ATLAS Software Workshop Minutes

LBNL, Berkeley, 09 May - 13 May 2000

Day Time    
Mon 14:00 Topic Workshop on XML detector description
References Agenda, minutes, slides: HTML
Tue 09:00 Topic Framework tutorial
References Agenda, slides: HTML
Wed 09:05 Topic C. Tull: Welcome
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Welcome to Berkeley
  • Dinner
  • E-mail facilities: 51L after Wednesday noon
Wed 09:15 Topic N. McCubbin: Introduction, workshop agenda
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Welcome to software workshop, thanks to hosts
  • Topics: Architecture (tutorial, session), world-wide computing incl. Grids
  • Good start with XML detector description workshop and framework tutorial
Wed 09:25 Topic F. Gianotti: Physics aspects: Introduction, milestones
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF
  • MC: Generators being interfaced to HepMC++ and to framework
  • Atlfast: Full OO design going on; milestone: prototype ready and interfaced to framework autumn 2000, by the same time old version available in framework; hence by autumn 2000, physics groups can run MC generators and fast simulation in new environment
  • Deadline: Atlas week February 2001, physics workshop June 2001 (full validation)
  • Physics validation of Geant4: Comparison of test beam data with G4 data ongoing, revealing some problems that are being investigated, profiting from huge experience in Atlas. Most problematic area: hadronic interactions at low energy. Dedicated meeting in May 2000 at CERN. Deadlines: G4 physics workshop in October 2000, physics workshop in June 2001, full validation (= replace Geant3) by end 2001
  • Requirements on simulation: G3 and G4 simultaneously available with same geometry to allow for direct comparisons; Fluka interfaced to Atlas geometry (project started)
  • Intermediate simulation (perhaps with shower parametrisation)?
  • Reconstruction: new reconstruction in framework by end 2000; by that time scale access to data in Objectivity required, then combined performance groups can start to use reconstruction in new framework and validate the Physics TDR results. Aim is for full validation by end 2001
  • 2001: MDC 0 (test of full functionality of the full chain); end 2002: MDC 1 (0.1%), physics contents to be defined (low or high luminosity); 2003: MDC 2; 2004: 'Readiness document'
  • Q: Is there room for a 10M jets test? A: Depends crucially on how the trigger will be simulated
  • Q: Will distributed computing be exploited for the mock data challenge? A: Yes, for MDC 1 and MDC 2, but events will not be split
Wed 9:50 Topic I. Hinchliffe: MC generators and HepMC++
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF
  • Each generator exists as external package in repository. Aim is to find one person per generator/package for maintenance. General purpose: Herwig, Isajet, Pythia; special purposes: Phojet, higher order QCD processors
  • Standard interface: HepMC, also between generators and decay packages. Need StdHep for old Fortran generators, to exist for a few years at least
  • HepMC (Matt Dobs and Jorgen Beck Hansen): Intended as replacement for HEPEVT common block, supports modularisation of generators, event described as generic tree with particles and vertices, fairly small, provides iterators, depends on STL and CLHEP, is in repository, has its own particle data service for now. Questions: will other experiments use it? Could we ask Geant4 to use it or to provide an interface to it?
  • Difficult to find people for (trivial) maintenance tasks which are considered not rewarding. Consequence is private copies everywhere, work gets done over and over again, we are still using very old versions, packages become orphans
  • Integration: output from all generators in common format; use one generator for high-pt and another one for minimum bias; read events from file or generate them on the fly; set parameters at run time; write selected parts of event. Class diagrams for generator modules
  • Status: EventService for generating events to come very soon, single particle gun, Isajet done, Phojet almost done, Pythia requires more work (estimate 15 June 00), Herwig (estimate September 00). Generator level filter example to come, waiting for framework to provide event persistency
  • Actions: integration in cvs repository (where?), integration into releases, particle data services
  • Open issues: Random number management and storage (common service for all generators), integration of special purpose decay MC; what to do with K_S and Lambda? Probably decay in generator
  • Q: If HepMC is general and not confined to Atlas, it should not inherit from ContainedEvent. A: It does not - a different way has been found
  • Q: What's the issue about the particle class? A: Full access to PDG data aimed for. Will be looked at by A-team
  • Q: Very important to provide merging of events at different levels. A: Fully being considered
  • Q: How difficult would it be to interface HepMC to Geant4? A: Not expected to be a major operation
Wed 10:15 Topic P. Clarke: Status of ATLFAST integration into Gaudi
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • History: re-engineer Atlfast++ into OO, remove Root dependencies, standalone, later integration into Gaudi
