202108
+12: RMS diff:  -0.00239161    Mean diff:   0.000122377
+13: RMS diff:  -0.00132856    Mean diff:  -0.000330275
+14: RMS diff:   0.000527218   Mean diff:   1.112e-05
+21: RMS diff:  -0.00223941    Mean diff:   0.000823309
+22: RMS diff:   0.0016951     Mean diff:  -0.00131688
+31: RMS diff:  -0.000531554   Mean diff:  -0.00045266
+32: RMS diff:  -0.0017623     Mean diff:   0.000223438
+41: RMS diff:   0.000493035   Mean diff:  -0.000223317
-41: RMS diff:   0.000908501   Mean diff:  -0.000627744
-42: RMS diff:  -0.0507348     Mean diff:  -0.00876371
-31: RMS diff:  -0.00130632    Mean diff:   2.12333e-05
-32: RMS diff:   0.000967756   Mean diff:  -0.00241382
-21: RMS diff:   0.000763722   Mean diff:   0.000228545
-22: RMS diff:   0.00120249    Mean diff:  -0.000997984
-11: RMS diff:  -0.00312432    Mean diff:  -2.46398e-05
-12: RMS diff:  -0.000806041   Mean diff:   0.000432862
-13: RMS diff:   0.00474884    Mean diff:   0.00222507

Set 4

Reference is now the new database payload (i.e. Runs 109XXX).

Run 111373 (pedestal and noise matrix elements)
Run 111371 (xtalk)
Run 111370 (gains)
MEP11_14_aug4.gif MEP21_32_aug4.gif MEP41_M31_aug4.gif MEM12_13_aug4.gif MEM32_11_aug4.gif
Mean and RMS differences using new versus old constants:
+11: RMS diff:  -0.00139644    Mean diff:  -0.000270779
+12: RMS diff:   0.00152403    Mean diff:  -0.000251695
+13: RMS diff:  -0.00103626    Mean diff:  -0.000680149
+14: RMS diff:   2.63005e-05   Mean diff:   7.12506e-05
+21: RMS diff:  -0.000429198   Mean diff:  -2.77287e-05
+22: RMS diff:   4.02778e-05   Mean diff:  -0.000842406
+31: RMS diff:   0.00180122    Mean diff:   0.000109567
+32: RMS diff:  -0.00123097    Mean diff:   0.000986564
+41: RMS diff:  -0.000450201   Mean diff:   0.00118094
-41: RMS diff:   0.000866026   Mean diff:   0.00107092
-14: RMS diff:   6.31362e-05   Mean diff:   0.000206425
-31: RMS diff:   0.000179358   Mean diff:  -0.000390667
-32: RMS diff:  -0.000203677   Mean diff:   0.000370409
-21: RMS diff:  -0.00514113    Mean diff:  -0.000365721
-22: RMS diff:  -0.000690125   Mean diff:  -0.000362513
-11: RMS diff:  -0.00228136    Mean diff:  -0.000853718
-12: RMS diff:  -0.00269625    Mean diff:  -0.00129923
-13: RMS diff:  -0.00282773    Mean diff:   0.000545237
+14: RMS diff:   2.63005e-05   Mean diff:   7.12506e-05

Calibration Constants Cosmic Data Validation

A similar comparison as for MC will be done using CRAFT 2008/2009 data runs (to appear shortly). Here we have only the reconstruction step which in both cases will use old/new constants respectively, not a mixture of both.

Set 3

Run 109891 (pedestal and noise matrix elements)
Run 109890 (xtalk)
Run 109889(gains)
MEP11_14_August3.gif MEP21_32_August3.gif MEP41_M31_August3.gif MEM12_13_August3.gif MEM32_11_August3.gif
Mean and RMS differences using new versus old constants:
+11: RMS diff:   0.000353351   Mean diff:  -0.000909805
+12: RMS diff:  -0.000318795   Mean diff:   0.000369899
+13: RMS diff:  -0.000143692   Mean diff:   0.000400449
+14: RMS diff:  -7.91699e-05   Mean diff:  -0.000773348
+21: RMS diff:   0.000882283   Mean diff:   0.000446148
+22: RMS diff:   0.000380889   Mean diff:   0.000180686
+31: RMS diff:   0.000666365   Mean diff:  -0.000179651
+32: RMS diff:  -0.000357822   Mean diff:  -0.000496544
+41: RMS diff:   0.00109999    Mean diff:  -0.00058919
-41: RMS diff:   0.00348757    Mean diff:  -0.0022265
-14: RMS diff:  -0.00157802    Mean diff:  -0.00013101
-31: RMS diff:   0.000870258   Mean diff:   0.000123135
-32: RMS diff:   0.000182077   Mean diff:   0.000168866
-21: RMS diff:  -0.00112371    Mean diff:   0.000469964
-22: RMS diff:   0.000232831   Mean diff:   2.62776e-05
-11: RMS diff:   0.0015541     Mean diff:  -0.00149995
-12: RMS diff:  -0.000395477   Mean diff:  -0.000118893
-13: RMS diff:  -0.000679396   Mean diff:  -2.76263e-05
+14: RMS diff:  -7.91699e-05   Mean diff:  -0.000773348

Comparison of Resolutions Using Separate Calibration Constants

Res_A124J_p1.gif Res_A124J_p2.gif Res_A124J_p3.gif Res_A124J_p4.gif Res_A124J_p5.gif
  • Resolution histograms generated using the July, Aug 1, Aug 2, Aug 4 calibration constants:

-- OanaBoeriu - 12 Aug 2009

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GIFgif IndexDiffPeds_Oct_Aug.gif r1 manage 8.0 K 2009-08-11 - 09:58 OanaBoeriu  
GIFgif Res_A124J_p1.gif r1 manage 25.8 K 2009-09-02 - 13:45 UnknownUser Resolution histograms generated using the July, Aug 1, Aug 2, Aug 4 calibration constants
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GIFgif Res_A124J_p3.gif r1 manage 25.3 K 2009-09-02 - 13:56 UnknownUser  
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