


  • ROOTdiaries:


01.08.2013 Matching criteria

To separate electrons, taus and jets and create successful methods one should first match the mc_truth information to the region of interest - ROI to a nearest electron, positron or photon (11. -11, 22) in PDGID and see if delta R from ROI eta and phi to the found electron are less than 0.13. For this firstly the histograms of the difference in the eta and phi should be created between found particle and the ROI eta and phi. This histograms show that the most number of the electrons, taus or jets are located within 0.13 delta R. I even think one can lower this distance to 0.1, what is also a trigger tower size.

For the searching for hadron decaying taus, taus near to ROI are searched from mc_pdgid =15 or -15 and their children are analyzed. In case the child of the tau is electron or muon, this taus will be recognized as electron trigger in the end. ( of course I would ask if somebody is doing this check)

In case electron or tau were not matched tot he ROI - then jet has to be considered as a candidate. In case jet found and it it not a tau or electron - we call it jet candidate. Although the hadron decaying tau will also create jets and this has to cause the overlapping between hadron decaying taus and jets.

the next step is to compare energies of found candidate end deposited energy in the hottest cells of the calorimeter. Somehow one can think about choosing particle candidate if the energy is higher than the sum of energies in the hottest cells of each calorimeter layers. Or as a minimum just the energy in the layer 2 - as the most energy is deposited in this layer.

Then people divide taus by tree energy ranges - why? I do not know now. The ranges are 0 - 30 GeV : 30 - 100 GeV : 100 - more GeV In the analysis time one can just trust the energy of the truth information of each chosen particle.

Then the variables can be constructed for each candidate and compared. The best separation is between electrons and jets, as taus decaying hadronically create jets - their shower profile will look very similar to jets, but still some difference is observed and playing with areas and layers energy in different calorimeters can bring the separation. The point is in my opinion that the taus are something in between electrons and jets - so a priori we are looking for some particles we want to get out jets and electrons. Confusion has to appear in my opinion.

But ok.

We want to learn how to create likelihood distributions. By making the ratio between the tau variable value to the tau variable value and background value - background value is or jet variable value or electrons contributions.

Let us do it for 3 energies:

TOP conference?

29.07.2013 Coping data from grid account

1. TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("user.hma.035270.EXT0._00118.NTUP_TRIG.root")

2. root [1] _file0->ls();

TFile** user.hma.035270.EXT0._00118.NTUP_TRIG.root StreamNTUP_TRIG

TFile* user.hma.035270.EXT0._00118.NTUP_TRIG.root StreamNTUP_TRIG

KEY: AttributeListLayout Schema;1

KEY: TDirectoryFile triggerMeta;1 triggerMeta

KEY: TDirectoryFile Lumi;1 Lumi

KEY: TTree CollectionTree;1 CollectionTree

KEY: TTree trigger;1 trigger

3. trigger->Print();

Gives output of many tree branches.

4. trigger->MakeClass("newsamples");

creates new files .cxx and .h --> In fact to replace this one to one we need the name of CaloD3PD is good.

* * Coping the data from CMSUSER1

Copy cmsusr1 directories before changing account to the atlas:










Copying files from /brmdata/brmpro/data/ctrl3/ADC/2012/

08-09.07.2013 Coding for tau

Changed the code to find hot cell in each layer of calorimeter and to get the core energy.

Goal is to see longitudinal and transverse profile of showers in case of electrons, jets and taus.

Jets are lost up to now, I have to see the function to assign the jet to ROI.

The shower profile is not yet ready!

Criteria to find jet - ( AntiKt4TruthJets_eta->at(ijet)-ROI_eta )<0.1 && fabs(AntiKt4TruthJets_phi->at(ijet)-ROI_phi)<0.1 Delta_R <0.2

Problems with jet assignments - why?