  • After last A-team meeting: Full integration into Gaudi immediately, current Atlfast++ functionality as starting point (very little design work to do)
  • Reminder of Atlfast++ structure
  • Working decisions: keep basic concept of Makers, each of which will become a Gaudi algorithm; each maker to be re-designed into OO. De-couple detector simulation, reconstruction, and histogramming, and remove knowledge of makers about each other (communication via TDS). Keep output in same structure
  • Will make development of new makers much easier
  • Histograms and user analysis are just considered other algorithms in Gaudi
  • Status: task now completely defined, example algorithm (electron maker) written, need to get it to run in Gaudi, then more algorithms (CellMaker, ClusterMaker, MuonMaker) to follow
  • Work in parallel (perhaps, but not necessarily, for September): More complete long term user requirements collection
  • For each maker: upgrade to include improvements of Fortran versions; add knowledge from other users (preferably by enabling them to do it themselves)
  • Planning matches the physics coordination timescale
  • Q: What do you plan to set the many parameters in Atlfast? Do you consider XML? A: For the moment, there are "hardwired" defaults, and the setting would be done via the jobOptions file
  • Q: Would it be possible to use other offline jet finders than the one now in Atlfast? A: Yes, but this may require some work, not clear for September
  • Q: Why did you not start from the C++ version not coupled to Root? A: It was lacking quite some physics functionality as compared with the Root version
  • Q: Does the separation of generation / reconstruction / histogramming have any performance implication? A: This will be studied, and potential performance problems will be addressed then
Wed 10:50 Topic K. Amako: Status of Geant4 physics validation
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Validation project has just started, in simulation session on Thursday there will be a few related talks
  • Two related activities: Collaboration project with G4 team, internal activities in Atlas
  • Collaboration with G4 team: G4 calling for 'expression of intent', aim for comparison projects with experimental groups which would be the prime projects for 2000. Constraints: projects last 6 months at most, only few activities at a time, avoiding duplication but covering most aspects relevant to the experiments. Atlas interested (EM barrel, Had endcap and forward, Had barrel), tests had started in Atlas independently. Significant manpower involved. Atlas requested that these projects must not prejudice other areas where action by the Geant4 team is needed
  • Other experiment replies: ESA (low energy proton scattering), BaBar (dimuon data to study delta ray distributions and dE/dx), CMS (tracking detector, hadronic calorimeter)
  • No official reply yet from Geant4; issues to be discussed: how to share responsibilities, when does the project start, how to kick off the collaboration, how to proceed, ...?
  • Internal activities in Atlas: G4 comparison/validation started in most subsystems (thanks to A. dell'Acqua's courses), problems reported to Geant4 team which were considered valuable input. Subsystems' activities independent from each other so far
  • Geant4 physics meeting in Atlas proposed (geometry, results of comparisons with Geant3 and test beam data, which test beam data exist, ...) First meeting to take place on May 18 at 09:00 h at CERN
  • Q: Is the XML detector description work being discussed somewhere? A: The meeting of May 18 should concentrate on Geant4 validation
  • Q: Are there efforts to design a G4 application for Atlas? A: Will be discussed in the simulation session
  • Q: Will the comparisons of G3/G4 geometries be a topic in the meeting? A: Yes
Wed 11:10 Topic RD Schaffer: Status of digits and hits from Geant3
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Global planning: G3 digits available April 2000, G3 hits available July 2000
  • Digits: classes defined for digits and containers, definition of identifiers, minimal amount of detector description information in order to make sense of the data. User testing needed
  • ID: digits available since early 1999 (pixel/SCT being checked now). LAr EM, HEC available since mid 1999, FCAL only partially done (awaiting tube to channel mapping). TileCal available since 0.0.41, being checked. Muons: MDT (since 1999), RPC (since 0.0.41), checks in reconstruction under way; TGC, CSC remain to be done. High priority for FCAL (Simion, Schaffer) and TGC (Goldfarb et al)
  • Hits: two elements: Hits classes and containers, hits to digits transformation. Hits classes and containers straight-forward. ID: Schaffer, Bentvelsen(?), LAr (Schaffer, Simion), TileCal (Solodkov), Muons (Goldfarb et al). End July milestone looks reasonable
  • Hits to digits transformation to be organised in subsystems, should be done after migration of hits and digits to full-fledged TDS objects. Both items to be taken note of in the plan. Migration after the September release?
  • Pileup requirements to be discussed - should something special be done for G3, or should we wait for general hits and digits?