Criteria to find tau - mc_pdgid == 15 or -15 and

if(fabs(<0.1 && fabs(<0.1 )

Criteria to find electron - mc+pdgid = 11, -11, 22(photon) and

if(fabs(mc_eta->at(idpart)-ROI_eta)<0.1 && fabs(mc_phi->at(idpart)-ROI_phi)<0.1 )

I take the hottest cells in each layer of calorimeter and put them in the histograms - profiles. Do not check automatically that all hot cells correspond to each other, but watched that at least some of them do correspond to each other.

02.07.2013 Cooling information

ROD crate fully equipped and cooled with a standard fan tray and heat exchangers will have temperature from 30 to 50°C. G-Link chips has to be cooled down such that the temperature is below 35°C. Water cooling is necessary! The depressed water cooling system was adapted to ROD needs. This cooling system is designed to allow an easy plugging and unplugging of ROD boards in the ROD crates. The dropless connectors can be handled with high pressure water also allow an easy implementation of water cooling in labs for tests purpose using only water from the tap together with a mandatory cheap filter.

Each board has a dissipative power of 90 W, representing the maximum load of such a crate.

Do we have dropless connectors?

There are temperature probes placement on the ROD board just upon each G-link. These probes allow for an online monitoring of the G-link temperatures. The probes are not in contact with the radiator plate as this would bias the temperature measurement. The insulation is done by designing an aperture in the radiator plate.

Good cooling below 30 degree was obtained by 15 degree water flowing through the pipes. Thermal paste showed better temperture reduction.

water flux was tested 0.8 litr per minute maximum.

The water temperature rise is about 2°C per board. So the cooling of a batch of 4 boards is achievable when taking into account that the incoming water delivered by the depressed water station in ATLAS will be at T=14°C.

How many boards will we have over tests? For each board will be increase of temperature of 2 degree. --> Information about ROD tests --> RodExpertManual --> RodTestBenchManual --> RodTestBenchInstallation --> -->Elog ATLAS


Understand what are the cooling requirements?

How to monitor temperature of each chip after the cooling installation?

Can we get the water cooling with low amount of money? (We need good pump with filter, bottle with water, tubes and connectors for the pump and for the board.

Andreas wants to do air cooling, may work if it is for one only board installed in the middle, for several boards it will not work may be and water cooling would be good as we can pump water through several boards.

I should find the good explanation af all setup we have and label cables.

Found Jessica's log - I have to learn it too.

Too keep good reference for python -->

Where to find the same for C++ ?

I found page with collections for the upgrade studies.

01.07.2013 before 10th of July the proceedings have to be changed!

ICHEP proceedings for the FCAL - is located in the hard drive with 1TB in the folder - /media/TRANSCEND/DESY/ICHEP12/Proceedings

22.05.2013 - Philipp Grohs webpage

There is a question how to put the supercells in the transition region together. The treatment should be layer by layer and the main layers to apply f_core variable is front ( the most nearer layer to the tracker) and middle (middle layer of ECAL). Because the main shower development is happening in the front and middle layers and the deposition too.

I could imagine then treatment of bigger cells more like ratio in one direction only on eta or phi as the shower can not be larger only in one direction, if the core is small it is small in two directions!


Loop over all events histograms should go out!

I got first shower profile over two layers 1 and 2, layer 3 gave strange result - something with the mapping, why?

What is my task, how do I understand it? :

I need to find the rate of the special variable f_{core} - basically ratio between energy in 1x11 supercells and surrounding supercells. First I'm interested in which program I should do this? Areus or just buy myself?

Rate means how many of such triggers can be found, how actually they can be found? How to search for them?

I'm interested in the looking for this variable for a certain object, means I should look for taus, for example, in the truth and see what is the eta and phi of the expected tau and in the certain range to look for the hot cell and see how the shower looks there. Or I can look for the energy distribution as a function of eta and phi in respect to the central (hot) cell position.