  • Q: For FCAL, do we want x/y or r/phi geometry? A: x/y. Should be done by June
  • TGCs will take a couple of months still. Limiting factor is the detector description, some shortcut perhaps possible
  • Taking new people on board takes a long time because of the required training
  • The purpose of G3 hits is to do pile-up; we need the facility to produce pile-up of G3 hits and digitise afterwards
  • Time and memory consumption for pileup is a critical issue
  • Every effort will be made to meet the milestones
Wed 11:25 Topic D. Barberis: Software related activities of muon and b-tagging groups
References Slides on Muon reconstruction at Level 2: HTML, PS, PDF
Slides on b tagging at Level 2: HTML, PS, PDF
  • Muon reconstruction at Level 2: Two algorithms being developed, combination provides for powerful selection and rejections across all eta ranges
  • B-tagging at level 2: start from jet ROI, select Pixel hits compatible with tracks. Asymptotic IP resolution: ~ 30 microns. More difficult at high luminosity
  • Primary vertex search at high luminosity: histogramming method
  • Q: How are these muon algorithms implemented? A: Fortran. Q: Are there plans to migrate the algorithms to OO/C++? A: Yes, this is even unavoidable in the trigger environment. It has partly been written in C++
  • Q: Are the 23 microseconds per ROI for the muon alone, or for muon plus ID? A: Not known
  • Q: Is the offline efficiency improvement also obtained for high luminosity? A: Yes
Wed 11:50 Topic M. Bosman: Software related activities of e-gamma and jets-etmiss groups
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Reconstruction: See the reconstruction page, with the plan and the entity list
  • Jet reconstruction: basic steps: Preparation of input, jet finding (jet finder library), jet energy calibration (experimental aspects, physics aspects), jet identification (b-jet, tau-jet etc)
  • Preparation of input: treated in LAr and TileCal systems, to be presented later this week. Jet finding: new OO code being written, comparison with old software foreseen. Alternative sliding window algorithm being studied, too; activities on jet finder library starting. Jet energy calibration: algorithms exist in old framework, volunteers wanted to re-implement these in OO/C++ in new framework. Energy flow to be done from scratch. Tau-jet identification: algorithm exists in Fortran, volunteer needed for OO re-implementation
  • Et miss: Prepare input, Et miss reconstruction. Prepare input same as for the jet reconstruction. Again algorithms in Fortran exist, volunteers needed for re-implementation
  • E/gamma: Prepare input in the hands of systems, available by September. e/gamma identification: Some algorithms need further evolution, authors of Fortran code have been asked to contribute to OO implementation
  • Calibration procedures: physics processes identified, thoughts ongoing about technical infrastructure
  • Simulation: most work going on in LAr and TileCal systems. G4 validation considered very important. Shower parametrisation starting, volunteers needed to obtain a detailed understanding
  • Other aspects treated in working groups: Physics studies, e/jet separation etc serving as benchmarks for studies of new software. Aim is to massively develop and use the new code
  • Q: Was it considered to include tracks into the jet finding? A: Not yet, but this will happen in the Energy Flow effort
  • Q: How many people would be needed to satisfy all requirements for volunteers? A: Largest problem is in Et miss, in other areas volunteers are in sight. One or two people would make a big difference
Wed 14:00 Topic Data base, event, detector description
Minutes:  Plain text
Slides:  D. Malon: Atlas database work plan: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  RD Schaffer: Discussion on notes for Id's, hits and digits: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  S. Bentvelsen: Status of the Atlas detector description: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  S. Goldfarb: Muon database status and plans: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  RD Schaffer: Objy infrastructure and activities: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
Wed 16:30 Topic Architecture
Minutes:  HTML
Slides:  C. Tull: May 2000 framework milestone: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  K. Amako: Status of USDP activities: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  D. Quarrie: What Next? HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
Thu 09:00 Topic N. McCubbin: General news, status
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Not covered here in detail: architecture, platforms, CERN review of LHC computing
  • Architecture: tutorial was a big success, repeat at CERN already fully booked. Review May-prototype based on experience, assess strategic approach
  • People: Lassi Tuura has left, Chris Onions to leave in September. Leaves problems, among others, of the training coordinator, and the SRT maintenance
  • Katsuya Amako nominated simulation coordinator, will be based at CERN for a year soon. David Quarrie nominated Chief Architect
  • Main occupation of CSG has been the plan. Version available on the Web for comments. Milestones to be put in official Atlas milestone system after June CSG meeting. Early version to be shown to software panel of LHC computing review, mainly to demonstrate progress
  • CSG has discussed Fortran90 request from Saclay, recommendation to follow
  • Technical group issue: Repository policy confirmed: allow maximum flexibility for developers, early tests (nightly builds), constraints by required reproducibility. Test area closure confirmed for June 1. Medium to long term future of Atlas release tool being discussed
  • Software agreements and MOUs: variously discussed. Aim is formal commitment for a software deliverable or contribution of effort, similar as for hardware. Distinction between core software, physics oriented software, analysis software. Only the first two covered by (different) kinds of agreement. Details of this distinction still to be clarified. See Policy document, being discussed in NCB right now. Trying to pilot this with the framework
  • Q: SRT review: Is this review to address code distribution as well? A: Yes, but not with the highest priority. It is a formal requirement. Q: This should really be considered high priority
Thu 09:35 Topic H. Drevermann: Atlantis
References N/A
  • Since talk of last year: Now more events available with even more hits, with Atlantis a bug was found in the data transmission
  • Some people of UCSC joined, likely to maintain Atlantis for some time to come
  • Atlas: enormous hit density in a small spatial region (much smaller than central Aleph tracking chambers, for example)
  • Aim of event display: check pattern recognition. Adequate projections required for maximum usefulness
  • Candidates: phi/rho, phi/z, rho/z, phi/eta. All fine for Pixel and SCT. TRT barrel only phi/rho, TRT endcap only phi/z. Hence hardware construction suggests adequate projections
  • Rho/phi is good alternative to x/y to de-populate the central region and zoom into it. Compression in rho helps find steep tracks
  • Phi/theta makes pattern recognition very simple
  • 3-dimensional V plot: combining phi/rho and phi/theta. Tracks are V, opening and direction indicate momentum and charge, respectively
  • For V plot, z position of vertex is required. Change by 1 mm makes a considerable effect. In the beginning: z found empirically. Not feasible with pileup events. Combination of all hits to pairs or triplets, extrapolating to rho=0 and histogramming delivers a good z position information
  • V-plot still far too much populated for pile-up event, although some tracks can be found. Density distribution (layers in phi versus eta, good for barrel and endcaps) can be used to suppress hits which do not belong to tracks. Density distributions take rounding effects into account. Low momentum tracks (< 1 GeV) are lost this way
  • Recovery of low momentum tracks: Perigee parameters (phi', eta' chosen such that they are constant). Different parameters select different momentum regions
  • Can be used for comparisons of different tracking algorithms
  • Event with two jets and two muons identified correctly
  • Some low-momentum isolated muons (1.6 GeV) not passing the filter, due to wrong z (gap between stereo angle layers)
  • Pattern recognition check on a track by track basis: direct comparison (via picture), or any algorithm against filtered picture
  • Data flow: Atlantis reads XML files written by Paso/Gaudi or any other program, interim storage before Atlantis works with the event. Direct event transmission from other programs implemented, too
  • Next: include calorimeter data (complex task - ECAL started), muon detector data (first ideas), full tracks and track extrapolation, visualisation of secondary vertices (Dali as starting point), momentum space rather than real space, 4-momentum calculations and jet finding
  • Gary Taylor started to migrate the Fortran code to Java
  • Hans available for hands-on and discussion in the Perseverance Hall today and tomorrow afternoon
  • Q: What about the inhomogeneous field? A: Data are required. The V plot will survive (Vs will just be a little curved), but there are questions about the filter. If there are significant changes in rho-z, effect may be more difficult
Thu 11:15 Topic H. Meinhard: The Atlas Computing PLAN
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
Gantt chart: PDF
Task report: PDF
  • Motivation: external (CERN review of LHC computing, LHCC, Executive Board/TC), internal (understand project, check timing, software agreements and MOUs)
  • Basis: Project Breakdown Structure (= work breakdown structure), governs schedule
  • Outline of PBS
  • Schedules using Microsoft Project: Gantt charts, task reports (the latter showing explanatory notes)
  • Planning until end 2001 much more detailed. Two major cyles identified (one until end 2001, one until end 2003). Driving events: TDRs, MDCs, MOUs
  • Work ongoing, current version incomplete, probably contains inconsistencies and errors
  • Next: dependencies, resources, identify and classify milestones, implement follow-up
  • Help of everybody needed to fully benefit from the work
  • Q: Make sure responsible persons can maintain their part of the schedule themselves. A: That is foreseen
  • Project 2000 may help with some of the technical aspects mentioned
Thu 11:50 Topic G. Poulard: Technical Group Issues
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Presenting slides prepared by Maya Stavrianakou