20.05.2013 Compiling on linux CSmapClass for AREUS and LArg

error messages

The other two warning messages still remain:

Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class AttributeListLayout is available

Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class pair<string,string> is available

We think they can be ignored safely. Though, if you're worried, a hint for a possible solution:

missing branches

When running over ntuples, some error messages might appear:

Error in <TTree::SetBranchStatus>: unknown branch -> tt_LooseCut

This indicates that TVModularAnalysis is looking for the branch tt_LooseCut in the tree via one of the tree interface modules Framework/IF.[C,h] and does not find it. This is harmless unless you need this branch. In that case you should inspect the ntuple.

If some branches are present in the ntuple, though not available in TVModularAnalysis, you should check the tree interface modules Framework/IF.[C,h] and see whether they are read in or not. If not, you might need to update the module.

19.05.2013 For creating a new webpage on CERN afs

New web page was created

fs sa -dir www -acl webserver:afs read

AREUS doxygen is under next folder

Problems with reading the ROOT double vectors on windows...

On ubuntu reading 2 dim vector worked:

Folder : /home/daq/Desktop/first_sample

Command : root -l caloD3PD_from_esd_example.root

In the ROOT: caloD3PD->Process("selector.C+")

08.05.2013Setup for the ROD tests

computers - largrod3 - PC controlling trigger and data flow in the VME crate.

largrod4 - PC on which the TDAQ software runs.

1. Switch on the Voltave and then the VME crate.

2. Check that there are no red led due to broken or disconnected cables.

3. Temperature LED should go off buy the cooling.

4. Open terminal

5. cd /home/rod4/tdaq

6. sourse (this will strt ATLAS T/DAQ software)

7. wait a bit until the TDAQ starts



10. START (all in the right part buttoms should work)

11. load pannel --> LargPannel --> Data Verification tells about number of send information and arrived and errors.

Waiting for cooling)

ostinato - program to send packages

wireshark - programm to see packages send and returned and what is inside)

03.05.2013 New sample for the tau investigations


trial way to program class created for the tree, try1.C

The tree contain 5 samples with full calorimeter and truth information about generated particles. The calorimeter is presented in supercells and trigger towers.

I used scell_E for example to just plot Energy distribution and saw that energy can be negative and this is coming from the pileup and subtraction of previous events. How?

Also Eta and phy are used for the geometry desciption of cells locations:

Eta -

Phi -

scells_DetCells - location of cells in certain detector.

scells_BadCells - is now 0, but can also indicate bad cells in the calorimeter.

scells_Sigma - gives noise in the cell.

What I would lik eto see is the signals from taus in th EM calorimeter.

How E is distributed as a function of eta and phi for different particles.

25.04.2013 ISE try for VHDL

Start remtedesktopverbindung --> server-app2 then my login

Start ISE:

New project - save in appropriate place --> choose the right board - I have xilinx board 707, language - VHDL

i entered in empy project.

Create new core?

To comment a lot of lines Ctrl+Alt_C

To uncomment a lot of lines Shift+Alt+C

*VHDL basics *

Entety - just like declaration of variables, what is input and output of a module. Do not know what pin is what and does not know what is going inside the block.

architecture - that one describes what is happening inside block described by entety.

Component -

23.04.2013 How to compile C++ at windows with CygWin

1. install CygWin with C++core:

This was usefull)

2. Write simple program in C++ and compile it simple

g++ easyexample2.cpp -o easyexample2

3. Execute the programm



ATLAS event generator structure

So, i need to understand what is given in the tree of ATLAS event to get my calorimeter deposited energy values.

I have copy of ntuples in C:\Users\olga\IKTP\tau_reconstruction\Praktikum

By entering the file in the ROOT and opening the file and tree one can run MakeClass or MakeSelector and get files generate dby ROOT with the classes explaining how to use this tree.

Just to watch the tree structure one can execute next comand in the command line of ROOT:


22.04.2013 Windows for ROOT and C++

1. cmd --> your directory --> root.exe --> .x rootfile.C --> works)

2. cmd commands:

DIR == ls

3. echo %path% --> the same as in Linux)

I need it for personal page what is where located and what I did where.

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06.11.2012 Location of test pulse plot:

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