  • Repository policy: Policy document updated
  • External software: inside the repository (sometimes only as stub pseudopackage for SRT control), outside
  • Platforms: RedHat 5.1 phased out, 6.1 now default. AIX dropped earlier this year. Digital and HP under discussion
  • Releases: fortnightly developer releases, nightly builds of head; some improvements being worked on
  • Production release 1.0.0: not tested as extensively as hoped for
  • Release tools: maintenance problem due to departure of Lassi (same for cvs server, atlas-sw web server etc)
  • Technical Group issues: documentation for users and developers, support for Java being addressed; forwarded to other bodies: naming conventions, garbage collection, setup scripts, exceptions
  • Q: Is it the intention that one of the supported platforms is actually available at CERN? A: There is no explicit policy, but this has been the implicit assumption. The easiest way to exploit these platforms is via the Web interface currently provided by
  • Q: We need to be a little more proactive solving the maintenance problems. A: Yes, that is understood
  • Q: For Solaris, are some packages still turned off? A: Yes, this is the case, part of which is due to the Fortran90 issue. Q: What is the plan to move to the new C++ compiler on Solaris? A: Atlas has not made an official request so far, but it is understood that our basic acceptance tests have been completed successfully. Q: Solaris 2.7 is very different from 2.6, to be considered as a different platform
Thu 14:00 Topic Simulation
Minutes:  N/A
Slides:  K. Amako: Introduction: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  M. Leltchouk: EM barrel status
  R. Mazini: HEC and FCAL status
  G. Poulard: Management of Geant3 geometry: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  T. Hansl-Kozanecka: Comments on the work plan for simulation: HTML
  K. Amako: Discussion on future organisation of activities: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
Fri 09:00 Topic T. LeCompte: Test beam requirements and requests
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Two purposes: detector development, calibration. Different time scale for interest in data, fast analysis required in both cases. Data volume typically not large
  • Detector development ongoing, working in "standalone mode". Try and get them to use the framework
  • Calibration will begin soon (TileCal in July), data must be accessible for the lifetime of Atlas. Calibration and run conditions data base required. Unlikely to need a pp event and an old calibration event in memory at the same time
  • TileCal experience with Objectivity: Wrote data in Zebra format, later convertion into Objectivity. Want to use the same analysis program both online and offline. Speed: expect 3 kHz for Tile, Objy benchmarked at 75 Hz, but measurements non-conclusive. LAr finds Objy too heavy, request Root I/O. Not obvious that Objy can't be made to work
  • Tile plans and requirements: need to move from Zebra to Atlas-wide format. Objy does not seem to be the right solution at DAQ level. Access to data with the same application as pp data. Need database for calibration and run conditions. Urgency, since data will arrive in a few months
  • Other requests: Pixels: support for adapting their code to the framework, would like to store their data at CERN. Overall: lots of interest in comparing Geant3/Geant4 data with test beam data - chicken and egg problem
  • Appeararance of data in application programs is probably more important to be stable than the physical storage of the data - nonetheless people should be prepared to re-write code
  • RD45/LHC++ is working on the infrastructure for a persistent calibration / run conditions data base
  • Need to determine a complete set of milestones for the detector description and the event
  • Q: Will you work on resolving the inconclusive benchmarking results about Objy? A: Only as far as is necessary to obtain a performance sufficient for the TileCal test beam data taking
Fri 09:20 Topic D. Malon: Database technologies for the Atlas Testbeam Software Initiative
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • For work program of the data base group, see talk on Wednesday
  • Infrastructure: Federation creation, replicas, release tools; schema management; database id management
  • RD45 tools: Session management; naming, user-owned databases; Conditions database infrastructure, HepODBMS clustering
  • Connections to control framework and architecture
  • Milestone: Oct 2000: Limited persistency in Athena
  • Q: Why can't we use the RD45 calibration / run conditions infrastructure right away? A: There are still issues about the versioning, support infrastructure still missing in detailed areas. We should probably use it as a starting point
  • Q: LAr would like to store data into Objy by October 2000, requires that Objy access from the framework is available beforehand. A: See David Quarrie's talk
Fri 09:30 Topic D. Quarrie: Architecture/framework/analysis aspects of testbeam work
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Input from event generators and physics TDR, sequences and filtering algorithms, output of histograms and N-tuples. Obviously not yet adequate for testbeam activities. How quickly can we get there?
  • Aim to integrate into TileCal testbeam work, input from Objy, mapping of detector-centric rather than event-centric view (work starting soon, timescale for availability not clear, ideally for July/August TileCal testbeam run)
  • LAr requests: Bookkeeping, persistent I/O (Objy, RootIO, timescale September for store/retrieve), detector data store, reconstruction by December 2000
  • Core for reconstruction and analysis available now; major lack is persistency (work starting)
  • Q: Does LAr want to convert from Zebra to Objy using the framework or via a stand-alone application? A: Would prefer using the framework. Basic tests being set up. Algorithm can read in directly from Zebra, but should write to Objy via the transient store
  • Guess for timescale: end May: EDM workshop; end July: first writing into Objy. Manpower available from LAr for the aspects relating to them, which needs training and guidance
  • Important to understand commonalities between systems by May EDM workshop
  • Q: LAr bookkeeping being worked on for the testbeam, hope to be ready in August or September. A: Probably not going to be discussed during EDM workshop. Q: To be understood to which extent we can address offline issues as well
Fri 10:30 Topic A. Putzer: NCB, EU grid bid
References Slides; HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • NCB mandate: articulate needs and wishes of all ATLAS institutes, follow activities relevant for WWC, advise decision making bodies, help to organise RC, WGs for specific work
  • Issues: Cern Computing Review, role of RC, interaction with Monarc, Grid activities, WWC model, SW agreements and computing MOUs, WGs
  • RC hierarchy: influenced by results of re-assessments of data model and sizes, Monarc and Grid findings, common solutions, advice from review panel, data access method, requirements from funding agencies
  • Planning for RC: Number and places of T1 centers known by 2001; Basic WWC strategy defined 2002; typical sizes of T0 and T1 defined by 2003; role of T2 centres known by 2003
  • In CTP, no decision as to how much computing will be distributed. Clear that this is very important, research needed
  • NCB working groups: (1) Interaction with Monarc (chair K. Sliwa): collect information needed to model ATLAS specific aspects, provide input for decision on RC hierarchy, computing TDR and MoU, link to Monarc; (2) Grid activities (chair: L. Perini): collect information about Grid activities, ensure information flow to collaboration, define Grid tests; (3) Regional Centre working group (chair: S. Lloyd): collect information about planning for RCs, prepare input for Computing TDR and MOU; (4) Computing model (chair: A. Putzer): Collect information needed for WWC planning, provide input to MOU and TDR, ensure that needs and problems of all countries are taken into account
  • EU Grid project: Objective: Enable the analysis of data stored in shared large-scale distributed databases. Proposal to establish high bandwidth network, demonstrate effectiveness of Grid technology for real use, demonstrate ability to build, connect and manage large data intensive computer clusters
  • EU grid will collaborate with Globus, GriPhyN, ... profiting from Globus middleware. EU Grid project focusing on rapid development. Work packages: Fabric management, networking, mass storage, global middleware services, data management, monitoring services, workload management. Application areas: Physics application, earth observation, biology
  • Objectives of work packages: demonstrate feasibility of Grid technology in HEP (MC and real data)
  • Milestones (agree with testbed milestones and Atlas MDC plans): month 12: requirements studies, co-ordination with other WP, interface with existing services; month 18: distributed MC production and reconstruction; month 24: distributed analysis; month 30: test additional grid functionality; month 36: extend to large community
  • Role of Atlas in Grid projects: Atlas fully supports projects, participates in setting up HEP applications and in designing testbed systems. Grid will take a lot of resources, need to ensure that Atlas needs are properly taken into account. Proper reporting and communication is essential
  • Q: Is there no discussion about Tier 3 any longer? A: Would be at the institute level, and hence is not necessarily an issue of the NCB
  • Q: Should the role of the Tier-2 centres not be defined a little earlier than 2003, and come as input to the grid activities? A: What is meant in the timetable is the final decision. Of course, the decision making process starts now
  • Atlas workshop on Grid to be run in June (week of June 12?) in Indiana
  • NASA project is very similar in scope and strategy to EU Grid proposal, review later this year (3rd or 4th week of September) including Globus activities
Fri 11:05 Topic D. Malon: Grids, world-wide computing models etc
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • WWC model: Tier n, RC, ..., which depends on computing activities, which depends on what is possible in distributed computing. How should the software react?
  • CTP written before "computational grids" were born - do the latter change our way of working? Grids are not only about high-speed networking
  • Atlas sizing estimates still very classical, based on assumption that the raw data will be reconstructed at CERN. Early grid milestones suggest distributed reconstruction. Need to move towards a coherent plan
  • What do we need to learn from grid R+D? How do we make software development and grid projects converge?
  • Timetable: need stringent tests by 2002, hence enough grid software must be ready by end 2001. This requires significant data base work this year. What grid software is needed at what timetable?
  • Timetables of EU grid and our MDC/TDR work not in sync, similar remarks are in order about other grid projects
  • Implications of grids on Atlas software: Important for database, some potential (smaller?) impact on the framework. Answers not entirely in our hands (grid projects go far beyond Atlas, partly far beyond HEP)
  • What next? Organisation needs to be sorted out, link between software development and NCB working groups; define what grid functionality is required when. Plan required in order to shape the grid projects
  • NCB working group and software development need to collaborate, perhaps in a common body
  • Q: Depending on what we want to achieve with MDC 1, the timing is not badly out of sync. A: The problem is that we need as much input as possible for writing the Computing TDR
Fri 11:25 Topic K. Sliwa: Monarc
References Slides, MONARC Phase 2 report: HTML, PS, PDF, DOC
  • Good simulation tool exists which helps planning the computing model. Main results: 622 Mb/s links needed between T0 and every T1, possibly the same for the links between T1 and T2; load balancing needed on data servers; care needed for load balancing at job submission stage
  • Implications on Atlas computing model from Monarc simulations: simulations assume an Object Database capable of maintaining associations between objects, and providing a uniform logical view of data. An Object Database seems to be essential to build an effective system. Regional Centres are technically useful only in case of limited bandwidth to CERN
  • Q: What would the minimum bandwidth be to make either T1 or T2 centres obsolete? A: Function of what data are accessed how frequently
  • Q: Do the simulations assume that the data are shipped to the CPU?
  • Distributed resources are less likely to be vulnerable to attacks, and the overall integral is likely to be larger than if all resources are pooled at CERN
Fri 11:50 Topic R. Gardner: GriPhyN
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Proposal to NSF ITR program, submitted in April, collaboration of scientists from Atlas, CMS, Ligo, SDSS, and computer scientists (Globus, Condor, SRB)
  • Research areas: data catalogs, transparent caching, automated data handling, resource planning, execution management, security. Expected deliverable: software toolkit
  • Grid environment: Atlas applications (Athena, simulation, ...), Tools layer (planning, estimation, execution, monitoring), Services (archive, cache, transport, catalog, security, policy), Fabric (computer, network, storage, ...)
  • GriPhyN activities in Atlas: Linkage between Athena, database, simulation, and the grid toolkits; test-bed grid
  • Timelines: Year 1: initial grid enabling services; 2: centralised virtual data services; year 3, 4: ever larger capacities; year 5: enhanced data grid tool kits
  • Atlas: integrate grid developments with software efforts; organise effort around objective deliverables and synchronise with milestones; identify suitable demonstration projects
  • Workshop planned at Indiana, tentative date: 16/17 June; aims: identify work areas, assing specific sw development tasks, develop sensible grid computing plan
Fri 12:15 Topic E. May: Particle Physics Data Grid
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Started in August 1999, originally part of New Generation Internet program, addressing long-term data management needs of HEP and NP
  • Goals: network and middleware infrastructure; tools employed: Grand Challenge, Globus, Storage Request Broker, NetLogger, PingER, Surveyor, SAM, Condor, sfcp
  • Workplan: deploying PPDG services, tests and demonstrations, development of architecture and tools - all in an iterative process
  • Deployment: Atlas US access to testbeam and MC data, CMS access to MC data, CDF run 2 data access, D0 MC data, BaBar data replication at IN2P3, Star data replication at LBL, CLAS replication and caching from JLAB
  • Testbeds: Principal testbed, local infrastructure, network measurement
  • Architecture and tools: replica catalog and data movement functions, network aware meta data cataloging
  • Why Atlas? Grid will provide a uniform and transparent interface to distributed resources; existing model environments
  • 150 GB of TileCal testbeam data used as a test case
  • See
Fri 14:00 Topic Reconstruction
Minutes:  HTML
Slides:  see
Fri 17:00 Topic Graphics
References Slides: see
Sat 09:00 Topic N. McCubbin: CERN review of LHC computing
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • Announced by Hans Hoffmann in September 1999 during Marseille LHC workshop
  • Aimed at assessing state of work, providing input for Computing MOUs, recommending common actions. First draft of report due by Summer 2000
  • Organised by steering committee and three technical panels with some overlap. All experiments represented in steering committee and in panels
  • Software panel: most active one, first (public!) session was a full week. Spirit was lively, probing, robust; appreciated by many participants
  • Major points in Atlas session: TDR software is a major and impressive achievement; keeping options open (eg. Objectivity) has supporters and critics; planning of MDC with respect to TDR questioned; communication with IT was a major topic throughout the week
  • More detailed discussion with panel on Objy/database and planning
  • Other panels somewhat less gruelling
  • Discussion about MDC in 2003, ideas about common facility with maximum affordable number of interconnects (boxes)
  • Hoped that reference numbers for computing equipment will emerge from the panel work
  • Overall report to be produced by steering committee, to be submitted to CERN DG and Research Board
  • Q: Does it make sense to hope that a large facility will be funded in 2003, and that it will deliver the insights hoped for?
  • Q: Has the Resources panel addressed the manpower issue? A: Not yet in any detail. The numbers we start from are quite similar to other experiments
  • Q: Will there be a period for public comments on the report? A: Cannot be promised, but thrust of the report will certainly be discussed
  • Q: Does the review process implicitly assume constants such as the IT staffing level? A: Not necessarily... if we insist in reasoning about it, it may have an effect
Sat 09:45 Topic S. Fisher: Tools and Java
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • XML for documentation: not much progress on the tools. DocBook advancing, but PDF is still poor. In Atlas, requirements DTD and XSL style sheet available (Lassi). How do we want to go about them?
  • Code checking: expected to be CodeWizard from ParaSoft; we will probably not need it since functionality will be implemented in Together. CodeWizard to be made available soon by SDT at CERN - suggestion to get experience with installation at CERN, and see what Together does before buying CodeWizard licenses
  • Together: 3.2 is good for C++ and excellent for Java. Interworking with Rose fine. Large memory machine required. Can we agree to use Javadoc style comments in C++ code in order to profit from the functionality Together offers?
  • Java: used some of Geant4 examples to try out interface to C++, using either Corba(ILU) or JNI. Will try and implement an Athena algorithm in Java. Suggest to make sure that new Athena developments would not go against Java. Notes being prepared on how to use Java in Atlas (coding standards, interworking with C++), and on pros and cons of Java
  • Release tools: Best strategy is not necessarily the best tool. Requirements list exists, discussions held recently. SRT: add-ons were liked, but people want an easier way to cooperate during development. Try now to achieve agreement on performing an evaluation of tools which must take into account the existing investment into SRT. CMT appears to be a strong candidate to be evaluated
  • Q: Why are we spending our time writing documentation systems? A: We don't - whenever we can find something on the market, we use it
  • Q: Why do we not simply use the current recommendation, that is to say Framemaker? A: We do. Not suggested that we decide to change now
  • Q: Are we convinced that the code checking functionality of Together will be at the level of CodeWizard? A: Java support gives rise to hope, but there is no garantee
  • Q: When will we be able to use a checking tool adapted to our C++ rules? A: Not known
  • Q: Does Java compliance imply that templates should not be used in C++? A: Not necessarily
  • Q: Is the ART effort Atlas internal, or does it involve other experiments? A: Not for the time being, after previous experience
  • Q: Should we not concentrate on interchange formats rather than the tools to produce them? For documentation, HTML would be a clear choice
Sat 10:50 Topic N. McCubbin: Platforms
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • IT suggested via Focus to reduce number of platforms. Atlas generally happy with the 'Linux + 1' proposal
  • Beginning of 2000: Atlas dropped support for its offline software on AIX
  • IT proposal to close HPPLUS, DXPLUS, CSF for all but LEP by end 2000, HP and DEC operating systems to be frozen
  • Proposal to drop support for Digital and HP for Atlas offline support by end 2000
  • Digital has a very good Fortran compiler that helps spot mistakes
  • Implications on Atlas HP machines at CERN
  • Q: Need to know what lifetime a supported platforms have. A: This has been discussed in FOCUS
  • Q: Have there been any reactions yet? A: Not yet, but we need to make a statement by May 22
Sat 11:15 Topic H. Meinhard: Workshop summary
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF, PPT
  • (see slides, I'm not going to summarise the summary here)
Sat 12:00 Topic N. McCubbin: Conclusions, closing remarks
References Slides: HTML, PS, PDF. PPT
  • Interesting and exhausting week...
  • Release of May prototype, tutorial is important success. Review will address the strategic direction
  • Encouraging progress in what we use framework for: simulation, graphics, reconstruction, ...
  • Shortage of effort in infrastructure: core, SRT, training, documentation and QA
  • Plan: delivery of first version in sight, has been useful already
  • WWC/grid: Do we understand all implications?
  • Thanks to LBNL local team, Helge, all participants
  • Craig: Thanks to all participants, NERSC and LBNL management, Roberta Boucher, Norman, Helge, ....

Helge Meinhard / May 2000
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